My proud VBAC success birth story


I love my little family
Feb 7, 2010
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Just a brief note of my first birth. I had a failure to progress labour, with failed vontuce ending in an emergency ceaserean section.

This birth was my attempt at a VBAC. Vaginal Birth After Caesarean.

I was 6 days overdue and went to my appointment at the hospital for a membrane sweep. I was told it was a 1 in 8 chance from statistics at this hospital, but the midwife said my cervix was soft and 2-3cm so I felt hopeful that if it didnt work my body would soon anyway.

Straight away I was getting tightnings, as she was doing it I was getting tightnings which she said she could feel was bringing the baby's head down.

Anyway, we had a friend who had a baby on the ward at hospital so we decided we would go and visit, I was still getting tightnings and they actually felt like they had something to them. They were 3 minutes apart lasting 30 seconds.

Well by 9pm they were more painful and I knew they were it. I rung delivery, but I didnt want to go in because I was coping fine at home and they were still 3 minutes apart and 30-40 seconds long. The only thing that was changing was the pain. Because of my previous section delivery suite said they would like me to come in to be monitored but as I was still coping well I could call back in an hour.

By 10.30pm we were at the hospital. I went straight to the ward because my contractions were not every 2 minutes and not lasting 1 minute (which was the rule to go by to go on the delivery suite) I wasnt sent home because of my previous section. My cervix was checked and it was 3-4cm. Midwife said the baby was laying OP so run me a bath to try and turn him. Which it did a bit.
I spent about an hour in the bath.......after only having a shower room at home it was lovely!
I got up to use the toilet and suddenly there was a gush! To be honest I didnt know if it was my waters or I had had the most watery poo ever! It was also green, which made me wonder if it was poo. As it was on the floor I sniffed it and it didnt smell!

This was 12.30am. I got the midwife and she got me to put a pad on. Then I went back to the ward for monitoring. Midwife also checked my pad and confirmed it was my waters with meconium. She said the baby wasnt showing signs of distress and because it probably happened because he was overdue.

After my waters broke I was taken to delivery. This was about 1am. That was when my contractions started coming faster and harder. So much I couldn’t clock watch anymore. lol. I had no idea how long I had between them but I remember feeling like I wasn’t having a break! Towards the end of these contractions before the pushing I started using gas and air. I was scared of using it. I was feeling sick and thought that if I used it I would just feel worse, but the gas and air actually got rid of the feeling of wanting to be sick.

My midwife was excellent! At about 3am I wanted to push, my midwife didn’t check me, she just said, if I want to push then go with it. So I did. I was sat on my bum on the bed, and what felt like pushing for ages, I remember always asking “how much longer” the midwife told me the baby has just to get round the bend and then they should start seeing the head come down. The midwife examined me and said I had a little bit of cervix over the baby’s head, so while I was having a contraction she pushed it over. Oh my god that hurt! After that, I still wasn’t getting anywhere, so I was examined again just to see where the head was when I was pushing. This again hurt like hell.

I remember screaming I couldn’t handle it anymore and was asking for a caesarean. Lol. At this point I was so tired and felt delusional, so many thoughts going through my head. I was thinking of my friends who were yet to have children and how I felt really sorry for them to have to go through this, I kept thinking of what I can do to get a caesarean, then I was thinking of One Born Every Minute and how it seemed they didn’t seem in as much pain as me. Lol.

I remember I was pooing all through out this. The first time I thought I did I asked if I had, and was told it was just a bit of my show, but then I could smell it and I knew she said that just so I wasn’t embarrassed. But every time I was being told that was a really good push, I didn’t care anymore about messing myself because I was getting better pushes by doing it.

Anyway, I still wasn’t getting anywhere up on the bed so the midwife advised to change positions and said to try on the toilet. I was very happy to do this. I couldn’t feel any progression in the position I was in and was giving up.

When I was on the toilet and pushing I could actually feel the baby coming down and this gave me like a new burst of energy because I felt like I was getting somewhere. I could feel him being pushed down, and then when the contraction ended I felt him go back up a bit again. That felt disheartening, but the midwife and birthing partner could see the baby’s head more, so I knew I couldn’t give up.

I was so happy on the toilet I really wanted to stay there, but the midwife said she needed me to get back on the bed so she can see where the baby was.

One contraction ended and I got off the toilet and straight away had another contraction. So I held onto the sink and squatted and started to push again. This again felt much better and I was asking the midwife if I could stay there and give birth on the floor. I obviously wasn’t allowed. Lol. So after another contraction ended I was taken to the bed. It felt weird, the babies head must have been so far down because I couldn’t walk because it felt “right there”

Once on the bed I hung on the end of the head of the bed and went on my knees. I really couldn’t go on my bum again. Once there it all went so quickly. I remember feeling the “ring of fire” It does hurt a lot but for me it was literally a couple of pushes with that pain and his head was out. My OH then decided to take a look, he saw the back of his head, he had turned back to back again. With the next contraction I pushed his body out, which felt great compared to his head! It just slithered out. Baby Lennie, weighing 9lb 10oz.

After that I felt overwhelmed and in shock. I couldn’t move. My OH cried. My MIL held Lennie while me and OH just stared in awe. It felt amazing. Just couldn’t believe he was here.

I delivered the afterbirth and then I held Lennie.

The pushing part of my labour took 2 hours. Most of that I think was when I was sitting on the bed because being in the toilet felt really quick. I stopped using gas and air at this point because it actually didn’t feel like it was making any difference to the pain. The pain I can’t describe. The pressure is so immense and I could continuously feel it, and with the contractions it would just get worse.

Because of my previous section I was supposed to be continuously monitored, but the midwife didn’t do that and instead she monitored me after my longer contractions just by holding the thing (I don’t know what they are called) to my stomach, rather than putting the straps on. I am really grateful for that because I wouldn’t have been able to move about as much and I think just stayed on the bed failing to progress again.

Afterwards my bum really hurt and the midwife said I probably tore, she examined me and was shocked, I hadn’t tore at all. She told me she expected a really bad tear because of the size of him.

The midwife also told me that the doctor and some midwifes were cheering outside in reception because I had successfully achieved my VBAC.

Having Lennie in our lives in just amazing. I can’t stop looking at him and it makes me cry sometimes just how in love I am with him.
Congrats...VBAC didn't work for me. Your little man is sooo cute!!!
Congrats well done on your VBAC!!!!!
rach that is a lovely story. You did so well :happydance:
Congrats! Back to back babies do take ages to push out- well done on your VBAC! :thumbup:
aww congrats hun, the siggy pic is gorgeous !! xx
this story gives me hope that i'll get a vbac next time. well done x

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