my number 2 - 11th January



Sorry this has taken so long..! i've only just started feeling better and i've only just started adjusting to having 2 boys around!! Well here goes, i'll warn you now its long, so if you dont read all of it, i wont be offended!! :flower:

Friday 8th January, I was putting Riley to bed at 8pm and as i bent down to put him in the cot, i got an almighty pain right at the bottom of my bump that went right round to my back. It hurt so much it stopped me in my tracks. At first i didnt really think anything of it till about half 8 when i was sat on the sofa with OH and i got another. It was actually him that suggested maybe i was in labour. The pains carried on coming and going for a few hours but got less painful. Getting a bit excited that this might be it, we decided to get an early(ish) night and toodled off to bed at about 11, i went to the loo and sure enough when i wiped the whole of the toilet paper was covered in yellow-y mucous that was streaked with blood, so now i was getting even more excited!!! But nothing else happened... untill 6 in the morning when i woke up, and had to run to the toilet because i knew i was going to be sick. As i was bent over the toilet, i got another almighty pain, i screamed in agnoy and OH came running into the toilet. After this, the pains kept coming every 10 mins, and i could tell that this was it. Because the pains had randomly stopped the night before, i waited till 9 to ring the mw just incase they stopped again, but oh my they didnt!!! Phoned mw who said that because of the placental abrubtion i had with Riley and because i was planning on a VBAC, she wanted me to go in to hospital so they could keep an eye on me. Not really what i wanted, but i'd much rather they kept an eye on me and bubs, so we just had to wait for mw or hospital to ring back and say they had a bed for me, and i'd be off! We managed to enjoy our last few hours as just a family of three and spoilt Riley rotten, and when it came to time to go to hospital, i didnt want to leave him and he was in floods of tears when my mum and dad arrived to look after him and leaving him broke my heart!! We got to the hospital at about half 2 and got examined almost straight away and was told i was only 1cm!! :cry: i could tell this was going to be a LONG time!! :hissy: Luckily i had a private room on the ward because i was in agony and OH said i was sounding like a cow every time a contraction came, so i was just happy that no-one else could see or hear me!! :lol: OH had to go home at 9pm and i was re-eamined at 10pm and the mw told me that because i had been throwing up all day that if things didn't progress over night if they could they would break my waters in the morning. I felt awful, i'd kept nothing down all day, not even water, i had 2 anti-sickness injections and both made me feel worse! my ribs and back were hurting from throwing up so much and the contractions were now every 4-5 mins and had me moo-ing like a cow! i tried my hardest to get some sleep, and managed about an hour in total! :cry:
The next morning, OH got to the hospital nice and early and was there helping me through the contractions! I was checked over by a doctor at 8 am and was 2cm dilated and they decided that they would be able to break my waters! I was still feeling really sick but tried to have something to eat and ended up just bringing it back up!!! At 10am i was taken down to delievery and was put on a drip and had my waters broken. But nothing came out!! My waters had deffinitely gone, but there was just no liquid!! i even got up and had a walk about to see if that helped, but no! By this time i was begging for the gas and air because the pain was killing me!! So the midwife gave me gas and air... quite possibly the best invention of all time! It didnt take the pain away, but deffinitely made it easier to deal with!!! At about 2pm after 32 hours of contractions, i couldnt take the pain anymore and needed something stronger to help me cope. I was adamant before labour that i wouldnt have an epidural, and asked for pethadine. But the midwife re-examined me and i was only 3cm and she thought this would carry on for a very long time and thought it might be better and easier for me to have an epidural. I was far too tired to care by now so agreed!!
Despite having a c-section with Riley, I was still so scared when it came to actually having to having the epidural because i have horrible fear of needles!!! But everything went great and afterwards i had the huge urge to hug the anethetist because she was the magical lady that took away my pain!! :thumbup: after about 5 hours i could feel that one side was starting to feel less numb than the other, i still couldnt feel the contractions, but i was aware that one side wasnt as numb! i didnt think anything of it untill after another hour and a half i could feel the contractions in just the lower part of my belly so i was back sucking on the gas and air, so i had to have the epidural topped up and got to lie on my side for a while which felt amazing!!
the night duty midwife came and checked me over at 10pm and i was so happy to be told that i was finally 6cm!! things were finally happening!! She said she'd leave me another hour and come back and re-examine me and she expected me to be about 8cm by that point! However, when she came back at 11 i was fully dilated and baby's head was right down!! she said she'd leave me for an hour then we'd start pushing! I was already absolutely exhausted! and i was still being sick! at 20 to 1 the midwife came back in and told me to start pushing. The epidural had started to wear off again by now and i could feel the contractions so was back sucking on the gas and air, but when the doctor came in she told me i couldnt have the gas and air any more!! after an hour of pushing i was completely knackered... started screaming and crying at the doctor that i couldnt do it! i'd had no sleep, nothing to eat and was being sick for 2 days! finally the decision was made to give me a bit of a helping hand and the doctor gave me an episiostomy but as the epidural had worn off, i could feel every second of it!!!!! i was screaming with agony! finally after a few more pushes, and with the help of a ventouse, at 2.42am on Monday 11th January, Joshua entered the world. He was thrown on my chest for all of 2 seconds before being wisked off to the paediatritian because he'd poo'd inside me and swallowed some of the meconium so they had to check everything was ok! He came back a minute later and his proud Daddy got to have a cuddle. He brought him over to me so that i could look at my gorgeous son. OH kept telling me how proud he was of me, and we both just kept smiling. All i wanted to do was sleep, but there was so much that needed to be done. I ended up loosing 700ml of blood and was left anemic and needing stitches. But once again, they seemed to have forgotten that the epidural had worn off because the doctor started sowing me up with me being able to feel it!!!! the midwife took one look at my face, could tell i could feel it and told the doctor to give me some anaesthetic before carrying on! after being sorted out and cleaned up, me, Rob and our beautiful little son were left alone for a few hours before being taken up to the post-delivery ward. I had to stay in hospital a couple of days because of the blood i'd lost. I hated not seeing Riley and for him not being able to see his little brother just yet! (due to a vomiting bug that had been going round the hospital, visiting was left to just partners!! :() but the minute we got him home he kept pointing and saying "baby"! with daddy's help he had a cuddle with his little brother, and i just burst into tears because i've never been happier!!
i'm still shattered, sore and the stupid iron tablets arent helping! but my boys are my whole world and i really couldnt be happier right now!!!

here's one of the first piccies of my new little man :cloud9:
Congrats lovely. Cant wait for piccies x

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