My yellow bump turned pink! The birth of Naya Sophie (VERY long!)


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2010
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This is a very long 5 day birth story, if you just want to read the actual birth bit I've written it in blue! I've written my whole story though as it was how my baby girl came into the world :)

I had severe SPD in pregnancy, and it was decided that I would be induced at 38 weeks as I couldn’t take any painkillers.

I was given my induction date of 11/1/11, and that evening we dropped our dog off at my Mum’s and headed to the hospital for 8pm. We settled onto the ward (just me on my own in a bay!) and around 9.30pm I was given my first prostin gel. It took three people (Ben, and 2 midwives) to examine me on my side to check my cervix and insert the gel, and it was very painful due to my SPD. The plan was to examine me at 6am, and either take me to the birth centre to break my waters if my cervix had dilated enough or to insert another prostin gel. I had a very sleepless night, the ward was absolutely boiling and I was getting quite a lot of contractions from around 10pm onwards, which although they weren’t painful at all combined with the heat and my SPD pain meant I couldn’t sleep. From then on it starts to go wrong...
I wasn’t examined until 7.30am Weds 12th when the midwife came in and hooked me up to the trace and said I was having too many contractions to insert another gel and that she didn’t want to hyperstimulate my uterus. She offered me paracetamol but I refused as I didn’t need it. She then said she wouldn’t check my cervix and that she would let the day staff do it after 8am. I wasn’t examined until 12.30pm. At which point I was still contracting, and the doctor said there was no reason I couldn’t have another prostin if my cervix still wasn’t dilating. Now on the original schedule, if I still hadn’t dilated enough to break my waters after my second prostin I should have been having the third one, and I was only just being examined for the second! Needless to say I still hadn’t dilated and so they inserted the second one. It was at this point that two midwives raised concerns as to how I’d be able to give birth naturally due to the severity of my SPD. They were concerned they would not be able to care for me in labour and that they weren’t sure how I was to deliver the baby. I was then told I’d be examined again in the evening. This time the midwife said they had to try and examine me on my back to try and get a better picture of what was happening down there. I was given a gas and air mouthpiece thing to bite down on and was told to breathe through the pain... One midwife picked up one leg with Ben holding the other and together they lifted them up and bent them at the knee then pushed them towards me and opened my legs as much as I could stomach. The pain was absolutely excrutiating I cannot explain how bad it was. The midwife said she could get a fingertip into my cervix and so she inserted the last of the three prostin gels. All this time I was still contracting lol, but I wasn’t even noticing it by now! The midwives were all saying why aren’t you in pain look how strong they are, but nothing compared to the SPD pain at that point! I was told I’d be re-examined in the morning.

Thurs 13th the doctor came at 9am to examine me. In the original schedule this final examination would have taken place at 6pm on the 12th! So as you can imagine I was a bit frustrated. It was the same on my back procedure and once again the pain was horrific. The doctor was shocked at how bad my SPD was and how small my hip abduction was, and said she could get a fingertip into my cervix. I was still contracting lol. She then said quite frankly, I had two choices. Either go through another round of three prostins in 48 hours time, or have a c section later that day. I spoke about it at length with the midwife whilst the doctor saw other ladies, and after considering the pain of the SPD for at least another 4 days coupled with the agony of being put through the induction process a second time, I decided on a c section for later that day. This is where it begins to get worse.... the registrar said she had to get approval from my consultant to put me on the end of a gynae theatre list. This confirmation came around lunchtime and I was told to expect my section later that day. It got to 5pm and Ben asked the midwife what had happened? She said there had been a ‘miscommunication’ and that the doctor would be round to see me later on. It got to 7pm and the doctor came onto the ward. Obviously by this point I knew I wouldn’t be having my section until at least Friday. I was ok with it at this point. The doctor saw every lady in the bay, and then walked straight past me. Ben and I were confused as to what was happening so went to ask the midwife. The midwife told us that the doctor has just left a message with her that he wasn’t willing to put me onto a theatre list for tomorrow morning as my consultant hadn’t given it the ok. Yet we were told at lunchtime my consultant had confirmed my section!! Cue lots of tears from a very tired me, at this point I’d been in there for 48 hours and had seen no progress.

