Perfectly possible! I was classed as High risk due to previous embolism and one during pregnancy but was still able to have Pretty much the birth I'd hoped for.
I went in at 2cm as I couldn't keep anything down, consultant was happy with baby's HB and movement but MW opted to admit me, I was on the maternity ward at the this point (not labour ward) and she suggested a bath as I'd put water as pain relief on my birth plan.
I then used a TENS machine up until 7cm. I was moved onto the labour ward (and my own room) at 4cm, tried to get some sleep, chatted etc and asked to go in the pool.
My MW was again unsure about this so after chatting to consultant, we compromised on me labouring in water and coming out when it was time to push.
I LOVED being in the water and was just monitored with a Doppler, the MW never left the room but said she'd leave me and my DH to it as we were quite happy on our own with me just zoning out and breathing through each contraction.
When it came to pushing she offered G&A, which I was open to trying but spat out as I didn't like it lol! I wanted to kneel on the bed, MW suggested trying on a mat on the floor. I did and that's where I stayed, I ended up half squatting to give birth and I can honestly say I hope it all goes the same way again!
MW caught the baby, hubby cut the cord, they got me on the bed for immediate skin to skin, delivery of placenta etc.
The only thing I would like to do differently this time is use hypnobirthing as when it came to pushing out his head I got frustrated thinking I wasn't pushing hard enough as I could feel him descending then at the end of a push he'd slip back up a bit and I got annoyed at myself for "doing it wrong" (those were my exact words haha). I think this contributed/caused me to tear so I think with my previous experience and hypnobirthing it will hopefully go as well as/even better than last time.
Fingers crossed!!
I wasn't allowed a 6hr discharge and gave birth at 17:56 but I did ask the next day to go home and left at approx 3-4pm the following day.