My Rainbow is safely here !! (long Sorry)


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2010
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Hi, my little rainbow is now 11 days old and i thought id write his birth story. Im sorry but it is quite long :flower:

This has been a hard pregnancy, not because ive been particuarly ill, just mostly its been emotionally tough :nope: last year on the 22nd of january 2010 at 35 weeks i had the worse sort of placenta abruption you can get, i nearly died but oviously didnt but my beautiful little boy did and was born sleeping :cry:

The need/urge to be pregnant again was so strong so on Olly's 6 month anniversary i got my bfp with my rainbow baby, i had lots of care and extra scans, saw the midwife weekly to keep an eye on my bp etc.. At my 28 week scan/consultant appointment i got booked in for an induction for 38.2 weeks (Thank god), At 37 weeks my bp started playing up and shooting up, i even got admitted into hospital for a night to keep an eye on it and was started on bp tablets to keep it under control, i was so worried and just wanted them to start the induction then, i had already had a sweep and was 2-3 cm dilated with my waters assesable to be broken but the consultant wouldnt and sent me home the next day :growlmad: i was so annoyed !! It would have only been a few days earlier than planned and the thought of something happening again :nope: didnt bear thinking about.

Anyway they agreed to give me another sweep and i went home. Some how i got through the weekend and waited for 8am monday the 14th of march when i was to phone up the hosp and check it was ok to in to be induced.

I just knew it that when i called i would be turned away and i was " we're really busy call back at 12 " they said, seriously i could have cried !!
My hubby called back at 11am and got them to agree for me to come in for 12 oclock as a room was being cleaned Phew !! So off we went, hubby stopping off for some food on the way lol Typical man ay !!

So dead on 12 we walk in to labour and delivery and get shown to our room, we waited for about 15 mins then the midwife came in, i looked at her and said "i know u" she replies "i remember u too and how poorly you were" her name was Ruth and she was the first midwife i had when i went in to hosp when i lost Olly, it was and is actually nice it was her as she was lovely to me during my time there last year, bless her she called up during the night to check on how i was doing (as she had gone off shift when i was in labour with Olly) and she was the one who brought my son to me and sat with me when i was well enough to see him :cry:

Anyway i get strapped up to the monitor to check how baby was doing for half an hour then the delightful internal lol Just after 1pm she easily broke my waters which there were loads of, hubby looked just as they came out in a massive gush lol and grimaced hehe !! Talk about timeing lol Another half hour on the monitor and i start to get the proper odd twinge Yay !!

I then got told to go off and walk around for a couple of hours !! Ha !! yeah right lol, we walked around the outside of the hospital and within minutes the contractions have started and get stronger and stronger, carl my hubby is going do u want to go back to ur room and im like no we havent been out long cant go back already lol so there i am trying to quietly contract in the hospital corridors with people all around lol

It was deffiently less than an hour when i had had enough and decided that i wanted to go back as i was having lots of pressure in my bottom and wanted to try to go to the toilet in private :blush:

Back in my room the contractions are getting really painful now and im really having to concentrate and do the big deep breaths to get through, for a while i kneel on the floor and lean on a stool, hubby keeps going on at me to put on my night dress, seriously it was like he was obsessed by it lol i didnt want to get changed to early though !!

A mw comes in and asks if i need any pain relief, i bravely decline lol :dohh: and off she goes to do what ever it is she was doing, i then give in to hubby and get changed, more to stop his nagging than anything else !

By now im gripping on the the bottom on the bed through each contraction and breathing like im a gale force wind, still so much pressure so my legs are going slightly each time too, i send dh out to find a mw as i decided that now was time for some g&a.

She comes back quite quickly and hooks me up, commeting that things are def happening and starts to warm up the resuss station and puts towels on it etc she gets me to go on the bed and lean over the back, me now starting to lose the plot, at this point i just start crying and sob my heart out cause all i could think of was Olly and how much i miss him and want him:cry: I dont know why but i just started sweating buckets too really odd !

