My Yellow Bump Is Here! *Lots of Detail!* (Pictures!)


Mummy to Three
Oct 28, 2009
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Please Welcome...
Cameron Christopher Michael Wood :cloud9:
Into The World!

My Birth Story
It all started Tuesday 18th October, Chris (my OH) had gone off to work like normal, I was still overdue. I was meant to have a sweep on the Monday but the silly midwife (who I dislike for many reasons) just came to my house and did the normal check and left without doing anything! I was gutted and spent most of Monday and Tuesday in tears after looking forward to hopefully getting things moving all that weekend. I was so desperate to meet my yellow bump, who we had nicknamed Humphrey!

As I was feeling so low, I had my friends and family a tad worried, so me and my best friend made plans along with my family so I wouldnt be alone at all in the week. Tuesday she popped round, Wednesday we were going to see Johnny English 2 in the cinema, Thursday my dad was going to come round and Friday I was booked in for a sweep at the hospital so I was going to see mum while Chris had to work.
So on Tuesday my friend came over, we didnt really do much, just chilled on the computer, watched the television that sort of thing. We had a really good munch out too, she ate doritoes and I ate a whole pineapple :haha:
All of a sudden I felt really mild period type pain, I even said to her:
"touch wood (Slamming my hands on the computer desk many times) but I'm having really mild period pain, its probs nothing though so I'm not getting my hopes up".
She replied: "Baby cant come yet, we are going to the cinema tomorrow! it can come after the flim, or maybe during the flim! then we can get free goodies!"

I kinda forgot about the pain, really thinking it was nothing. I went to one of my many toilet trips and I was finding a new type of cm, it was like clear, not smelly and sticky. Again thought nothing of it, didnt even put a pad on. Well Chris got home at about half 4 that day, nice and early for a change! usually hes home at 7-8pm! So my friend went home. My back started to ache with the slight period pains, so I wacked out my beanie heat thing and put that on my lower back... but the pain didnt go, again Not thinking anything! I used it pretty much all night, I remember showing Chris how red I had made my back! :haha: I was feeling more tired than normal, so I went to lay on the bed and catch up with the girlies on BnB, I had more of the clear sticky cm and literally just posted about it in our joint journal at 9:34pm:
"Yeah c'mon triple K's let's all have our babies on the same day... How does tomorrow suit you all?

I've been super achey today, not getting my hopes up.
I've got my heat bean bag thing on my back which isn't making the pain stop either, I'm really tired too, considering I had my normal sleep pattern last night too... It's Half 9 and my eyes are heavy!
Still not getting my hopes up though. I bet I'm fine tomorrow!

I've lost a new type of plug today, well tbh I dunno if it is plug, usually it looks like snot.. Now it's clear and really sticky? Is that normal discharge?! Not had that before!"

Then at 9:50pm My waters broke! Well what I thought was my waters... I was laying on bed just checking BnB journals, waiting for someone to reply to what I had posted, I moved my leg to get more comfy and felt something like a big blob come out down below... I sat up, feeling my heart beat, and literally jumped out of the room from the end of the bed, I didnt want the big whoosh on my new carpet :haha: I stood in the living room doorway and said to a sleeping Chris in a very calm voice...:
"Chris.. I think my waters have broken"...

No reply. he carried on snoring. I felt another blob type come out down there, still standing in the doorway, I lent round and luckily I could reach him..
I gave him a massive (I mean massive) poke in his arm and screamed:
"Chris I think my waters are breaking!"
He woke up then! and said:
"Huh? What? Oh good! Are you sure? you havent peed yourself?"
Well that woke him up! I went into the bathroom, almost in tears because I was scared... while giving Chris (who was getting into bed) a full commentry:
"Well something has happened down there, its soaked through, it doesnt smell like pee, Chris i really think its my waters! What shall I do? Shall i ring mum or the hospital first?"
Even though the first thing I did was go on BnB while sitting on the loo and posted that my waters broke :haha:
I stood up in the bathroom (still in my wet clothes) and rang my mum, mum told me to ring the hospital and then ring her back. I rang the hospital while sitting on a towel, I told Chris we would have to go in and he started moaning saying he hadnt had a shower! so I told him to go straight in there. So while he was showering I spoke to a LOVELY midwife at the hospital.
"Erm, Hi yeah, I think my waters have broken, but I'm not sure, its soaked through, I dont no what to do.."

