Natural Birth Ladies


Mum & TTC
May 21, 2009
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Heya, just wondered who in third tri is wanting one & thought would be nice to open up a general thread all about the subject :flower:

I feel really inspired about having a natural birth, not sure how to put it down on paper in a birth plan but maybe i should worry about that nearer to the time.

Share away Ladies

Good idea!

I'm not having a home birth but I want labour and delivery to be as natural as possible. No medication, no epidural, no induction (unless I'm 2 weeks late ofc!)... I know the hardest part will be the episiotomy. My hospital is pretty progressive but when I asked about episiotomy, it was pretty clear they still did a lot of them... :(

I'm ok with it if it's necessary but from what I've read it's the case in only 10% of the cases!

What are the main things on your birth plan?
Oooh, I'm hoping for a natural home water birth :)
Great idea for a thread !!
Well I am due tomorrow (YAY- really hope he is on his way soon!) and didn`t really have much say in the natural birth department because epidural and drugs are not common practice here in Japan during birth. My hospital does have epidurals BUT you have to be induced (37 weeks) to have one and they cost about $2000 American dollars (No joke) and must be ordered in advance- you can`t just have one on the day if you find things getting too much for you.

So, I am hoping not to be induced but they will induce me at 41 weeks anyway if baby hasn`t arrived and I will have no drugs.

If I was in Australia (home country) I am not sure how I would go about things- I think I would still want a natural birth but at least I would know that gas and air would be on offer (my hospital has neither) and an epidural if I really wanted it.

Good luck with having the births that you want.
I want to keep mine as natural as possible. I'm open to trying gas & air, but I don't want Pethidine at all; and I'll avoid an epidural unless it's been a very long labour and I'm obviously not coping. I'd like to try the water for pain relief at least. I'm going to ask my midwife today about delivering on the birthing suite instead of labour ward. I don't want an episiotomy unless it's absolutely necessary (like for a medically necessary instrumental delivery). I'd like a natural third stage where possible. And I want my baby to have IM Vitamin K. I hope to fully breastfeed.
Just saw this pop up on the home page and I thought I would come and give my thoughts.

I went to a Birth Centre (Jubilee BC in Hull) and they offer a more natural birth compared to a hospital medicalised one, but with the backup of some pain relief and medical know-how (not to mention someone to clean up afterwards! lol)'s like having a home birth, but without the hassle!

I went through 42 hours of labour (from the very start of contractions) 8 hours of which was active labour from 6-7cm dilated and 30 minutes of pushing to get my not so little boy into the world 7 weeks ago. He was 9lb 6oz and solid so it was hard going!!

I made full use of the facilities and spent about 5 hours in the birth pool. I used the Gas and Air but this was the only painkiller I had and I didn't have this during the pushing phase as I didn't feel in control when using the gas. The midwife I had for my latent phase was also a trained aromatherapist and I would sa ladies, have a look into this! Clary Sage is excellent!! I had 2 baths at the centre, one before my waters went and one after, both with some form of aromatherapy and it really helped. I even managed to get about an hours sleep in total in them even with massive contractions every 2 minutes!!

I would say that the whole experience was well worth it. It's traumatic and tbh I still feel like I WOULD NOT want to do it again, but it hasn't put me off it entirely. I would probably take some form of painkiller next time, if only to give me a rest as I was exhaisted by the end!

I really hope you get the births you want ladies. I would advise you not to be martyrs, if you can't cope, say those magic words and someone will help, even if, like in my case, you want to smack them for suggesting you have a drink of lucozade instead of giving you DRUGS and lots of them! lol - try to keep perspective that every minute in labour is a minute less time until you get to meet that fabulous little person. Expect the worst, hope for the best and whatever you get will pale into insignificance when you are handed your baby. Get your birth partner as involved as you can..... my hubby caught our little man as he was born, cut the cord, coached me all the way through (at one point I had all 14 stone of me and baby hanging off his neck as I bore down!! But I couldn't have done any of it without his support! He made me laugh when I felt like dying and helped me to remember why I was there!!

Last word of warning..... my MW told me this when I was in labour and it's not in any of the books. You will need to get to a point where you can't go on, when your pain threshold is way behind you and you are in agony. You're exhausted and if you're honest, you would rather die than carry on....then your body will take over, you will work purely on instinct. This point is your friend as this is when your baby WILL be born!! You will find a reserve you never thought you had, and you will feel yourself work harder than you have ever worked before. Don't fight it, use this adrenaline and you will meet your baby sooner! It feels like it will never arrive but wehn it does, you become almost like an animal, and you wont be able to stop it. For some women this stage lasts about 2 minutes, others. like me, hours!! But it means you will meet your baby and it's the strangest thing I have ever experienced! It's scary, but so so worth it!!

