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Nearly missed my surprise baby shower - oops!


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2018
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I'm 37+3 - eeeek, getting close now - and for about a week now I've been having some serious Braxton Hicks, general discomfort, and just not feeling 100%. Been telling anyone who'll listen that I am SURE this baby is coming soon and how I'm fed up and want it out, like, yesterday!

All the while my OH is going "yeah, but just keep it cooking a bit longer" and I've been getting quite snappy with him - "you don't have to carry the damn thing, it's not you that's so uncomfortable" etc.

Anyway so yesterday, my aunt is visiting, and I'm supposed to go for lunch with her, my mother, and OH. Wake up in the morning with all the signs of a horrendous migraine - flashing lines in eyes, face and hands feel numb, headache behind eye, feel sick. When they hit me, I get them BAD. All I can do is sleep them off/wait them out.

So OH comes in from dog's morning walk and I tell him how ill I am. He orders me back to bed, and off he goes to work. About an hour later my mother is in my room trying to force tea, toast and Calpol (I don't do well with pills - long story) down me. Weird for her, she's never normally so attentive... but anyway, I go back to sleep. I am going nowhere. She seems annoyed I plan to miss lunch.

OH comes back from work at dinnertime and I tell him there is no way I am getting up all day. Admittedly I am over the worst but I feel like death, my head hurts, I am worried about high blood pressure, and surely no-one will mind if I miss going out for Sunday dinner - after all, I am heavily pregnant and should probably be looking after myself... but somehow, through his powers of persuasion, he has me sat up and he forces clothes onto me (not gonna lie, I looked a state as nothing fit or matched hahahaha), and before I can really think we are walking - slowly - to the pub.

I'm pretty grumpy at this point tbh...

I walk in, and there's so many people there! Friends, family from all over the country. He'd organised everything himself. Even made a three-tier nappy cake during his lunch breaks through the week! Balloons in the shape of babies, a sash - he'd even had sweets and pens printed with the date and 'baby shower' on. Buffet, music, games, prizes... He hadn't even been at work all weekend, he'd been making up party bags and writing personalised thank you cards and setting up baby-themed games...

AND I ALMOST MISSED IT :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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Oh that is soo sweet!!

Hope you feel better soon. Pregnancy is HARD. Well done you for actually making it lol! Not sure I could've.
I'm not an aww-er but reading what he had set up made me aww! Glad you didn't miss it then!
Awww so cute hon. I hope u are feeling better now. Xx
Aww thanks all - today I feel great tbh!
Better than I have in weeks. Slept right through the night, not too much pain or discomfort, pretty hungry... Wish I'd felt like this on Sunday morning hahahahahaha!
Seriously though, once I was there (and had a cup of tea) I was fine: maybe the absolute shock was what did it. Never been so surprised in my life - I didn't expect any sort of baby celebration, much less one my OH arranged all by himself!!!

Awww that's so cute! My OH couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery hahaha! This is the 3rd time I've turned down a baby shower, I'm such an anti social cow! I do attend my friends though and take lots of prezzies! My ideal baby shower would be a night by the tv with my Pjs and a Chinese lol!
Awww that's so cute! My OH couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery hahaha! This is the 3rd time I've turned down a baby shower, I'm such an anti social cow! I do attend my friends though and take lots of prezzies! My ideal baby shower would be a night by the tv with my Pjs and a Chinese lol!

I thought mine was the same tbh hahahaha! I usually have to nag him into doing the most basic of things - like sending his mother a birthday card!

Impending fatherhood has seriously changed him.
I stress again - HE MADE THE NAPPY CAKE HIMSELF!! I didn't even know what one was. I'd love to see his Google history from the past few weeks - he probably has a secret Mumsnet account or something... Maybe he's even on here...


Yeah I'm not especially friendly with, well, anyone (pretty useless at socialising or keeping in touch with people) ;) - but bless 'em, apparently they all love me regardless coz we had a great turnout. Apparently my stepmum turned down an invite, as did my half-sisters - but most of my oldest and dearest friends and lots of our family either made the trip, or sent lovely cards.

It was all about the buffet (I ate sooooo many mini pizzas and cupcakes) and the cups of tea and the party games. Baby got some gorgeous gifts too, but just little tokens - we already have everything big and we'd never expect folk to kit out the nursery etc haha! Have always thought if you do a baby shower just for the presents - or have a registry of what you want - then you're a bit of a twat really ;) It's for celebrating mum - me - and the hard work I'm about to do. And baby. And, in our case, dad too!!

But anyway, baby now has some very, very cute toys and comforters and hand-knitted cardigans and blankets and hats - and everyone filled out a quiz OH had arranged with predictions of gender and weight and labour length and other stuff, name suggestions, messages for when it's 18, and advice for us as new parents, which we are very excited to sit and read through and we will treasure forever. So that's the very best kind of gift we could have wanted.
Hahahaha I cant get enough of Chinese right now!

Awww bless your baby shower sounded wonderful! No I agree I had a friend that wrote huge lists of big expensive items she wanted people to buy for her baby, she also kicked off when no one actually bought her the big items! I thought that was really ungrateful! I bought her a memory box, which I filled with packs of vests, babygrows, bibs, dummies, scratch mitts, booties, it also had things like baby bath, creams, mini box of chocolates and some fancy shower gels for mum and a small bottle of wine, it was basically a baby starter/survival kit that she could reuse the box to fill with baby 'firsts' I thought I'm not going to spend £100 on a big expensive item, when I can spend day £40 on lots of little handy things... she also turned around afterwards and said its thr best present shes ever received! I make them for all my friends now. Also when she had her baby shower for her second baby, she asked if I could do the same as she loved it so much! This time around she also downsized her extravagant list and didn't expect any presents, only off me hahaha! Less is definstly more in that situation, and tbh, I only go to these things for the buffet ;)
Aww that sounds like a lovely gift, glad it was appreciated! A couple of people got stuff for me rather than baby, just bath sets and other little pamper things, meant a lot tbh as I do generally feel rough this last bit of the pregnancy and need some TLC!
Also one of my friends has just had a baby of her own (they were Team Yellow, like us), so she's filled up a bag with all the gender-neutral first clothes that her girl quickly outgrew - not cost her a penny and she gets to clear some space at home too, while we get some gorgeous practically new stuff for baby's first month. Everyone wins!! <3

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