My precious little boy by emergency c section..


Mummy to baby boy..
Mar 1, 2011
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I thought I would share my birth story, it was far from what I had planned and wasnt the amazing happy story I had in mind however, my little boy is now here with us and he is worth every ache and pain I experienced... I thought I could share my story so that anyone who experiences an unexpected birth could have faith knowing that it would all be ok..

Looking back now at the weekend before Finley was born it was almost like it was our last planned weekend. I brought some raspberry leaf tea caps on Friday and started on these, I had an unusual amount of pineapple to, and me and OH "got to it" on Sunday morning (first time since I was about...25 weeks I think)! Sunday we had a proper PJ day and didnt move from the sofa - something we kept saying we would do every weekend! During Sunday i was having very painful cramping all day and the weird thing was my cats wouldn’t leave me alone! Saturday night Alfie which is my little one got right up close and cuddled all night. At the time I didnt think much of this as he usually does this but all day Sunday Samson who is more my OH's just wouldnt leave me alone and kept lying across the bottom of my belly.. I no they say pets can sense things so who knows.. maybe he was sensing that Finley was on his way..

Sunday night I was very tired but finally managed to drag my ass upstairs and finally get my bags ready.

Anyway Monday morning came and as usual I got ready and put my lotion on as I do every morning. I stood washing the lotion off of my hands and felt something dribble down my leg as I looked down a load more just came out on to the floor. It was very strange as I didnt have any control over it and I didnt feel like I needed to wee? Anyway I wiped it up and smelt it but it didnt distinctively smell of wee but did have a very slight yellow tinge. I ummed and arred about what to do but finally decided to ring my maternity unit as I thought I could pop in get checked over and go off to work. As I was under 37 weeks it was there policy that they only take on term and normal natural births so I had to ring the hospital. I did this and had to go over to get checked out. Something I wasnt keen on as I really didnt want to go there but thought it was just a check. I rang my OH and told him what had happened I said that I would pop over and let him no what was happening he asked if I wanted him to go with me so I said I didn’t think it was worth him leaving work as I didn’t no how long we’d be and I thought it was more than likely an accident and it meant him having to make time up so I said I would go alone – a decision I would later live to regret!

I got there at 9.10 and it was 11 before I was seen. A friend and his girlfriend were there also waiting to be seen her waters went that morning and she was saying how they soaked the bed. I text my OH to say I felt silly being there and was thinking of leaving. He text me back saying to stay and get seen as I may have just leaked slightly. I got called in and strapped to a monitor. They monitored me for about 45 minutes. The MW came in and said that as I was less than term usually a doctor needs to examine but as they were busy she was happy for the MW to do it. She kept popping back to look at the read out and said it was slightly off so wanted to check with the doctor about her examining me. The doctor then came in and examined me at this point she said that I was contracting whilst on the bed which I was feeling and they felt like Sundays cramps so I must have been contracting at home. She said my waters hadn’t broke and I wasn’t dilated. There is slight confusion over this as my notes say different. Anyway 45 minutes passed and the doctor said she wasn’t happy with the readings as the baby seems distressed. I asked if I should ring my OH she said that they would monitor for a further 15 minutes then we could discuss the next step and if she is still unhappy I should call my OH. About 3 minutes after this they lost his HB she shouted for the MW and asked her to change the position of the monitor – still nothing! I got asked to move to see if they could find it again – still nothing! The MW slammed the alarm. The next thing alarms were going, the MW said to me things are going to get a bit scary and lots of people are going to come over but not to worry. About 8 people came running over all shouting things I didn’t understand – I was crying to ring my OH. The MW grabbed my phone and rang Jamie. I was ran to theatre and asked all sorts of questions that I don’t have a clue what they were I was just uncontrollably crying. They plugged me back up in theatre and got his HB back but on the ward there was a period of 6 minutes where Finleys HB was less than 100 so they decided to get him out. His HB at that point was fine so they decided a spinal was do-able rather than being knocked out. My HB was going through the roof so much so I sounded the alarms in theatre. I cried the whole way through and was sobbing that I wanted Jamie to make it. They told me with the spinal, catheter and other things they needed to do it would be at least half an hour but looking back they put the drip in at 12.55 not that I remember but it was the time they wrote on the tape on my hand and he was delivered at 13.13. They handed me this baby and I’ll be honest there was no instant bond it was a baby. I remember one of the nurses shouting daddy is here – I was so relieved. It got frowned upon but I had no camera and no phone so one of the nurses used her phone to take some pictures.

I stayed the night at the hospital who were brilliant. I couldn’t move for the rest of the day as I had no feeling at all below my belly. The following day I was allowed to be transferred to my local maternity unit as Finley was healthy and passed all his tests. I arrived there about 6 on Tuesday evening. It was so much more relaxed although I wasn’t as impressed as others made out. The hospital were spot on with medicines etc although the unit were great with feeding. At the hospital I was on a ward and had an awful night. I had to feed Finley every 3 hours as he was early and he was great but being with others on a ward it was either snoring or babies screaming that kept me up. I think I managed 2 hours sleep. When I transferred I asked for a side room and luckily there was one free. I stayed there until the Thursday afternoon until I felt happy and comfortable with feeding.

Although the birth was terrifying and definitely not what I wanted I couldn’t be more happier that my little boy is here. Although the bond wasn’t instant it didn’t take long for it to come and now I cannot believe how much you can love one person! He is such a happy and content little baby.

Before I left the maternity unit I asked if the MW could go over my notes and explain the emergency section. In the notes the only difference to what I knew was they had written I was 1-2 cm dilated so I guess Finley was ready to come as they said with the dilation and things I was experiencing it was more than probable he would have come that week..

My MW has been around a few times since, she is more than happy with him. They have said it has been a long time since they have seen a 36 week baby so healthy, making progress, feeding great so am over the moon with that..
Thank you for your story! Congrats on the healthy baby!
Congratulations! I can't imagine going through that... would be very scary to face without my husband. Great to hear that he's so healthy! :thumbup:
Awww Congrats! :) I'm happy to hear your both ok though x x

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