My baby is now 8 wks, so about 2 months. I know she's young, but she had been going consistently 8 hrs at night, and this past week or so has been waking every 3 hrs to feed.. Ah! I see you all think its normal, but how frustrating when she was doing awesome. If she made it those long stretches before, she obviously doesn't need to feed..... She's a chunky baby... Not sure if I should feed her or just try to settle her, as she has trouble soothing back to sleep during the night it seems.
Just wanted to point out that this is likely untrue. Things don't just get better and better and better. There are 8 yr olds who go through stretches of waking up at night feeling thirsty. Shoot,
I have stretches where I wake up more frequently at night in need of liquids. It waxes and wanes and can be affected by that day's temperature, activity, what kind of solids have been eating (in babies old enough for solids), growth spurts, illness, growing pains, teething, new skill development, etc. It's all normal, and honestly, just something you have to deal with and keep trucking along. 3 hr stretches is quite good at any time the first 1-1.5
years, imho. Bedsharing definitely helps, though. That's why such a large percentage of breastfeeders bedshare, either openly or in secret.
I frequently say it's not about decreasing the number of night wakings, it's about decreasing the
impact of the night wakings you have.
That's how you get through that first year or so with sanity.