My Successful v-birth (First Timer)VERY LONG


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2010
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Saturday night 26th February, I felt exhausted and decided to head to bed early, 10pm. I was soon awake as my Other Half, Sam came home from work at 12am but he wasn’t the one who woke me. I woke up due to spontaneous Braxton Hicks. The last two times I had encountered these were after making love with Sam, in which with these I found different and out of the blue…

I told Sam that I was having them again and they were bothering me more than usual, considering I couldn’t sit down nor lay down anymore. Many visits to the bathroom later I soon see a slight swipe of blood on my wipe, I started to wonder “is this it?” I wasn’t too sure, nor did I want to get my hopes up considering it was 2 days before my due date.
There was no way she’d be early, right? My mum said she’d be early, she was almost certain as others said she'd be over by a week or two.. mind you, others thought other things as well and they were proved wrong.

It wasn’t until 2am – 27th February that I had another show, large amounts of pink discharge, but I still didn’t believe it was happening… the contractions I felt were so irregular aren’t they meant to be regular? By the morning, 7am Sam had to head to work.. I called the Maternity Unit in my Hospital and explained what was going on, the Midwife said it sounded like I was in Early Labor, and can I say… my heart skipped a beat hearing the words… It really was happening…
After being told to wait a bit and call them when something else happens or the contractions come closer. I told Sam to head to work, since it was a short day for him.. this could take a while, hours or even days we didn’t know. He’d come straight home if I called him if things happened anyways, it was also more money on a Sunday so there really wasn’t much he could do till I knew exactly what was happening. After Sam left, the contractions got more intense..

I called my Mum and my best friend and told them both what was happening, my best friend’s response after I explained what has been happening “Oh My God! Dude, you’re in labor” lol she insisted she head over as soon as possible, as did my mum who said she’s be around soon. She was calm. My best friend – Belle arrived first and took care of me until my mum made it, Mum counted my contractions and tried to figure out what exactly was happening.. but she did notice that bub had moved down, even more so as the contractions got heavier.
As we all talked and tried to keep me distracted… at least I think they were haha. I felt as if I was peeing or dripping my pants of urine, I told mum and she insisted I go look… it looked as if my waters were leaving. After waiting a little and seeing whether or not it really could have been some of my waters leaking. My mum came into the bathroom and checked, she was certain it was my waters.

By this time, Sam made it home and asked what was happening. Mum explained what was happening and she asked for me to ring the Maternity ward again and explain about the waters possibly leaving etc. I explained to the midwife and she asked that I come down to be examined…. Gathering everything together, bub’s hospital bag and mine… I got changed into something more comfortable and we headed to the hospital. Whilst we headed to the hospital for the check-up my mum headed back to work until she knew further. My bestie dropped her 2 boys (one is almost 2 and one is 3) off at a friends in case I was in Labor.

As I arrived at the Hospital, I was checked in and sent to a room and awaited for a Midwife to see me. I was anxious.. scared and confused. I wasn’t sure if they were going to send me home or what! This was all so daunting not knowing exactly what was going on. This was all new, I had never done any of this before. But there was knowing Sam was there with me all the way that made it easier for me to concentrate.. as well as my mum. I was soon asked to take a urine sample so they could examine it and see whether or not it was my waters leaking or not. I was told to lay down for a bit whilst I was assigned another Midwife. Sam thought it would be fun to update his facebook status to “Daddy??” we had a laugh at how many responses he’d get within a few minutes. While we waited, I laid there with so many things going through my head.. still wondering and pondering whether I’d be sent home or this was in fact the real thing.

My thoughts were everywhere until there was a faint popping sound, my waters gushed out and all over me and the bed. I gasped and said “oh my god…” Sam looked at me and wondered what was wrong… “my waters just broke” I replied to his startled face with a gasp. Sam quickly hit the nurse button above my bed to alert them.. at this stage I knew… i was in Labor. The midwife arrived and we explained my waters had broken.. I was still in disbelief, in shock… Holy shit, that felt weird as hell… was sent to the bathroom to change into clean underwear, whilst I do so, Sam called my mum and told her that my waters had broken and that I was going to be examined to see how far along I initially was.

