My very quick, VBAC in the water, yellow bump & home 6 hrs later birth story!

Mrs HM

Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2011
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Hi ladies,
Sorrry this is very long, but I didn't want to forget anything!

Monday 2nd June 2014, 38weeks + 3days.
I had been cramping on-and-off all morning and by lunchtime it was getting quite uncomfortable. I had a hospital appointment to discuss my planned VBAC and book an induction if I should go to 41 weeks. I was examined and given a sweep which hurt like hell, and the doctor said my cervix was open, dilated to 1cm but long and thick. I was very down and had a little cry after the appointment because they were planning on inducing me using the balloon method and I was so desperate to avoid it!

We went home and I bounced on my ball and ordered a vindaloo from my favourite Indian takeaway to help things along. I was in quite a pain of pain from the sweep and walking upright was difficult, but as the evening went on it passed. I drank my third cup of RLT, had a bath and went to bed.

Tuesday 3rd June 2014, 38weeks + 4days.
I was aware of strong BH all morning and at lunchtime I began to lose parts of my mucous plug. I felt a bit off and very tired but was excited to see if the BH’s would turn into anything stronger/more regular. By teatime I was exhausted and quite emotional, so I left DH to prepare dinner for himself and our DS as I bounced on my ball some more. Later, I reheated the left over curry for myself, which would come back to haunt me…

Around 10pm I started timing the pains that were coming quite regularly and realised they were coming every 10mins. They were quite mild so didn’t get too excited but I was hopeful that things would get underway.

Wednesday 4th June 2014, 38weeks + 5days.
My DH and I went to bed around 1am and every time I was about to fall asleep I was woken up by the pain of the contraction. At 3.10am I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. I came back and asked DH to start timing the contractions on his phone as they were getting very sore and I knew I’d left it too late to try to sleep through them. They were coming every 6.5mins and lasting for 45secs, and they were making my toes curl! My DH was half asleep and we discussed getting up and packing the rest of my hospital bag, phoning parents to come to look after our DS, and getting something to eat as I was hungry. The plan was to wait until I had an hour’s worth of contractions coming at 6.5mins, then I’d phone the hospital and my parents. Stupidly we didn’t realise that contractions coming that quickly meant I didn’t have a lot of time left as things were progressing well. I got out of bed and my water broke with a gush on the floor. I saw lots of blood and panicked as in my first labour the waters were clear. It was now 4.14am.

I shakily called the hospital who told me to make my way there. Then I called my dad and told him we would drop DS off at his house as we didn’t have time to wait for them to come to ours. DH got DS up and ready to go while I had the biggest clear out ever. Bloody vindaloo had given me the runs and I was contracting on the toilet. I thought I’d never be done and was so upset that I’d have the runs in labour, eek.

I couldn’t get into the car as the pain was so bad I could barely sit, but managed to make the journey in 30mins, via my parent’s house to drop off my son and dog. At 5.20am we arrived at the hospital, I was assessed and was ‘comfortably 6cm dilated’ but I couldn’t sit, stand or walk the pain away. It was unbearable and the pressure in my cervix was unreal. I kept saying ‘I can’t do this’ over and over and ‘bring me the drugs’ was shouted more than once!

As I was a VBAC-hopeful I’d been sure to ask about wireless monitoring and waterbirth at my booking appointment. The consultant said that would be fine and it was recorded in my notes but the midwife who assessed me said I’d not be allowed to use the pool. I went mental and demanded someone check my notes as I’d been told it would be fine. I was doubled over in pain at this point, refusing to have an IV inserted ‘just in case’ and refusing to lie down again.

I was taken in a wheelchair to a room without a pool by the midwife who assessed me and I was getting really distressed – the contractions were every two minutes and I couldn’t catch my breath in between them. I saw there was no pool in the room and was about to explode when another midwife came and said, ‘No, you are in room 14. Heidi is getting the pool ready now.’ I could have kissed her as I leapt from the wheelchair and ran down the corridor into the pool room.

The lovely team in there helped to calm me down when I started with the ‘I can’t do this’ and ‘bring me the drugs’ talk again! I was leaning over the bed and as I hadn’t been able to get my trousers on again after the first exam I was assessed again and she told me she could feel the baby’s head, they might not get the pool filled in time and if I needed to push, to push! We didn’t even have time to bring the bags in from the car so I had none of the items I carefully packed for labour.

I got into the pool at 6.35am in the vest top I was wearing (my tankini still being in the car!) and the difference was immediate. The pain from the contractions seemed to vanish, and although I could feel it building like a wave, in between I was totally relaxed and calm. I was ready to push although I didn’t know how to! I was so worried about that bloody vindaloo and told the entire team that I was going to poo everywhere. After a bit or reassurance and a few rubbish attempts I got the hang of pushing and was giving it all I had. At one point they couldn’t find the babies heartbeat with the wireless monitor and had to use a handheld Doppler. They were calling for the paediatrician which was very scary, but by the time she popped her head around the door I had pushed the babies head out! They asked if I wanted to feel it, but I just wanted to focus on finishing the job! The baby was floating in the water between my legs which was so surreal and I knew one more push would do it. They put a towel on my chest and I pushed and my baby was born at 7.03am weighing 7lb 10oz. She ‘wooshed out’ according to my DH! All in all I’d been pushing for 35mins, which I put down to the RLT! They lifted her out of the water and DH and I were able to find out the sex for ourselves – a girl! Her eyes were wide open and she was staring up at me and blinking in the light. It was such a special moment although it all felt like a dream.

After a few minutes cuddling in the water they took her away to warm her up and DH went to watch while I delivered the placenta naturally. I few big pushes and away it came too. I had a second degree tear, which I didn’t feel at all, so stitches and talk of designer vaginas followed while DH cuddled our daughter. All said and done our little girl was born 1.5hours after arriving at the hospital and after a shower, breakfast and a couple of good breast feeds, we were discharged at 2pm, 6hours after we arrived.

I’d totally recommend a waterbirth as it helped so much with the pain, and for any mummies attempting a VBAC, the best advice I have is to stay away from the hospital for as long as you feel comfortable.

Good luck to everyone waiting on your baby to arrive. I hope you all have the birth you want!

This is baby Lois.


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Gorgeous!!! Many congratulations, sounds like a really great birth xx
What a lovely birth story! Well done to you, congratulations, your daughter is scrummy x
Wow is she cute! So glad you got the waterbirth after being told no at start.
Great story enjoyed reading that one especially as im about to have a madras myself haha! Congrats! Xx
Congratulations on your gorgeous little girl and what a fantastic birth story! I'm still undecided about vbac or elective section but this has made me feel more pro vbac so thank you xx
Congratulations Hun she's gorgeous!

And well done on getting your VBAC :hugs:
Aww, beautiful! Congratulations! I'm so glad you were able to have a water birth too!
Congratulations, what a lovely birth story and Lois is beautiful. I am hoping for a vbac myself but sadly not in a pool :growlmad: Your experience gives me hope.

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