Friday morning the doctors came round again and I was told my section would be that morning on the end of the gynae list. I called Ben in and let family know we would be having our baby that morning! The doctors then came round again and told me it was too late to get me onto the end of a gynae list as the doctors had already planned to finish up the list early!! I was on my own at this point, and then the matron came in. One word for her, and I’m not repeating it here. She told me they were looking at an elective section slot for me, and she would like to offer me next Friday, in a weeks time!! I explained I was in to be induced due to not being able to live with the pain anymore from the SPD. The doctor said he was sorry and that he had put me on the emergency list but that he couldn’t see us getting into theatre that day. He said another option was to take me to the birth centre and try and break my waters with my legs in stirrups and me using gas and air, I wanted to know how on earth he planned to do this when my cervix wasn’t open?! He said they needed to check after my third prostin and that I could go down at 1pm if I wanted. I complained about the lack of communication the day before and said I felt let down that I hadn’t been kept in the picture of my own care. I then asked about the possibility of getting my section tomorrow (Saturday) and the doctor said he couldn’t promise anything and maybe I would be better off at home! I said I would be happy to wait if I could at least be kept in the picture, the matron then interrupted and said she couldn’t promise anyone would keep me informed, which I thought was disgusting. They then left and out came loads more tears. Ben was livid I had been messed around so much, as were my family. Ben and his Mum came to the hospital and went straight to make a formal complaint. Meanwhile the midwife got a phonecall saying they had created a slot on the emergency list and that I was going down now! So I got Ben up onto the ward and the midwife put my gown on and got the cot, and we got out baby’s clothes ready! There was then another emergency on the ward, and so we lost the slot, but I was told I was next on the list, this is still Friday am. To cut a long story short we were messed about all day and Ben left at 8pm that night with us both hoping we would be having our baby tomorrow. I had been starved since midnight before, so when it got to 5pm they brought me tea and toast. I was starving!! Part way through the afternoon they did put me on a drip to keep me hydrated, this was a comedy act in itself as the midwife left the cuff on when she took the cap off to test the canula and blood just sprayed everywhere! Oh and also, at this point I was still contracting LOL. Before I went to sleep I had my first injection of Tinzaparin (for blood clots) and this gave me a lot of hope I would be having my baby tomorrow.

Saturday morning arrived, I was given a tablet at 6am for my stomach acid or something, and then I got up and had my shower. The lady in the bed opposite me was really sweet and kept asking if I wanted her to eat elsewhere as I was being starved again but I said no it was fine, I was too excited to want food!! Ben arrived at 9am, and the night registrar had just been round to tell me I was first on the list eek!! Once again I got bumped, and another Doctor came round and said that I was looking at around mid afternoon, unless they could get enough staff to open another theatre. We waited for what seemed hours, then at about half 11 we got the call! They were ready for us, having opened another theatre. I was given the drink thing for my stomach acid :sick: and got changed into my gown and we were ready to go!

