My Story..


WTT #2
Apr 26, 2010
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Needed to get this off my chest,

Learning you are expecting a baby should be one of the most joyous experiences of your life but when that baby dies my greatest joy became my biggest sorrow.

I have had two pregnancies, 2 Scans – 1 for a baby I never let myself get attached to, 17 years old, 7 weeks pregnant and scared. This baby had a healthy heartbeat. I had an abortion as I thought it was the best decision. I have regretted that decision ever since.

The second time I was newly married and 17.5 weeks pregnant and the sonographer couldn’t find a heartbeat.

Ever since my miscarriage, I stare out my window at the trees and their leaves, which dance in the wind as if they’ll reveal some truth to me. Why did my baby have to die? Where do I go from here? What’s going to happen to my marriage? Should we even consider trying to have a baby again, what it I cannot conceive again or if it all goes wrong again?

After seventeen weeks of pregnancy in June 2009, I had a miscarriage and life hasn’t been the same since. I am distracted. But wherever I go, the emptiness in my stomach – where my babies once lived – comes with me. I have never felt so alone; it’s like the whole world is set on fast forward and I’m in slow motion with no hope of catching up.

From the moment the nurse said “you’re pregnant”, I was all roses and lollipops. “A miracle,” I thought. We were going to have a beautiful baby of our own. It was our turn.

For the whole week of our honeymoon the bleeding was there.

At first, the blood seemed to be light and harmless, and the doctor helped me pass off the backaches and light cramping as common troubles. Still, I worried and cried and went back and forth to the doctor. So I went to Casualty.

The bleeding became continuous, our little boy was still inside me, but even though there was no heartbeat as soon as I saw the scan, I was in love.

Every morning when I woke up, I spoke to my baby. I told him about our family, and his dad, my husband. I told baby what we’d be doing that day, and how much I already adored him. I told him I knew he wasn’t strong enough and hadn’t made it. I told him I was sad and I’d never forget him. I told him I’d love him forever no matter what. I’m keeping to my promise. At this point I didn’t even know he was a little boy.

I relied on Jim and my mum for help with cooking and cleaning. Keeping my feet up and resting abit would surely help? I usually felt weak, as though I couldn’t keep my head up. Those were my bobble-head moments, in which I never fainted but I sure felt like that was what was coming.

But that day was different. The ultrasound technician would not say a word to me. There was no heartbeat. I knew. My baby was gone. I sobbed uncontrollably as I waited for the doctor.

When you lose your precious baby – a baby you dreamed of holding in your arms and being your family – you lose yourself, too. It doesn’t matter what the reason, although they say that having a reason helps people cope. You just want that baby – the dream of that baby and the life you envisioned with him – back. You can’t believe that in an instant everything you longed for is wiped out.

Things would only get worse. Even though I scheduled a Dilation and Curettage (D and C), a minor surgery to clean out my system, my doctor was not available to do it for a few days. She warned me that I had started miscarrying naturally and needed to rest to stop the painful cramping. The night before my scheduled surgery, the cramps began. This was nothing like a bad period. It felt as though someone was cutting up my insides. Then, I felt as though I had to push. When I did, thick, hard clots of blood – the size of golf balls – would come out.

With every flush of the toilet, I felt as though I was flushing our poor, poor baby. I know that’s not really the case. But I still felt guilty, as though I was betraying our baby’s honour. Clots were still coming in the morning. I had my surgery, and the bleeding came almost to a standstill for the first time since this nightmare began. Physically, I started to feel better but for a few leftover cramps. Emotionally, I don’t think I’ll ever be the same. The doctor says we can try again, and I’m sure we will. But I’m terrified now. I don’t think we’ll have the same joy at a positive pregnancy test should we get one. Pregnancy now seems like emotional hell spent waiting for something to go wrong, living in constant fear.

People will tell you miscarry that yours wasn’t a real baby. But for me - He was mine, he had arms and legs, he was a baby, a very small baby, He was perfectly formed with fingers and toes eyes ears nose and mouth. Just precious. I held him for a second in the palm of my hand. I loved him more than I could ever imagine loving anyone.