My mw Ruth was at lunch, so the mw with us decides to go and get her to come back as she thinks im close to delivering, Ruth comes in and of all the things checks my bum crack :haha: Now i dont know if anyone saw a post in 3rd tri about bum cracks and purple lines which indicate how dilated u r but it seems its actually true lol cause thats what she was looking at :wacko:

By now i really want to push and so she says to go for it !! OMG it was so painful !! now this is baby no 4 for me so i know what its meant to feel like when u push and i know that when u push it makes the pain stop but this time Ouch !! Ouch!! Ouch !! eventually she decides to check me and finds that actually im only 7cm so there i was trying to push my baby out through a cervix that wasnt ready !! no wonder it bloody hurt !!

She flips me on my left side to try to get the rest to hurry up n go while i try not to push with each contraction, that is soooo hard !! and i couldnt always stop myself pushing even though it hurt :dohh:

She checks again a while later and finds there is still just a little lip in the way so tells me to push on the next contraction and she will push the bit of cervix out of the way at the sametime.

So thats what we did and on the next contaction she gets it out the way and i push the babys head out in one massive long push !! i was determined to get him out as it was hurting so bad but knew if i stopped id have to go through it again.

It felt like forever for the next contraction to come, all the while dh is stareing at our sons head willing him to make a sound, he admitted afterwards that that part was horrible as all he wanted was to hear a noise, to have a crying baby, not one that was silent :nope:
Eventually the contraction came and at 5:35pm out came the rest of him and that amazing sound of him crying, breathing !! she put him staright onto my chest and me n hubby just looked at him and cried, the relief !! i cant explaine the relief that he was here and he was ok !!

We knew i was having a bigger baby, my others were 6lb 5, 6lb 9 Olly 5lb 11 at 35 weeks, so i could def tell the difference in getting him out to the others lol however looking at him i guessed 7 n a half, how wrong was i lol my not so little man was 8lb 7oz, how i didnt need any stitches ill never know, i didnt even graze :thumbup:, my tailbone felt like it had been smashed by a sledge hammer but other than that, i think i was really lucky.

3 hours after having him i was on my way home to my two very excited children, as they didnt even know we were having him that day they still thought that they had 12 days to wait !!

In total the labour was about 4 and a half hours so pretty quick :thumbup:

Its been a bit tough getting use to having a baby again as my older two are much older, and there has obviously been a lot of emotions wizzing around that arnt just the typical baby blues as i still have to deal with my sadness of my angel baby which i pushed away to concentrate on this pregnancy but i think im getting there, im feeling more calmer each day, there is always gonna be something missing and a sadness of what should have been, but i like to think that Olly was and will always be looking after his little brother and keep him safe and be his guardian angel, just like he has through the pregnancy.

If you have managed to get through this wow !! well done !! i think all thats left is to show you my gorgeous little man and tell you his name so here it is....

Introducing Eli Carl Olly Rowland born 14th march 2011 @ 5:35pm


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Aww hun what a lovely birth story thanks for sharing. He is soooo adorable! Olly must be so proud of his little baby brother! x
Yay!! Great story, cant believe it was all so quick. You did great. Olly will be so proud :hugs:

Hope you are doing ok and looking forward to seeing you xxx
Well done. Eli is gorgeous. Thank you for sharing your story x
Awww thanks for sharing hun. He is absolutely gorgeous <3 Olly must be a very proud big bro! xxx
B E A utiful.

So happy for you.

Welcome to the World Eli.

V xxx
i cried reading this, so moving!! congrats on your "not so little" boy!! and a big well done xxx
Congratulations, your little boy is adorable. You sound like a very strong lady, best wishes to you and your family.
OMG.....Sob......:) what a story and how silly am I.... but .....hey :) its good to have a sob!!!

Love you
omg look at all the hair!!!! what an adorable chubby bunny!!! xoxo congrats sweety!! :hugs:

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