When we got to theatre they weren’t quite ready for us, so we all had a debate in the waiting area as to whether I was having a boy or girl. Literally everyone said ‘that’s a boy bump!’ We were waiting for what seemed ages, and at one point the midwife was like AARRGH we just need to get this spinal in because there’s no going back then! I was finally wheeled into theatre, and was greeted by the most lovely anaesthetist in the world. It was hard work getting me into a sitting position to put the spinal in because of my SPD but once I was there I tried to relax as much as possible. At this point Ben was off getting changed. The spinal was fine, she warned me it may not get rid of the ‘bony pain’ of my SPD but that I would go completely numb. Normally the second they put it in you have to swing your legs onto the bed but because I couldn’t and because of the pain they waited until I was a little bit numb to put my legs back on the table. She then went about poking me with a needle, to test if I was numb, but because I could still feel the sensation I didn’t believe I was numb! So she stuck a whole needle straight through my stomach and said ‘did you feel that’ to which I replied ‘what?’ and she told me what she’d done! :rofl: Then the surgeon came in, and off they went! There was so many people in there, there must of been like 12 people, Ben even had his own nurse! Ben watched everything, and I watched the entire procedure in the mirror in the light, it was awesome! The best bit (apart from seeing Naya being delivered) was when they broke my waters and they just went everywhere! The surgeon said as soon as my waters had gone, ‘I can see lots of black hair!’ and she told Ben to get ready with the camera. They pulled the screen down as much as they could and lifted my head so I could see Naya being delivered, so that coupled with the mirror in the light meant I got to see my baby girl being born. It was so weird as they pulled her out my stomach just dropped, and before it swelled up it was all caved in between my ribs it was weird.The surgeon lifted Naya out and Ben said ‘it’s a girl!’ and at that moment she began to cry, and so did I :cry: the anaesthetist was stroking my hair and telling me she was fine, and I just lay there and sobbed because my baby girl was here. She was taken over to the baby table thing where Ben cut her cord down to the clamp, and counted ten fingers and ten toes. She was then weighed (7lb 1.5oz) and measured (19in) and wrapped in a towel before she was brought over to me with Ben for our first family cuddle and photo. I just lay stroking her face while they stitched me back up, and then Ben and Naya were taken out with loads of staff to make sure Ben didn’t faint!! Once I got to recovery Ben went to get changed, and then came back and had a little hold of Naya while I was checked over. As soon as I was ready we had skin to skin, and Naya found her way to my breast straight away and fed for 45 minutes. (She hasn’t been far from it since :haha: ) We had skin to skin for three hours and it was the most magical time of my life. I couldn’t believe how perfect she was, how much hair she had, and that she was finally here. Most of the theatre staff couldn’t believe she was a girl! :D When we were wheeled back up to the ward my Mum and stepdad were waiting outside and Ben told them the amazing news we had had a little girl and both of them cried :cry: so I cried a bit more! I’m actually crying as I type this! It wasn’t even visiting time but it was nice for my Mum and Gary to be able to have a quick peep at her as they had both done so much for us throughout my pregnancy.

The care on the ward afterwards was fantastic, I could not have asked for better midwives, they really built my confidence with breastfeeding, and couldn’t have helped more when I was having difficulty due to my SPD.

So many people have asked if I would do it again. I’d do it all again tomorrow, a million times over, for my little girl. The c section was an absolutely lovely experience, the staff were fantastic, and it was great we could still be so involved. I’m still really emotional about it all now, we have submitted a formal complaint, but we have also written a letter of thanks to the midwives who cared for me afterwards, we thought it was only right!

Anyway, let me introduce you to baby Naya Sophie, born 15/1/11 at 12.22pm, weighing 7lb 1.5oz, at 38+4. My perfect little girl.
aww she is beautiful, congrats hun xx
Congratulations, she's so cute :) amazing hair :D xx
:cry: Amazing birth story. Was a very frustrating few days but you go your gorgeous daughter in the end! She is truly beautiful. I love Naya (and u of corse lol)


ps. I cried reading that!
She is BEAUTIFUL!!!! Congratulations, I just love the name!!
What a birth story you have there, made me cry at the joy you must of felt at the end. Wow! She is absolutely gorgeous! Congrats xx
Hi DJ!

Congrats on the baby, she is stunning! I love all the pics but 4th down is especially gorgeous, she loooks like she is smiling!

Cant believe we've had our babies now. Mine turned into a blue bump :)

Again, congratulations, she is perfect. Lovely name too. xx
OMG! She is gorgeous!!! Congratulations!!!!! x
Congratulations!! Shes so beautiful!!
Have to admit your birth story shocked me!! How terrible of them to mess you around like that!! At least it was all worth it in the end xx
Well what a birth story !!!!
I read it in ancipitation and it ended beautiful
Your daughter is absolutly beautiful
Congratulations to you all
Oh and her name really suits her :flower:
Congratulations she is beautiful x
Awwwww :cry:

shes lovely and u did amazing to keep it together thru such a legthy ordeal!! well done u !!! ans congrats again on youe beautiful little girl!!XXX :cloud9:
What a frustratingly beautiful story DJ. You tell it so well and with so much love for little Naya. Thank you for sharing! Xx.
Congratulations! She's lovely! Also let her know the best people are born on 15th Jan! (It's my birthday too) x
What a little stunner! well done and congrats :)
Congratulations again DJ. Thanks for sharing your birth story, what a frustrating and painful few days it sounds for you but what a miracle you were rewarded with at the end, your beautiful daughter xx

I cried reading this!


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