She told me to come in straight away, and was a bit shocked when I told her it would take us an hour! While Chris was still showering (and more waters had seeped through onto the towel) I managed to get dressed, while standing on that towel :haha: protecting my carpet! I also stuck a pad on. I got all the bags ready to go, and even managed to pack another one, just throwing random bits in and loads of food!
We were eventually ready at about 10pm. Just as we were walking out the door...
"Chris wait! we cant go yet, I need the toilet I have almighty pressure!"
After the toilet just about to go..
"OMG Chris I've forgotten The CDs!"
Back into the flat, grab the CDs, then we finally left at 10:13pm.

On the way we thought it would be nice to grab some drinks as we were both really thirsty, and Chris needed baccy. So we popped into Tesco. We arrived there at 10:51pm, still had another 45minutes to get to the hospital. Chris literally RAN into tesco, and smoked his fag at lightening speed. I wasnt having contractions so I was quite relaxed... i did feel sick though but I think it was excitment! Chris said he almost threw up in the bathroom after I had been in there, excitement and nerves me thinks! (he blamed The smell of my waters although it doesn't smell!)
We left Tesco and got back on route at 10:55pm.

We arrived at the hospital at 11:30pm, we had to wait for the porter to lets us in and we waddled up to the maternity bit, I even walked up the stairs!
I did the wee that they always ask for, and then the midwife came and saw us. She asked to check my pad, which was an odd experience, we went behind the curtain and I said:
"Erm, Im not sure how you want to do this.."
I pulled my bottom halfs down and she looked. She also felt my tummy and told me some lovely things :cloud9:
"Baby is a nice size, feels like a small baby, and yes your fully engaged"

I was over the moon about the engaged, I had been told by the midwife I didnt like that he was only 3/5ths on Monday and a different midwife told me the time before he was fully engaged! I did a swap of my waters myself, and its felt sooo strange down there, really really wet and sticky.
I was asked to take my temperature every 4 hours and to go home and rest. I wasnt allowed to wake up and take my temperature either.
Chris was told not to go to work the next day too!
We were sent home because I wasnt contracting but she did confirm that my waters had broken, well had start to break. I was also told that if my contractions didnt start in 24 hours then I would have to be induced! so I had my fingers crossed. We had to come back at 10am so baby could be monitored.
We left the hospital at 11:50pm and headed to my mums where we were going to stay until baby was born because it was only 30 minutes from the hospital, rather than an hour!

We got back to mums at about 12:30pm where my very excited mum was waiting and my dad, who was still working. We had a cup of tea and stayed up till 1am just talking. We went to bed and I asked for a towel to sleep on just in case. So after fannying about for 20 minutes, I finally climbed into bed... shut my eyes... then Whoosh. At 1:30am a big bit of waters, I rolled to Chris and said:
"Chris... You no that big gush of waters everyone talks about.. I think I've had it."