I came back out to have the Midwife explain examining me internally and what they look for etc… so she did what she needed. I had read on forums that it was very uncomfortable but it didn’t bother me at all. I could see the shock on her face, she was surprised saying “you’re 4cm dilated” … I knew now, I wasn’t going home… I was hours away from meeting my little girl, my god…. This is really happening. I couldn’t believe I was already 4cm dilated.. there was no way!! After watching the BBC show “One Born Every Minute” I had impressions of it taking days and long hours to reach that point.. but it all happened so quick, it was unbelievable. I couldn’t believe it! I even asked the midwife if she was certain. She asked if I wanted to stay where I was or be moved to the Labor ward.

I agreed to be moved to the Labor ward; my reasons… it felt more real… my waters breaking wasn’t enough? Ha. Walking felt difficult… and seemed like the walk lasted an eternity from one ward to the other; I had to stop in my tracks due to an increase of pain with the contractions since my waters had broken. I had the Midwife and Sam help me along, I felt so helpless! Maybe taking a ride in the wheelchair would have been better? No it wasn’t… knowing walking and working with gravity helps speed things along I wanted to walk, regardless of the increase of pain I was going through – I was in labor of course I was going to feel pain, there was no way out of it. Deal with it!

We came to my room, and Sam pointed out the exercise ball with glee, since I had pointed out I’d love to try one if they ever asked or had some stocked. Once I was settled, the Midwife asked what I wanted to do. I really didn’t know exactly what I wanted to do… whether to lay down.. I know that wasn’t going to happen, ever since 12am I hadn’t been able to lay down properly, what that struck a memory actually – I DID fall asleep during early labor.. only for a short period but I had a small nap curled up in a ball on the bed after Sam had left for work, interesting… I didn’t want to stand… the ball was what I wanted!.

Boy was it awesome… it really helped bouncing away on it, I gotta tell ya… it was relaxing and helped leaning against the bed as well… I was out of it though, I was so tired but far too determined… until my waters decided to continue giving way and making me feel like I was wetting myself.. no pun intended there! The Midwife I had, Kim was a jewel.. she was so kind and caring. Always watching and making sure I was alright and making jokes to lighten the mood… yet I don’t really think it needed it.. I wasn’t screaming bloody murder and trying to kill Sam at all… I was apparently the quietest person she had ever met during labor, really?

Kim asked if I wanted any pain relief, as she noticed the increase of the contractions…. I asked what my options where… and not once I thought of the Epidural. My Mind was stuck on the Gas and Air. She mentioned Pethidine, in which I had read about and refused. After hearing about my needles Phobia she knew I wasn’t keen on the Epidural.. but it wasn’t that, it wasn’t my phobia anymore… it was Rayne, I didn’t want her to be drugged up, I didn’t want the labor to last hours and hours more.. I didn’t want to be lost and no longer in control of my own body… No. I wasn’t having it, and I didn’t feel at all that I needed it. Like my mum said… The contractions where 100x’s worse than period pains, but they were bearable.

What my mind was telling me… that I didn’t need it, and I could get through it… got me through it. You know how people say it’s cliché when people say that if you walk into Labor with a positive mind and such… well I’m sorry, but it’s nothing but the Truth. Not once did I cave in and want the drugs, I stayed positive and had the best support with me. I stayed positive and determined to let Rayne into this world as safe as I could. I took the G&A (gas & Air) and was talked through how it all works, at first I struggled but eventually got what I was meant to do.. since I wasn’t sucking strong enough for it to work… but to me, it wasn’t the gas and air that helped, it was the sound it would make telling me I was gaining the right amount. I stayed focused on that throughout until I started to wonder if it was even working… The pain was still just as intense.

