Need a cycle buddy PLEASE!


Oct 29, 2017
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I'm new to this site but not to ttc. I've been trying several years. I have pcos & don't ovulate. I'm now on a hybrid, ovulation induction cycle using femara, Gonal-f & ovidrel trigger. Im interested in finding a cycle buddy going thru anything remotely similar. To share stories & offer support. If anyone is interested in talking casually, girl to girl about some of these difficulties then I am here.
Hi :hi: I have PCOS as well and on cd19 of my first Femara Cycle. So far I haven't O'd yet.

Good luck to you!
Have you tried clomid, yet or are you starting just with femara? Are you having any side effects? Femara usually treats me pretty well as far as side effects go, but some of the other meds are wicked. Are you using OPKs to track ovulation, or are you tracking with ultrasounds?
No clinic, just Femara. Other than a few hot flashes, general hormonal stuff, and headaches, I haven’t had any bad side effects. I took it once before and got pregnant with my daughter the first cycle. I went through a fertility specialist so it was monitored with ultrasounds, bloodwork, OPK, temping,etc. Since it worked so great the first time I asked my obgyn if they would prescribe it and they agreed. I wanted to try a more relaxed approach so I just used OPK’s this cycle. I just got a positive OPK today at CD19! We bd yesterday then will bf again tonight and tomorrow then see what happens. I will be doing progesterone bloodwork since it was really low last time.
So are you in the 2ww now? How many DPO are you? I hope it's easy for you again this time. I just got my bfn & am waiting for af again. I had some spotting today, so I thought she was on her way, but she can be a tricky broad, lol. Another ovulation induction cycle for me with tons of injections, meds, scans, etc. This is getting really tiring quickly
I’m 6dpo...I think. I had my progesterone bloodwork this morning that will confirm whether or not I did. They had to poke me 5 times to find a vein and all I could think was...please let this happen quickly. The tests and stuff get brutal. I’m pretty positive I did ovulate though as I had side pains and positive OPKs that went negative on the day the side pain went away.

I had some pinching and cramping today, but it’s still too early to test.

May I join? I am on CD 11 of my first round of Femara. On Saturday, I have an appointment for follicle scan and to measure my lining. Also, they will be checking for cysts. Based on my AMH of 4.0 (I am 34), they suspect I have PCOS, but I have no other symptoms. I had the Mirena IUD for almost 15 years and did not have a period the entire time. I had it removed in October 2016 and have had very regular periods for the whole year. Last cycle, AF came 4 days late which had never happened to me. I was so hopeful since I had never been late without being pregnant. (I had an early miscarriage in May.) But all tests were BFN. My doctor agreed to let me start Femara without a formal PCOS diagnosis and without ovulation blood work. She said she was pretty sure I wasn't ovulating regularly. I am feeling cautiously hopeful that this will work. I belong to a Femara facebook group and I couldn't believe how many women said they got pregnant their first cycle. That was dangerous for me to hear. Lol.

At my scan on Saturday, depending on the results, my doctor has said she will probably have me trigger and will start on progesterone supplements as well. All of this is unexpected and a bit overwhelming, and I am grateful for modern medicine!

Jules, any update on your progesterone test?

Ditmar, sorry about BFN. :(
Hi Sarah. Good luck! Have you had any side affects or anything? I found that I had way less compared to people that I know who have taken clomid.

The positive stories are so great! Though I agree it's dangerous to hear or even experience it happening quickly and than it not happen that way. I have to tell myself not to get discouraged if it doesn't happen as quickly this time around, but also try to be optimistic that it will. It's such a mind game going back and forth. TTC at its finest!

AFM- I haven't received my results yet. I made sure I was scheduled in the morning on Monday so they would be ready yesterday. They said 24-48's past 48 hours at this point. I tried calling, but just got the nurse's line vm.

No symptoms, at least I think. I'm trying not to over think every
Yes sarahtonyn, please join the convo. I'm finding it very hard to find people to talk to that have similar situations. I don't know any personally & a lot of the support boards I find are outdated & nobody responds. Anyways.... did you get pregnant naturally with your miscarriage? Have you tried anything else like clomid, or are you start with femara? I'm also on femara right now. I'm on CD and taking 3 tabs. I'm also starting Gonal-f injections tomorrow. I'm getting quite worn down already, but at least we've finally found this combo that works for me. I also use the progesterone & trigger shot during these last few cycle attempts. I think the trigger is a no brainer if your Dr is willing. Takes all the guessing out. Where are you at now in ypur cycle? Looking forward to talking more.
I took a testing break over the weekend. I tested this morning on a FRER and thought I could see a shadow, but nothing that has me convinced. I'm 99.9% sure we're out this cycle.