Some people will say that you’re this upset only because this event has magnified other problems in your life. While there’s some truth to that, your heart aches for a baby. You will never forget even if it gets easier as time pass baby. Your baby is gone. And you’ll wonder what he would have been like and you’ll remember the date when you lost him and the month he should have been born. You wonder how you’ll pass those days without him.

Worthless and failure are two words that I never thought I’d use to describe myself, but I’m starting to think less of myself than ever before. Besides being unable to carry a baby to term or provide my husband with a child or my parents with a grandchild, I feel ugly on the inside and out.

Anything else that’s lacking, such as career success, is more palpable than ever. Most of all, I feel like a witch for feeling jealous of all the people in my life who are pregnant or enjoying their new babies. While I’m happy for them, I feel queasy to see them and I must excuse myself to cry sometimes. I don’t want to be this person. I want to escape my own emotions, but they keep coming for me. I love babies, after all. I always have.

Still, I hold other people’s babies every so often, and I wonder what my baby would have been like. Feedings, baths, and nappy changes flash before me. Some days would have been tears and screams, while others would have been smiles and rainbows. My husband would have games with him and forced him to be a star wars fan.

He would have been a little bit me and a little bit my husband. We would have argued about curfews, sent him to school, cried when his heart broke, and celebrated when he achieved greatness, which was of course his destiny. He would sit next to us, as a grown up, at the table. We’d talk about our day. And he would have made our family complete. Someday, this all still might happen. At the moment, it feels as though it won’t. Maybe it won’t.

We simply don’t know what the future will bring. For now, our family is the two of us, and that is just going to have to be good enough, but for me it isn’t. Surely, life will get better.

I was just so devastated. I had never felt so low in my life. I just felt like my heart was ripped out of me. I couldn’t believe that I was so happy and had got married less than 3 weeks before. Happier than I had ever been in my life and then I’m at the other end of the spectrum. I really didn’t understand why it had to happen to me.

The next day I just didn’t do anything. I couldn’t eat much or even smile. He tried his best to be there for me, but I could do anything. How I cried.

I knew it would take time for my body to settle back down to the way it used to be but never expected the yearning for a child to be sooo strong. I was so ready to be a mum. The pain I felt will never go away it was the worse pain had ever emotionally gone through. The baby I lost, will never be forgotten.

This is the worse pain that anyone can feel and I know this will stay with me forever.

It's been an emotional rollercoaster.

I am dreading the same happening again. Everyone around me is having trouble free pregnancies, but I failed to grow my baby properly. It's stupid but I do feel responsible.

I'm hoping it will start to get easier sometime, I don't know how or when but just take each day at a time and not a minute passes where I don't think of my little baby boy asleep.

Now my period is 2 weeks late, and Im still getting BFN!

Sorry for the rant,

Hauntingly beautiful. Writing is definitely a good outlet for you. Although our stories aren't completely the same, the fundamental loss of a much wanted pregnancy and future with our baby is the same. Getting pregnant again is terrifying, but it will be worth it some day when we finally have that baby we've been dreaming of. Living in limbo is torture. I spent 9 weeks waiting for my period with BFN's every Sunday until then. I'm starting to feel a little more hopeful now and trying to focus on being excited for the chance to make a baby rather than being terrified of what will happen when we finally do. I'm hopeful that my body is finally settling back down after my miscarriage on November 30th last year. With only one very light period since then, it's hard not to worry, but I just keep thinking of that little baby I want so much and pushing through each day as it comes. I told a friend the other day that I felt numb for so long after my miscarriage - that I was going through the motions of life, but not really living life. I'm tired of feeling that way. The only thing that helps me feel better is forcing myself and allowing myself to get excited about getting pregnant again. Sure I'm terrified... but I have to have hope. Otherwise how do you go on? I attended my nephew's birth on Jan. 24th. Every time I hold him and rock him, I think of my baby I lost, but I also think of the baby I will have some day. It reminds me not to give up. Feeling sad is okay. Feeling happy is okay. Every emotion we feel has value. It's how we choose to react to those feelings that matters. That's where our power truly lies. Choose to be strong. Spring is already in the air here. Birds are singing. Plants are budding. It's rejuvenating and gives me hope. There is a cycle to life and we're beginning anew, richer for the short time we had with our babies and for everything they taught us. Wishing you luck on your journey and that you have some positive resolution soon!
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss(es). My experience was slightly different to yours but everything you said about your feelings rings true with me.