Sorry if this has scared any of you, but had I been told that, I would have known that I would reach that point, rather than fighting to stay in control. Let your body do what it is designed to do and you will be so proud of yourself for doing it all on your own. (but please use the Gas and Air for that pesky active stage around 8-10cm....that was the worst bit for me!!)

Sorry, that turned into an essay lol!
Would like to avoid episiotomy/pethidine and the dreaded epidural at all costs, biggest wish is obviously active birth - no legs up in stirrups weight of baby on my coccyx total loss of control unless that is the only option. would love pain relief to not even be mentioned, that i'd ask if wanted it so that i didn't have ideas put into my head. Gas & Air will prorbably be my best friend - really open to the fact if it means baby being safe that i could have pethidine, ventouse/stirrups, episiotomy, epidural, casearean, and if it means him being safe then i can see it all going out the window, but these are my wishes, a drug free, empowered, active labour, using yoga techniques throughout, with supportive birth partner who can voice my opinions for me so that i can fully focus on doing the best job i can of delivering him safe & sound.

Homeopathy wise - would like to drink raspberry leaf tea also throughout the labour seen this is really recommended, and will take arnica in with me.

Would love a water birth if it was offered but wouldn't be devastated if it didn't happen.

Will ask my Birthing Partner to use the carrier oil/clary sage mix to massage me, and will eat a combination of slow/fast burning carbs at the early stages of labour.

This is so all gonna go out the window i bet when it happens... but would be happy if got at least a couple of those things in :D x
I would advise you not to be martyrs, if you can't cope, say those magic words and someone will help

Good Advice Thanks :D

"Last word of warning..... my MW told me this when I was in labour and it's not in any of the books. You will need to get to a point where you can't go on, when your pain threshold is way behind you and you are in agony. You're exhausted and if you're honest, you would rather die than carry on....then your body will take over, you will work purely on instinct. This point is your friend as this is when your baby WILL be born!! You will find a reserve you never thought you had, and you will feel yourself work harder than you have ever worked before. Don't fight it, use this adrenaline and you will meet your baby sooner! It feels like it will never arrive but wehn it does, you become almost like an animal, and you wont be able to stop it. For some women this stage lasts about 2 minutes, others. like me, hours!! But it means you will meet your baby and it's the strangest thing I have ever experienced! It's scary, but so so worth it!!"

Awww thank u for sharing that with us hun helps to hear from those who have been there! made me overwhelmed :cry:

You're welcome. I went into my labour with an open mind to everything. I chose the birth centre as a happy medium (and as I had originally put a wish forward for a water birth it was the obvious choice as they have 2 water birthing suites) and it worked for me. It was also nice afterwards as they have a homely atmosphere, no set visiting hours (within reason) and a much less medical way of working.

Good call on the carbs btw. I had been having contractions for 24 hours solid when I was admitted and had keytones so was forcefed lucozade and toast for the first 2 hours. It all came up again but if you can avoid that I would recommend it! (I know you can get gels that long distance runners use which come recommended).

I think the key is always and open mind and an open heart. I was quite niave I think to what labour actually entailed (no amount of reading can prepare you apart from knowing when to call the hospital/midwife!). Just keep in mind that your priority is to get YOU and YOUR BABY home safely.

Oh, and if anyone ever says 'what are you wearing' just slap them! I was as naked as a baby for the entire 8 hours is was in active! lol - the MW's know me very well now! lol :blush:

And lastly, the MW left me and hubby alone for long periods. Take this as a compliment. They should take a back seat just there to stop you panicking so if they go away for a while, you're doing a good job. They will only stay if they feel they need to (mine went off to have her lunch!! :dohh:)
Our birth was as natural as i dared.

