Hi Ya'll, I'm new to this site. I am 24 and been in a relationship with my boyfriend of 7 years. He is older by 8 years and we've been ttc for about a year. I have pretty regular cycle (32 days) we did BD during my "fertile window" August 1-6/2014. My expected O day was the 4th (cycle day 19). I have had an anovulatory cycle twice since I started my period at age 13 (both times I was in my teens). I started tje following month and was regular after that, so here's my question... I am now tad shy of 3 months late & over 80 days since the first day of my LMP.*I have taken three hpt and all BFN. I have never been this late before and it's really starting to worry me, since we did have sex during my ferile time do you think there's a chance I could be pregnant even though tests are neg? Or should it be positive given I'm this late and something else is throwing it off? I know not all women get positive for several weeks or even months or in rare cases at all by urine. Could I be one of those woman?I've had what seems to be a few symptoms, slight cramping lasted for about a week (coupke weeks ago), bloated/full feeling, extreamly gassy (still have it), tired a lot more (still have it), headaches (not everyday), had some sensitivity in my nipples along with a sharp/throbbing pain (lasted 1 min & just tjat one day), TMI sorry but been having more bowel movments, only use to go every other day.What do you ladies think? Prego or Am I out? Should I call Doc to maybe get something to start AD again? Thanks