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nearly 15 weeks, low lying placenta, cramping



Went to the ER yesterday afternoon due to severe cramping. They spent forever doing an ultrasound, ran bloods, ran urine, put me on an IV drip, the whole nine yards. Diagnosis? Low lying placenta posterior placenta. They couldn't get a good look at my cervix and therefore couldn't rule out or confirm placenta previa at this time. Waiting for more information from my OB as to when I can go in for another US and get her opinion. Cramping is still persisting at this point, but baby was measuring a week ahead and super active. I know I'll be having another C-Section this time around regardless due to the fact my last C will have been only 2 years ago at time this baby is due/born. I'm on pelvic rest, not allowed to lift, and am doing my best to chill out on the couch or in bed instead of wandering about. Is there anything else I can be doing? They scared the crap out of me with tales of abruption.
I recently had placenta previa with my last pregnancy. It seems very early to me in my experience for you to be diagnosed with full on placenta previa. I was first told at my 20 week scan that I had low lying placenta and it only officially became placenta previa at a further scan at 32 weeks.

In my case my placenta didn't move but in 95% of cases they do so I think you have statistics on your side. It can be serious and obviously if you've been given advice id follow that but otherwise try not to worry.
They said they couldn't say with great certainty that it was previa or rule it out, but they definitely lay the fear mongering on thick.
I've had a low lying anterior placenta throughout this pregnancy, at my 20wk scan it was abutting the cervix, at 30wk scan it was 1cm away, so hoping it moves further away or I'll be having a section. I haven't had any bleeding at all but all through the 2nd trimester I had severe cramping. No-one ever said it could be due to the placenta being low lying but that makes sense.
I've heard that anterior is more likely to move than posterior so I think you have a great chance of it moving away! And the placenta "issue" is the only reason they could see for the cramping, I'm almost wondering if it's a combination of that plus my c-section scar tissue stretching
I would really try not to worry too much at this point assuming everything else is fine. I had a low-lying placenta at 20 weeks (I would imagine actually that most of them would look low-lying at only 15 weeks because there's nowhere else for them to go as the uterus is still really behind the pubic bone). Even at 20 weeks, they weren't too concerned. I did have heavy (like gushing) red bleeding at 11 weeks and some cramping, plus a bit of brown spotting at 16 weeks. But honestly, I never even thought to connect the two. I didn't even know I had a low-lying placenta until 20 weeks. It never caused be any trouble after that. I carried on as normal, wasn't put on bed rest, was doing 14 mile hikes til the beginning of 3rd tri, and was working out at the gym on the treadmill 12 hours before I went into labour. It was completely fine. You're planning another c-section anyway, but I had a totally natural vaginal birth with no complications. So assuming everything looks fine with baby otherwise, I'd try not to worry right now. You might even see that by 20 weeks, it's moved enough already to not be too concerning, or they'll be able to get a better measurement that shows its nothing to be worried about. The fact you're not having any bleeding should be a really good sign though. Hope you start to feel a bit better soon.

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