I was in labour for 8.5hours using a tens machine and gas & air only. I did tear but overall it was a quick successful birth. we relaxed and went with the flow. the more you panic and worry the longer it will take let your body do what it does best - it is all instinctive!!
im planning a natural labour, the thing is i will be being induced at 40 weeks if she is not there before then (due to high bp & small baby) and i worry that will make giving birth more painful but im hoping to do it without any drugs at all
im planning a natural labour, the thing is i will be being induced at 40 weeks if she is not there before then (due to high bp & small baby) and i worry that will make giving birth more painful but im hoping to do it without any drugs at all

Get the clary sage out girl!! Seriously - It helped me so much. I'm pretty sure I had actually started Early labour about 2 days before my contractions started properly, and that's when I had my first clary sage bath!! I would recommend it and if nothing else, it ain't half relaxing! :thumbup: Fingers crossed for you hun xx
im planning a natural labour, the thing is i will be being induced at 40 weeks if she is not there before then (due to high bp & small baby) and i worry that will make giving birth more painful but im hoping to do it without any drugs at all

Get the clary sage out girl!! Seriously - It helped me so much. I'm pretty sure I had actually started Early labour about 2 days before my contractions started properly, and that's when I had my first clary sage bath!! I would recommend it and if nothing else, it ain't half relaxing! :thumbup: Fingers crossed for you hun xx

i will give it a go - i love baths so like you say it will at least be nice and relaxing and hopefully encourage her out, i think ive tried most other things by now!! xx
my labour was all natural i was only in labour for just over an hour so didnt have time to think about any tbh i just has gas and air but i didnt want it they practically shoved it in my mouth lol!
i had to have the injection to get the placenta moving as i was trying to get that out for 45 mins its wasnt budging and little one had the vit K injection :)

try to keep an open mind about everything tho just incase :) x
I live in an area of Canada where water births are not offered, and we don't have midwives so there is no option for a home birth either. Our only option is to go to the hospital and do the laying on the bed with legs up in stirrups. We do, however, get to choose whether or not we want drugs. I might get some laughing gas (assuming thats what you guys call gas and air) but NO epidural or morphine as they have started offering that as well. I soo would love a water birth though
I live in an area of Canada where water births are not offered, and we don't have midwives so there is no option for a home birth either. Our only option is to go to the hospital and do the laying on the bed with legs up in stirrups. We do, however, get to choose whether or not we want drugs. I might get some laughing gas (assuming thats what you guys call gas and air) but NO epidural or morphine as they have started offering that as well. I soo would love a water birth though

Remember that even if you are at a hospital, you don't need to lie on your back in stirrups (those are usually for epidurals though) - I walked the halls like there was no tomorrow and birthed in various positions. I didn't have G&A even though I think they offered it. Is there an option for a doula where you are? If you can't have a midwife, it is good to have someone on your side to be an advocate - since the OB may pressure you (I had an OB monitor me since I was preterm as well as the midwife) He wanted to induce me - since LO was doing well, I refused and walked instead for hours. This would have been harder if I hadn't had a midwife to help - it is really difficult to make decisions once those contractions hit.

I originally wanted a home birth, but since LO was 4 weeks early (he was technically due a few days ago) we weren't even in our house by then - we moved 4 weeks ago as well. But even though I ended up giving birth in a hospital, I was able to have a completely natural birth - not even a paracematol in sight! I was lucky though - I had a really great and problem-free birth and it was one of the most amazing, life-changing things I have ever experienced. I felt like superwoman afterwards!

A little advice though - I went into it with my options open. I wanted a natural birth, but had no idea what to expect, so I didn't have a rigid "birth plan". I figured if I needed pain meds, then not to beat myself up about it and just take the meds. The most important thing is that LO and mum are safe. I would also say that part of what made me want an epidural (yes - I wanted one partway through!!!! - can read my birth story for more info) was the fear of the unknown - "the pain is bad now - what will it be like in 2h???" So it was hard not to panic and let fear of the unknown take over - but now that I have done it, I know it is doable and will do it again if everything works out as well as last time.

So for all you ladies hoping for a natural birth - it is an amazing experience!! And even though I didn't really believe the midwives at the time - you really can do it. You will find a strength you didn't know you had! :hugs: :hugs:
I live in an area of Canada where water births are not offered, and we don't have midwives so there is no option for a home birth either. Our only option is to go to the hospital and do the laying on the bed with legs up in stirrups. We do, however, get to choose whether or not we want drugs. I might get some laughing gas (assuming thats what you guys call gas and air) but NO epidural or morphine as they have started offering that as well. I soo would love a water birth though

I'm pretty sure in Canada as everywhere else, you can say no to ANY medical procedure! It's your body and you're paying them... There's no way they can force you to deliver on your back. But of course, you need to confront the doctors and that's not easy to do... I know I have a hard time with mine! And it's even harder when you're tired, emotionnally exhausted and in a lot of pain. :nope:
yeah hun say no to lying on ur back if that's what u want! if it's same as uk u cannot be forced - obviously if it's necessary then by all means lie back with ya legs up i'll be happy to if it's needed. but.... don't feel like u don't have a say in how u birth ur child


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