I got up soaked. Somehow the waters had come up my front and onto my hip? I stood there for a minute and realised that 1. the only pads i had were maternity ones which were in the car and 2. I didnt have any more pj bottoms apart from my hospital ones.
I got Chris up and made him go to the car, I needed a new pad! I also made Chris sleep in his underwear and pinched his PJ bottoms. After I had sorted myself out (again), it was about 1:55am. I climbed back into bed, shut my eyes, then Bam. At 2am my contractions started. I didnt think of timing them, I tried to think it was nothing, and breathed through it... it was my natural reaction to take a deep breath. Chris didnt even stir! It passed so i tried to go back to sleep, then another one came 10 minutes later. I knew that this baby wasnt going to let me sleep!
I grabbed the massive "unwell blanket" (its a family thing) that mum had left out and went downstairs, too scared to sit on the sofas incase of more gushs. I threw all the pillows on the floor and made a little nest. I ended up staying up all night watching 2 and a half men and then BBC 1s breakfast. I think I got an odd hours sleep. The contractions were coming so oddly there was no pattern to them at all so I never thought of timing them, my waters were still coming in drips and drabs and were turning pink too. I really struggled to make it to morning on my own but I knew how important it would be for Chris and my mum to get their sleep.

Mum got up nice and early and stayed downstairs with me at about 7am. The contractions did hurt, but after its over the relief is so nice its like a mental high! I found that walking through them made them go away so much quickier too (a little tip for you!). So far all the pain I was getting was in my front.

Me, Chris and Mum arrived at the hospital for our 10am monitoring and the contractions were still coming. The midwife was lovely, her name was Sally and I had some anti natals with her when I was living at mum and dads. She did an internal check to see how things were progressing... that was an experience too. She wiped me down and then did it. She was amazed that his head was so low down, she could really feel it but she couldnt find my cervix because it was so high up. I was gutted. I wanted to be atleast 1cm! But the fact she could feel his head was lovely :cloud9: and a good boost.
She hooked me up to the montoring machine at 10:30am and trust me, laying in bed while contracting is the worst feeling ever. I just wanted to walk around and make them go away!

A painful 40 minutes passed. She said all was lovely but I wasnt in established labour just yet, my contraction pattern was one, then straight after another, then a gap then 2 more. She sent us home and asked us to ring if we had any concerns or the contractions get worse. If they didnt get worse then i was going to be induced at 8am.
So we thought it would be nice to do a bit of walking to get them coming! Me and mum popped into peacocks and looked at everything and brought some new pj bottoms and I almost brought another zebra for baby.
Chris popped into Argos. We then went into Morrisons and picked up some bits for lunch, we brought more pads, magazines (that I still havent read), more lucazade and a shed load of sweets (which I still havent eaten).
The contractions were still coming but I managed to hide it well I think!

We got back to mums and had lunch and I managed to get some sleep, cuddled up to Chris. Chris got more sleep too, mum had a great time listening to us snore. Mum also started timing my contractions at 2pm. They started with 8minutes apart.
I just rested pretty much, trying to sleep as much as I could. Chris went out for a walk and brought me some nipple cream and lucazade tablets.

At 5pm the contractions started to get less than 5 minutes apart. I didnt no when to call the hospital, but I remember reading on my phone app about "5-1-1"
Contractions less than 5 minutes apart, lasting 1 minute, for 1 hour. We had dinner nice and early, Chicken tonight & pasta! nice for energy :)

Chris was excellent at timing them and holding my hand through them. Mum rubbed my back and bump. With the help of my BnB friends (giving me some great advice) I got in the bath. I made Chris sit outside the bathroom so I could tell him when the next one was, I must have only been in the bath for about 5 minutes when he said:
Erm.. babe.. I think we should call the hospital now, there less than 3 minutes apart"

I was SO comfortable in the bath I didnt want to move, I had more sleep too which was nice. I eventually managed to climb out the bath (all by myself!) and rang the hospital. They asked me to come straight in to be examined.
I wasnt in a rush, but I think everyone else was! before I knew it Chris was putting my shoes on! I just wanted a cold drink, so I had a nice ice cold drink of ribena and we left.

