Hi everyone. 
Basically just need some advice and support about my parents and the father of my baby. I'm due any minute now.
Me and the father were together for 8 months and I got pregnant when we were together for about 6, we lived together and got into quite a bit of debt which we asked my parents for help for. The relationship wasn't the best, my ex didn't like me going out with friends and there were alot of money issues, him spending money on things we didn't need etc.
We split up when I was 2 months pregnant because of my parents forever giving him a hard time over the money he owed them which I know they have full right to do but they were really nasty saying that he wasn't going to be a good dad and he was a waste of space etc.
He came to all the scans but after the 20 week one I didn't hear from him again until a few days ago when he got in contact, told me he'd been depressed because he couldn't talk to me without going through my parents and he thought that he wouldn't be able to see his daughter because they wouldn't be happy about it. Anyway we met up and went for a walk and he told me how he'd been to a counseller about his money problems and his anger and his controlling behaviour and had recieved help and he thought he could be better in a relationship now. He said he has been giving his mum all his money since we last spoke to save up for the baby and has been buying things. etc etc.
Anyway I told my mum and dad and they weren't happy at all, said that they'd disown me if i got back into a relationship with him. I said I have no intention of getting back with him yet, I just want him to be there for the baby but that I won't rule it out but I will be more careful about it.
Hes said that he will give me £20-£30 a week out of his JSA but that he is going on a security course next week which has a guaranteed job at the end of it when he will give me more money, that he wants to see the baby on a regular basis and that he misses me and he regrets splitting up with me, but that he did it because of my mum and dad and couldn't take it anymore. He said soon after splitting up with me he was on anti depressants.
I want to give him the chance to know his daughter, I don't want her not to have her dad in her life but my mum and dad are making it really difficult. For instance he texted me today asking if he could see me because he wanted to give me some money and ask my opinion on some clothes that he wanted to buy for her so I met him. My mum then texted me asking where I was and I told her I was in town with him, she then met me and had a short strained conversation with him before telling me it'd be better for me to be home because I was heavily pregnant, I know for a fact that if I was with anyone else she wouldn't have made me come home.
At the end of the day I am sick of it, I'm 20 years old, about to give birth and I'm not naive, I know that it might not work out but if it doesn't at least I can say I gave him the chance?
I've had him near enough crying on the phone to me since I came home saying he thinks that i'll listen to my mum and not let him see his daughter, that we won't be able to be happy together (if that does happen in a year or so) because they won't let us. I just don't know what to do at all
sick of feeling in the middle all the time.
Any advice/suggestions?

Basically just need some advice and support about my parents and the father of my baby. I'm due any minute now.

Me and the father were together for 8 months and I got pregnant when we were together for about 6, we lived together and got into quite a bit of debt which we asked my parents for help for. The relationship wasn't the best, my ex didn't like me going out with friends and there were alot of money issues, him spending money on things we didn't need etc.
We split up when I was 2 months pregnant because of my parents forever giving him a hard time over the money he owed them which I know they have full right to do but they were really nasty saying that he wasn't going to be a good dad and he was a waste of space etc.
He came to all the scans but after the 20 week one I didn't hear from him again until a few days ago when he got in contact, told me he'd been depressed because he couldn't talk to me without going through my parents and he thought that he wouldn't be able to see his daughter because they wouldn't be happy about it. Anyway we met up and went for a walk and he told me how he'd been to a counseller about his money problems and his anger and his controlling behaviour and had recieved help and he thought he could be better in a relationship now. He said he has been giving his mum all his money since we last spoke to save up for the baby and has been buying things. etc etc.
Anyway I told my mum and dad and they weren't happy at all, said that they'd disown me if i got back into a relationship with him. I said I have no intention of getting back with him yet, I just want him to be there for the baby but that I won't rule it out but I will be more careful about it.
Hes said that he will give me £20-£30 a week out of his JSA but that he is going on a security course next week which has a guaranteed job at the end of it when he will give me more money, that he wants to see the baby on a regular basis and that he misses me and he regrets splitting up with me, but that he did it because of my mum and dad and couldn't take it anymore. He said soon after splitting up with me he was on anti depressants.
I want to give him the chance to know his daughter, I don't want her not to have her dad in her life but my mum and dad are making it really difficult. For instance he texted me today asking if he could see me because he wanted to give me some money and ask my opinion on some clothes that he wanted to buy for her so I met him. My mum then texted me asking where I was and I told her I was in town with him, she then met me and had a short strained conversation with him before telling me it'd be better for me to be home because I was heavily pregnant, I know for a fact that if I was with anyone else she wouldn't have made me come home.
At the end of the day I am sick of it, I'm 20 years old, about to give birth and I'm not naive, I know that it might not work out but if it doesn't at least I can say I gave him the chance?
I've had him near enough crying on the phone to me since I came home saying he thinks that i'll listen to my mum and not let him see his daughter, that we won't be able to be happy together (if that does happen in a year or so) because they won't let us. I just don't know what to do at all

Any advice/suggestions?