Natural Birth - Q for Mums with 2+


BnB Co-Founder ~ Retired
Aug 31, 2006
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Is it easier 2nd time round? :rofl:

Mind after 36 hours of no bed I was exhausted and tbh emotionally drained from the whole experience & worry!
My first labour was 20hours of full on labour very trumatic this time was 5 and a half hours and very straight forward so yes i would say 2nd time round was easier
My neighbor just had her 2nd, and she said it was SOO much easier this time.
You are pre-stretched down there. Yes it is easier....yet I'd rather be hit by a truck LOL! My 3rd natural labour coming up LOL
Well, not to mess up a good thing here, but my second labor was much more traumatic. But she decided to come posterior too so that had everything to do with it :dohh: Those are notoriously long and painful labors.. :: shrug ::

Mind you, I was induced with the first, and the second - though not induced - was helped along with pitocin. I'm not sure what you refer to when you say 'natural birth'. A lot of people have differnt definitions of that. Some just mean did they come out the 'natural' way, vs. did they have no drugs during birth.

First one DD 12 hours - 6 hour epidural - 5lb 14 oz

Second 27 hours - 1 hour epidural - 7 lbs 13 oz


BTW, had an episiotomy for the first - and just a minor tear requiring one stitch with the second. So in that regard it would seem things were quite a bit easier ;)
Sorry but I have to say, my first labour was a god send it was 4 hours, cant say it was really painful, not a stitch in sight!!!!!!:happydance:
But my second OMG I had everything planned down to the last detail No drugs, hubby cut the cord, straight on th breast, did I get a shock when I ended up with an emergency c-section.
No offence to any one but second time round is not always a breeze, all labours are different, it depends how baby is lying and how big it is.
I hope you have a really easy and straight forward delivery this time but please be prepared go in with an open mind. If I could go back I would punch each and every person that said to me "4 hours for the 1st this one will just slide out" !!!!!:rofl:
:hugs:my second was 'easier'i think because you know what to expect and i felt i could concentrate on what my body was doing better,ive never had anything more than gas and air with my first 3 and no pain relief at all with my 4th!it was a home birth,the midwife went to the wrong house!i was pushing when she arrived!didnt even see her till i had given birth,just knew she was there!:rofl::rofl:
Jack was loads easier than Emily

Went naturally with Em at 37Weeks and was agony and took forever and had Epidural topped up 4/5 times

Induced with Jack at 37 weeks and TBH was a breeze compared to Em's had no pain relief at all, i was started at about 10am and i think i had him around tea time, quite a while but not painful really until the end

*i'll check back to my birth story llater for times etc...*
I only have one but my SIL had a longer and tougher labour with her second one. Reason being is that baby no. 2 was a good bit larger than no. 1.

As for my mum, 2nd and 3rd labours were far easier than 1st.
I have 4 kids (3 boys and a baby girl) and I must admit all my labours were very easy but my last was more painful although the quickest. I had gas and air with my first son and my daughter and nothing with the other 2.

With my daughter I was induced on the sat as my waters broke on the friday morning but I had no contractions. Jessicas head had just started to engage. I still had no contractions until 7 mins before she was born but even then they were not regular and lasting 30 seconds but they were alot more painful than with the boys.

First son was 3hrs 53mins born at 38+6 weighed 6lb 6oz
Second son was 20 mins born 41+2 weighed 6lb 8oz
Third son was 3hrs 51mins premature labour at 29wks, born at 38+6 weighed 6lb 14oz
Daughter was 7 mins induced at 37+4 wks weighed 5lb 1oz
I was induced with my 1st, and even though i was only in labour 4 hrs, it was pretty tough, i had a 2nd degree tear, and i haemmorraged. My 2nd was about 2 hrs, no tears, and i felt great afterwards. My 3 rd labour was much shorter (i was only in the labour suite 7 mins, before i gave birth), no tears again.
My 5th was the worst:dohh:

They all were different, none of them easy but none of them were as long as my 1st (27 hours)

After/for my third they have all got quicker, so quick last time infact that mw said it would be at least 2 hours and refused to examine me when I told her the baby was coming. Baby (katie) was then born 2 seconds after my waters broke and in one go (as in no head 1st then wait abit):dohh: hence ouchy ouchy and masssive tear:cry:

but I would STILL do it again:rofl:
Was so hoping that labour was easier 2nd time round!!

Said to my OH, don't know what's worse not knowing whats going to happen or actually knowing whats to come!!
Lucy (my 2nd) was the worst labour, but everyone is diiferent hun.

If you fancy a homebirth and ur 1st was straight forward go for it!

My second was definatly quicker and i didn't tear but that was probably caz i was stretched already!! But i wouldn't say it was easier!! x x
My 2nd time was worse, ide geered myself up for 1 push an she'll be out :rofl: but it was awful. It was the 1st midwife that i seen that i blame for it, she examined me said i was 2 cms and that rio have poo'd, so they sent me to be induced, 6 hours later after contracting all this time i got examined only to find that i was 0 CMS dilated and my front waters were still intact :hissy: how did the 1st midwife miss this?? once them waters were broke i went to 6 cms in an hour by this time it was to late cos rio was distrassed and so was i!!!
have no personal experience but my mothers case she had 2 somewhat complicated births....

I was facing the floor when I came out and my younger sister was breech....(bearing in mind she did them both vaginally...ouch) however my mum said I was a harder labour than Hannah!! :shrug:
2nd was easier by far!!!! even tho he was bigger, managed a full natural birth shorter time and less time in hosp :D
My aunt has just had her 4th, and she said if she had to go back and do any of them again it would be her 2nd.
personally i think its different depending on the sex of the baby lol

girls are a nightmare!!!!

ds1 was 2hrs was in hosp 20mins before i had him (7weeks early tho)

ds2 was 4 hrs in hosp 1hr and had him

dd was 43 hrs.. in hospital for 30 of them (if the epidural ppl had been more professional and came when asked instead of 2hrs later i wouldve had emergency c section but i had her myselfdue to them bein prats with 2 very worried midwives and a gyny standing by as they knew i was in a bad way :( )

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