We got to the hospital after MORE contractions in the car which were awful. I just wanted to hold Chris' hand but he was driving. We got to the hospital at 9:30pm I had a contraction in the middle of the car park, and then again as soon as we walked into the maternity ward (which was a 2 minute walk if that!) The same midwife that examined me was still there! Which was lovely! she showed me to my room (the same as last time) and examined me again. She said I had improved alot more and that I was 5 CM! :happydance:
I felt over the moon that I had got half way without pain relief! Not even paracetamol! She offered me gas and air but I turned it down. I wanted to wait until I would really need it and feel the benefit of it. We were told we could stay where I wanted to give birth and not go to another hospital to be induced (as it was nearly 24 hours since my waters broke). While being examined the midwife noticed that he still had waters bludging around his head so it was my hind waters that were breaking.

The most comfortable position I found was leaning over with my head on the window seal (it was cold!!) while mum rubbed my front and Chris rubbed my back. I just breathed through them.

We had a little tv in our room which mum investigated. The channels didnt work because of the digital switch over but there was a video in there of men behaving badly! I dont no what series but it was the one where the woman is pregnant! :haha: we had great fun watching that! I enjoyed singing along to the titles :haha:

It got to about 11:30pm when I asked to get into the birthing pool. She filled it up straight away and I stripped off and got in... It was amazing. I want a bath like that in my bathroom! It was so nice. I found the most comfortable way to sit was to squat because nobody tells you about all the pressure you get down there! I still breathed through the contractions. I remember looking at the clock at 11:45pm and saying to mum:
"Hes going to be born 20th October! What a lovely birth date: 20.10.11!"

Eventually the pain got worse and worse. I just kept breathing through them but I was SO tired I was getting emotional. I didnt want to do it anymore I just wanted to go to sleep.

I got onto the bed at about 2am. I needed to laydown. The midwifes switched so that Sally (who had been in since 10am!) could have a rest, but she was going to be called back when he was coming out.
I felt so much pressure I just wanted to push. The midwife said I should go sit on the toilet to see if that would help, I really didnt want to move, but I took her advice and sat there. I remember saying:
"Nothings coming out!! I dont need the toilet!"
Just to let everyone know :haha:
I climbed back onto bed and the midwife said I could start pushing a little bit if I felt the urdge. I squeezed mums and Chris' hands and refused to let go. The pressure was intense! You get to this stage and the contractions dont hurt anymore but the pressure does!

The new midwife (Sue) examined me again, she felt it during a contraction then all of a sudden I felt a pop, it actually made me jump. She had burst my waters! She never actually said if i was fully dialated though.. unless she did and i wasnt listening.
She was very keen for me to have the gas and air now too, she got it all ready and passed it to mum to hold because I wouldnt let go of mums hand.

Suddenly things started to burn, I remember thinking this is it... theres no going back now, i must be crowning!
I was wrong. I was pushing really hard and nothing. Just burning. I asked if she could see the head and she said she would tell me next contraction... which soon enough came. I started to use the gas and air. I breathed in and out deeply and it really worked.
She said she could see the head! I asked if he had hair...
next contraction came.. "Yeah hes got a bit of hair!"
That was it. It was push time.
Its true what people say, the urdge to push really does come naturally. I just wanted to sleep between contractions, so I did. I dont no how, but I did.
Everyone was saying how well I was doing and how strong I was, but I didnt care, I just wanted baby out! I pushed again, they told me to start slowing down (proberly to stop me from tearing) so I did exactly as they said.

The pressure and the burning... next push... His head was out! 3:23am!
Next push... His shoulders were out! and he vertually slipped out!

He was fully born at 3:29am. I remember as soon as i heard him cry I looked to Chris and ask him what he was...
Chris looked at me, his eyes watering..
and almost whispered..."Its a boy, its our little boy"
I turned to mum almost crying... "Mum I've had a little boy, its a little boy"
They placed him straight on my tummy and I felt his warmth. I looked at him, just watched and giggled as he went straight for my boob! I held him so close in his towel. He was perfect. :cloud9:

The first thing I asked the midwife was if i had torn. I only needed 2 stitches which she did then and there and I had a graze too.
The pain started again as the gas and air wore off. I asked if Chris could hold him as now all I wanted to do was sleep. Chris had his first cuddles when he was just 15 minutes old.