Soon Mum, Liz and Belle showed up. I was glad I was allowed to have them all there with me, it made me feel even more pleased. Now since I was on the G&A, some of this might not be exactly right… I was high for the first time in my life, ha. After countless spills of my waters, I remember going to the bathroom and getting changed and having the G&A with me, but it was bottled… and not the same stuff as the other one I was previously using. I ended up throwing up due to the change, this time it was working! So I had the bottled G&A with me for the remainder of my Labor.

After nibbling on a sandwich and drinking lemonade to keep my energy and sugar levels up since I hadn’t eaten all day. Mum told Sam and Belle to go get some fresh air and something to eat, so they left for a bit whilst Liz and Mum stayed with me. Sam and Belle came back shortly, I really don’t know how long they were both gone for…. I was still bouncing away on my exercise ball I believe..
I do remember asking what Sam had for eat though, he replied he had MacDonald’s…

After seeing that my contractions were around 3 minutes or closer? Apart Kim asked to examine me and see just how far along I was now, she explained that it may be uncomfortable but it didn’t bother me before, so I doubted it’d bother me now. All I can remember, struggling to get on the bed and having Sam and Kim help me up… it’s rather hilarious looking back at it now, so hopeless.

Now, apparently I was 6cm’s dilated and Kim needed a second opinion… I’m pretty sure she let me know why she needed a second opinion but hell, I can’t remember at all… I was so tired and high! Pretty sure everyone was cracking jokes at me and saying “get Vocal, girl” now I do remember that was Mum ha-ha… but I just didn’t listen and concentrated on what I was doing, but knowing they were there was all I needed. I didn’t even notice Sam was on Facebook updating everyone, I was that out of it! I had no idea, all I remember was that he was there all the way through it holding me, and rubbing my back.

“It’s time to push” I’ll never forget those words; I swear shivers crawled down my spine… Holy shit, it’s about to happen. Funny thing was; I didn’t worry about the pain at all… I was just so focused in getting her out…
Soon I was asked to go on my knees on the bed and rest against the bed as it was pulled up… this was the quickest way to get her out, I heard this and I wanted to do it that way but the weight on my legs was a little too much and my knees were struggling to hold me up. They were getting sore as I stayed up, As I was in this position my body started to kick in and it was telling me to push, and it did it… I was pushing slightly.. Against my own will and I found this amazing.. How my body did it on its own.

I was truly amazed; it was telling me to push. Sam thought I was crying so he held me a little closer and rubbed my back more, I thought that was cute when he told me after I explained I wasn’t crying that It was my body telling me I needed to push. Kim saw the signs of my body wanting to push and I got into a comfortable position, my back slightly up against the bed and I laid down.

Time to push – 5:45pm

Kim explained what I needed to do…. Have a large puff of the gas as I felt a contraction and then… Push. This was so weird. You know how people are scared of releasing their bowels during labor.. seriously; you don’t give a flying sod at this stage. It happens to everyone… I knew I was, and I just didn’t give a shit. I knew I was making progress. Sam held my hand, Belle was up on my left side… I can’t remember where Liz was… pretty sure she was beside Mum with the Midwife; they all cheered me on as I tried my best to push her. I never understood how we were meant to push when we had a contraction, just never understood it at all… Now I get it! Ha-ha. You hear about the “Ring of Fire” gosh, that’s all you can feel… burning!! As I pushed, I finally became loud… and I was cheered on to get loud, ha-ha. It didn’t feel like around 1 ½ hours of pushing at all… was it that long? Everything during my labor just seemed so quick, it didn’t feel like hours nor did it feel it dragged on and on.

