Well, that was it!!! On Monday, 2-4-2013 I arrived at the hospital for my 'scheduled' induction, however when they checked me they discovered I was already contracting so they did not insert the cirtatec. I labored throughout the night with no pain meds because the night nurses were not happy with the baby's heart rate (something about it wasn't 'bumpy' enough). At 5am on Tuesday 2-5-2013 they finally agreed to give me some fentanyl for pain. At 8:00am Tuesday my doctor arrived to check me over and found I was still 1-2 cm and 50% effaced, so they turned up the pitocin (they started the pitocin in low dose at 5am). At 8:30am my waters broke on their own, that was a great experience for me because I had never felt that with my previous births, those two were broken for me. With the water breaking my contractions became stronger but the nurses didn't understand how strong because the band wasn't picking them up, so no more pain meds unti 9am. At around 10:30am I opted for an epidural which was my plan. The doctor checked me again at 11:20am on Tues, 2-5 and I was 4cm dialated and 100% effaced. At this point they inserted the heart monitor on the baby's head, but it had to be replaced because she had too much hair!! They pulled it out and a little tuft of hair came with it (poor thing lol). Suddenly at 1:15pm on Tuesay I told my daughter (who's 20 years old) that I thought I needed to poop, she got super excited and ran out to get the nurse. I thought it's only been 1.5 hours so I'm probably about 7cm.....but NOOOO I'm 9cm! They rang for the doctor and it took her a half hour to get there, all that time I'm resisting the urge to push push push. She arrived about 30 minutes later and I was 10cm and 'complete' at that point. She told me to start pushing somewhere around 2:20pm and I pushed through 3 contractions and my baby was born!! Literally a 20 minutes pushing session. I couldn't believe it!! It was the easiest labor on the PLANET and I'll be telling the story for years to come. Epidurals are much better these days than 18 yrs ago, I could still move my legs and butt, could still feel her moving down the birth canal and could still feel the intense urge to push. So here she is, my beautiful Rainey, born February 5, 2013 at 2:42pm she weighed 6lbs 13oz and was 20 inches long. I hope this picture posts, never posted one before...
![P1000443-50.jpg P1000443-50.jpg](https://babyandbump-data.community.forum/attachments/822/822077-e769962ef72d1940500286aceb6b3964.jpg?hash=52mWLvctGU)
![P1000443-50.jpg P1000443-50.jpg](https://babyandbump-data.community.forum/attachments/822/822077-e769962ef72d1940500286aceb6b3964.jpg?hash=52mWLvctGU)