He was then weighed and was a perfect 7pounds 8ounces.:cloud9:

I deleivered the placenta on my own shortly after and it really does feel like going for a poo out your lady regions!

I was asked if I needed to wee, which I didnt but i tried. I was also asked if i wanted a shower, again I didnt. I just wanted bed!

Chris got him dressed with the midwife and we walked back across the hallway to our room. My mum had to leave at this point but Chris stayed with me until 6am. I didnt actually go to sleep in the end, I just stared at him.

Chris was the most amazing birthing partner ever. He rubbed my back, he held my hand, he kept me calm, he talked me through contractions and he never left my side. I love him so much. He is the most amazing boyfriend and daddy ever. I feel so close to him and this has made our love so strong. :cloud9:

My mum was brilliant too, she kept me sane and helped me through the contractions, She knew exactly where the pain was and never left me either. I couldnt have asked for any better birthing partners and I know I couldnt have done it without them.

And thats my story!
It was exactly how I wanted my birth plan to go.

I have such high praises for the midwife led center I gave birth in and would highly reccomend it to anyone. I was so proud of myself for hardly needing any pain releif too.

Sorry its so long, but I wanted to print it out and remember every detail for his keepsake book and box. If you read it all then thank you!

I cant beleive that my 9 month journey is over, I have had the most eventful year of my life.
I cant beleive I did it still. After all the scary times of being potientally eptopic, all the stress of finding somewhere to live, then moving and my work being nasty... The ups and downs of everything.. and hes here.

Would I do it all again?
Ofcourse :)
But not till Cameron is a bit older, I want to enjoy him :cloud9:

A HUGE ThankYou for all the support you have all given me over the 9 months.
I always knew if i had a question it would be answered on here.
Ive made some amazing friends and I cant wait to follow your birth stories and journals too.
I Feel Well and Truly Blessed


Awwwwwwwwww its lovely katie, What a beautiful story it had me in tears xx

Cameron is soooo cute and you must be very proud xx
Seems your settling into mummyhood very well xx

:) :)
What a lovely birth story Katie..I had a little cry :blush: I hope my labour is as straight forward as yours was lol! You did really well, u should be so proud of yourself!! Cameron is scrummy...ahhh im so broody for my baby now! :hugs: xxxxxx
Thank You Girls!

I Am on :cloud9:
and I had a few tears while writing it!
The moment in blue to be exact.
Katie, that was such a lovely story to read. I too had a cry at the bit in blue, I think it was even nicer to read as we are team yellow too.

Congratulations x
It was a beautiful moment. I'm so pleased we didn't find out the sex because that moment was beautiful and will stay with me forever x
Oh Katie, that made me cry! Just a beautiful, lovely story and I really hope I am lucky enough to have such a nice labour. Your boy is absolutely beautiful. Congratulations.
gorgeous story,well done you!Hes so preciousx
Congrats again! What a perfect story, so glad it went the way you wanted! And he's gorgeous, perfect little boy!
Awww massive congratulations.Cameron is gorgeous.The photo of him holding the balloon is so sweet :) x
Huge congrats to you both.

He is absolutely stunning :)
Congrats!! That brought tears to my eyes... I hope I have a birthing experiece like you did. Well done!
Beautiful story that was very well narrated. Congratulations to you and your family! Your baby resembles you so much!
Congratulations on your little man. That was a lovely birth story. thanks for sharing. x
What an amazing birth story!! Thank you for sharing Cameron is perfect and I love all the photos and the one with him holding his "it's a boy" balloon is so cute!!
Just read it...glad you had the birth you wanted!! He is so precious!! Mazel tov!!
What a fantastic story, congratulations to you all, he is absolutely beautiful. x
i absolutely loved reading this story so detailed :) your mum and partner sounded like a great help i hope my birth goes as well. HUGE congratulations to you and your partner cameron is beautiful xx

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