Hearing my Mum say “she’s coming, Krisp” the glow on her face inspired me so much, Sam’s cheering telling me to Push, Belle’s words and Liz all helped me so much.. I listened to each and every cheer they gave me. Kim asked me if I wanted to feel her head, but I refused… I just wanted to focus on getting her out as soon as possible, no delays! She also asked if I wanted a mirror to see.. I quickly answered with No, that’d probably freak me out I think.
Feeling the Ring of Fire at its peak… I knew I was seconds away from meeting my little girl

I screamed and screamed, the pain was so intense.. on my final push, I yelled and for the first time during the labor I screamed out a dirty word, but it helped….
…then at 7:24pm, there she was… she wasn’t screaming since she had the cord wrapped around her neck and she was blue… but she was given to me straight away after the cord was released from her neck.. My words as she was placed on me “Holy shit”
I couldn’t believe I did it, I couldn’t believe she was finally here.. I couldn’t believe how big she was! I was almost holding my breath waiting for her to scream, there was just something about hearing her for the first time that I needed. She let out a cry and a sigh of relief escaped my lips… I was baffled, still in shock that I had done it.

I was deeply proud of myself, I honestly didn’t think I could do it… but as soon as my waters broke I was too determined to doubt myself. I had everyone else doubt me, saying I’d go for the Epidural.. that I wouldn’t be able to handle it, that I’d be screaming for it… some were jokes, and some were being serious. They were all wrong. Will power really does work.. if you’re strong enough and determined enough to get through something – looking at it with a positive attitude… it gets you a long way. All throughout my Pregnancy I was positive and never struggled to look at the bright side. Questioning everything and worrying doesn’t get you anywhere.

After 9 ½ hours (from when Waters broke), Rayne Alexandra was born. Weighing a healthy 7lb 5oz (my guess birth weight was right), 51cms.
I was then lying in bed, exhausted and overwhelmed. Liz stayed by me once Rayne was taken to get weighed, everyone else exited the area so I could get my stitches as I suffered from a 2nd degree tearing. Liz kept me occupied whilst the stitching was done, it felt like 15-20 minutes… but I had the company of Liz, smiling and saying she was proud of me.

After I was finally stitched up, Belle came and told me she was so proud of me and how beautiful Rayne was. I could hear everyone fussing over her, so many “awes” and laughs and happiness. I was happy, but just so knackered….
I was amazed with myself, I honestly was.. and still am, this was something I was so frightened of ever since I became pregnant, yet I knew I had to go through it. But I did it.. and
I couldn’t have done with without Sam – Who is my one and only, always and forever. He was so calm and good, there are no words that can describe how much I love him. Belle – Who has been there for me no matter what for many years, and all throughout my pregnancy had been so understanding and helpful, she’s my Rock. Mum – My dearest mum, who never judges me and was always there for me. We’re even more close than we were now. Love her to pieces. Always have and always will. I can only hope Rayne and I have the same bond. Liz – such an angel, so encouraging and loyal being there for mum on such an event in her life and so many others, as well as mine. Thankyou for being there for Mum and myself, you’re truly an amazing person.

All in all, my Labor was bliss and an experience I’ll never forget :)

(Drawing is done by me <3)
Birth -
Fab story hun :D I'm glad you managed on just G&A it gives me some hope !
Your story is inspiring.. I had my boy and girl with only G&A.. I was thinking about the epidural this time, because my labour is usually veeeery long.. but wasn't sure.. but now as I read through your strong well.. I am determined to do it with G&A as well, like before..

Thank you for sharing your experience..
Thanks for sharing, beautiful story makes me excited and nervous at the same time for mine! :flower:
What a lovely read and such a lovely birth story! Congratulations to you and sam on rayne. x
What a beautiful and inspiring birth story! Well done and congratulations!
Awe thanks guys! <3 I'm glad to help you all with my story and inspire you! :) so pleased i could give you all a positive view <333333
Aww what a wonderful story! You were so brave :)

Congratulations, Rayne is beautiful!
This is the nicest birth story I've read!! So glad you got the birth you wanted and congratulations - your daughter is beautiful :)

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