I can't say anything to help you feel better - I wish I could.

I am thinking of you though and am happy to be here for a chat at any time. You will never replace your baby but I hope one day another baby eases the aching in your heart and the emptiness of your arms.
Ah hun, what a moving post, I am so sorry for your loss and pain. I can relate to alot of the things you said, my loss was nearly 1 year ago and the pain and yearning to be pregnant just gets stronger. The silence of the nurses doing my scan still haunts me today and yes it seems most my friends are having babies, easily.
I dont think we ever get over this, our babies will never be forgotten.
I hope you feel better getting that off your chest, especially as everyone on here feels the same. If you ever need to talk feel free to send a message, take care xx
I understand all to well how you're feeling and my heart goes out to you, Emma - so do my prayers. I hope you have your baby in your arms soon.

I've only just begun my healing journey so I can't offer words of wisdom, but I can say that from one mothers heart to another - you are stronger than you think. Keep moving forward and give yourself space to take a few steps back if needed, but keep the journey going and your heart open. Best wishes to you.
Didnt want to r&r, Emma what a story! I am so very sorry for your losses. We all here can understand a bit of what you are going thru and I hope you get your forever baby soon! x
I am so sorry for your loss. Losing a baby is a horrible experience that no one should have to go through, yet so many of us do. You need to grieve your way and don't feel bad for any feelings you have, because any bad feelings should not be locked up inside. I hope someday soon you have a baby of your own to hold. hugs x
Emma, what a beautiful recount, you write so well and your pain is clear to all. You have descended into the worst kind of despair and there is no way to go but up. I am so so sorry for you. I wrote a few days ago to a lady who was posting for the first time that the pain will become more bearable and something you learn to live with, I'm not sure how or when it happens but it does, like any bereavement the raw pain is replaced with a blunter sadness. It was really helpful to read your words and I, like many I'm sure, felt I could relate to much of what you wrote, you are not alone and we all understand. While I was miscarrying the physical pain reached its traumatic climax and then subsided, the doctor told me that it stopped because I had just delivered my baby and that will never leave me. My baby was lost at 12 weeks and I too saw and held his/her little body. It broke my heart when the porter was taking me to the ward and asked if I had all my valuables with me, only my husband and I understood the terrible irony that we did not. I loved your words that you knew your little boy wasn't strong enough and hadn't made it, that is so gentle and comforting. You sound like a sensitive and gentle lady and I pray that one day you will get to experience the joy of holding your healthy baby in your arms xx
So sorry for your loss. Glad you got it off your chests and hope you keep writing and/or talking about how you feel and you will feel better again. Not the same but stronger and don't lose hope for what the future. Having the support of your OH will get you through this difficult time and help you move forward. xx
Here are some quotes that I read that helped get me though a difficult time after I m/c:

Hope is grief's best music.
We should not let our fears hold us back from pursuing our hopes. John F Kennedy
Inside of a ring or out, ain't nothing wrong with going down. It's staying down that's wrong. Muhammad Ali.
Perhaps I am stronger than I think. Thomas Merton.
Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength. A. Swartznegger.
When things go wrong, don't go with them. Anon.
Pain is never permanent. Teresa of Avila.
When a heart is broken, God takes care of all the little pieces. Anon.
Sorrow is a fruit. God does not allow it to grow on a branch that is too weak to bear it. Victor Hugo.
A flower falls even though we love it. Dogen Sangha
Reflect on your blessing, of which every man has many- not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some. Charles Dickens.
What you intuitively desire, that is possible to you. D.H Lawrence.
What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything? Vincent van Gogh.
Don't curse the darkness-light a candle. Chinese proverb.
Everything is ok in the end. If it's not ok, then it's not the end. Anon.
There is in the worst of fortune, the best of chances for a happy change. Euripides.
When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
We are each of us angels with only one wing. And we can fly only by embracing each other. Luciano de Crescenzo.
In order to have great happiness you have to have great pain and unhappiness-otherwise how would you know when you were happy? Leslie Caron.
Life only demands from you the strength you possess. Dag Hamarskjold.
The biggest thing in today's sorrow is the memory of yesterday's joy. Kahil Gibran.
Whenever you fall, pick something up. Oswald Avery.


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