ditmar- What CD are you? Are you going through a fertility specialist? My doctor's office is just prescribing the medication and doing a progesterone check after suspected O. When I had my monitored cycle at the fertility specialist, they said they would only do the trigger if my hormone levels weren't right when my follicles were ready. My insurance wouldn't cover it so I was happy when they said I didn't need it.
Sorry for the delayed response, I just saw this. Yes, I got pregnant naturally with my mc. This cycle with Femara is the first time I've had any medical assistance. My doctor wasn't willing to trigger because we never did blood work last cycle to see if I ovulate on my own, plus she was confident that I would release these 2 follicles based on the scan. I am now 1dpo. She agreed to trigger next time if this doesn't work.

I know what you mean, that it is difficult to find people to talk to about this...I belong to a few FB groups that are helpful and easy to use for responses. This feels a little more personal though. :)

Jules, sorry you feel you are out this cycle. But sounds like you still have a chance!
AF is here so on to cycle #2. The good thing is that it lines up with what fertility friend predicted, which means I ovulated on CD20 and af at 14dpo. I'm actually ok with seeing af and feel a little more relaxed since I know what to expect now. The only thing I'm waiting on is to see if they want to up my femara dose.

Sarah- Fingers crossed everything works and good luck! Are you an early tester or are you holding out?
Jules, sorry about AF. What dosage of Femara were you on? Do you plan to request any monitoring this cycle, or continue with what you did last cycle? I'm glad you are feeling somewhat relaxed now.

And thank you! As far as testing, I have done early and waiting until AF is due or late. I've tried everything to see if one way is easier on me than others. Turns out, it's all stressful! Lol. This time, I was planning on doing whatever my doctor recommends. She was telling me about a success story of one of her patients and I think she recommended beginning testing on 10dpo, but I'm not sure if I heard her right. I'm also not sure when to expect AF because I don't know if Femara is going to lengthen my regular 12 day luteal phase... My app is showing AF is due on 11/27. If it doesn't come that day, I think it would be fun to get a positive on 11/28 which is my deceased sister's birthday. Sorry for such a long answer--I guess I'm not too sure! But I'm thinking I will wait until 11/28.
Hi Ladies!

Mind if I join this conversation? I’m on my first round ever of Femara with Ovidrel trigger shot and have been finding it difficult to find other women who don’t have PCOS/are on fertility meds to talk to and relate. :(
Sarah- I always say I'm going to wait, but part of me is just too impatient. I have gotten better at not staring at it for hours and throwing it away before getting line eye too bad though. lol I'm not sure what my luteal phase is usually so I can't help you there. I only know that this cycle it was spot on 14 days. Make sure to keep us updated!

Hi fx! Good luck with your first cycle. :) What CD are you?
Hi fx! Good luck with your first cycle. :) What CD are you?

Hi Jules! Thanks! I’m on CD 15. I triggered on Monday 11/13, so I was supposed to ovulate last night. Haven’t really felt any different today, just bloated a bit (think from the trigger shot perhaps?). Is that normal? So I guess my two week wait starts today, supposed to test on the 29th. Fingers crossed but I’m not getting my hopes up since this is just my first cycle.
:hi: Ladies..... <3 Mind if i join? I have PCOS as well and did rounds of clomids before plus fostimon + trigger. Unfortunately, we never conceived. 2 mos after stopping clomid, we tried Fertilaid and that's when we conceive. We decided to TTC#2 in July, naturally/unmedicate, so far no luck. :( So we decided to try fertilaid again and see if it will help my body to ovulate. Still waiting to ovulate hopefully between CD18-23.
mdscpa- Hiii! Good luck with the fertilaid. I've heard some good things about it! Fingers crossed it does the trick like it did the first time for you. :)

FX- I didn't do a trigger so I'm not sure. I knew when I ovulated because I was doing OPK's and had lots of side pain that got super intense then it just went away. I do remember having af like symptoms like a little bit of bloating and broke out. Hormones doing their thing I suppose. lol

AFM: Today is CD3 so I took my first femara. :) I'm also ordering my OPK's....kicking myself for not getting a bigger pack last month. I limited myself because last time I got so many then got pregnant that month so I had like 150 of them left over. I should have kept them, but didn't think we would be TTC anytime soon after that. 2-3 years seemed so far away then. No one told me how fast time flies!
:hi: Ladies..... <3 Mind if i join?

Welcome, mdscpa! I’ve never heard of fertilaid.. is that kind of like a vitamin or supplement? Or is it a prescription? Do you know if you can take it in addition to fertility meds like Femara/Clomid? Sorry for so many questions!

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