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need advice...please do not judge.


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2012
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First thing, if you have nothing nice to say, then don't say it coz I really do not need it. Same goes for anything judgemental.

Basically, I've struggled to give up smoking completely. I've gone from 15 a day pre pregnancy to 1-2.

But when I've had the half at a time, I've been getting pains in my stomach. I just cannot knock them on the head...although I've decided that the 1 left in the packet is last one. These pains have only been Hahappening since I've been poorly with this infection.

The stomach pains take 5 mins or so to pass but the back pain due to the infection increases and takes a lot longer to go.

Now I'm really nervous for my scan :(
I'm not a doctor so I don't know about the pains.
I don't and never have smoked but my husband does he's still in until process of quitting.
I know how hard it is to quit and you should be proud you've cut down so much!
If you do struggle to quit totally could you maybe investigate electronic cigarette or low dose patches?
Quit! Best thing I ever did. Not sure what the pains are, but when I quit a few years ago, I had tummy pains because the digestive system slows down when nicotine is reduced. Might be that? Teamed with pregnancy slowing your system down too might wreak havoc with your tum.

Very best of luck quitting p, it's bloody hard work. And good luck withs scan too xx
The smell of lo's moon dough is also making me feel nauseous and my stomach hurt lol

No more as from now! (cigs and moon dough!)
Sounds like it could be side effects from reducing your nictonine levels and smoking.

I am usually totally anti smoking in pregnancy but I can also understand how hard it must be to go cold turkey.

It sounds like you are doing your best to give up and that's what matters.

FX'd your scan goes fine I'm sure it will.

Cutting down/quitting can give you lots of nasty side effects at first.
Can you not try the e cigs? I got onto them when I got my bfp. There's so many different flavoured juices for them and they're not harmful to baby. Quitting nicotine is a huge stress on your body, cold turkey is hard. Good luck with it! As for the pains I don't know what they could be.
Be proud of yourself for cutting down lovey.

The pains may be just stretching and unrelated so wait til you're better and judge it then xxx good luck
I don't know what to suggest but please, and I don't mean to be rude to the other posters, stay away from the E-cigs, purely because there is no long term effect studies been done or effects on pregnancy. Nicotine substitutes are not advised in pregnancy as they have been shown to increase the risk of miscarriage.

You have done amazingly and you should be proud of yourself, 15 a day to 1-2 is an amazing achievement.

You may find the pain you are experiencing is stretching pains as baby is snuggling in :thumbup: Do you have the support of a pregnancy stop smoking nurse? I know here we have to see them, I haven't smoked for over a year but still had one contact me at my 12 week scan to due to the fact I had been a previous smoker even though I have never smoked in pregnancy :flower:
The smell of lo's moon dough is also making me feel nauseous and my stomach hurt lol

No more as from now! (cigs and moon dough!)

:happydance: Good on ya hunni! Quitting is one of the best thing I've ever done.. Its been 2 months for me and i don't miss it at all xx Good luck xx
Today is a week that ive quit but i do use a e cig here and there

I used to smoke moons ago. When I was pregnant with my last daughter I was a smoker- but not a heavy smoker. I smoked the first 2 weeks I found out I was pregnant and quit. The smell and taste actually made me sick, but also it was mental as well that I just didnt want to continue for baby sake. I think you did a great thing here. And I agree the pain could be from reducing the nicotine. In retrospect I had stomach pains where I would just be on my knees. But they soon left. In the mean time maybe speak to your Dr about ways to come off of the 1-2. nicotine addiction is real- and the fact that you reduced to only 1-2 is a HUGE accomplishment. One day at a time love. We all have our habits noone is perfect. My bottle of red wine was calling my name the other day- but I just had to withhold.

Also (this worked for me) - try looking at the anti - smoke campaign adds..where they show you where the chemicals come from. This helped me too (permanently) once I saw that some of the chemical come from cow gas or rear or something. I swear I forever gave it up because of that LOL. UGH...

You can do it though!!! If you came from 15 done to only a couple- I cant stop saying this - that is amazing!!!!!! you can def wean off of the 1-2. :) xoxox GL to you!!!!
First of all, amazing job at cutting back that much!!! That is awesome! I'm not sure about the pains, but I would maybe give your Dr/Midwife a call and see what they have to say, no question is a stupid question :) Good luck and congrats again!!
Honey, congrats for trying to do what is best for you and baby. Your child needs a healthy mother, and I think in time you'll never regret quitting.

I love smoking. I was a heavy smoker for years, and quit cold turkey the moment I discovered I was pregnant with my daughter. Once I had my little girl, I fell off the wagon for a little bit, but I've quit again, happily, since I'm now pregnant with #2. There is NOTHING harder than kicking the habit, so I do know what you're going through.

I don't recommend the e-cigs. They're pretty iffy, and not well-researched. Honestly, suckers and little candies and gum helped me, and all are safe in pregnancy...keeping your hands busy, and drinking plenty of water. If you're having a big craving, take deep breaths, go do a distracting household chore, or take a walk. Do anything, but take that one puff of smoke. Good luck. It's hard, but you and your baby are worth it.
Don't recommend e-cigs either. Just read something bad about them...will try to find it.
Studies show quitting smoking is harder that quitting hard drugs so don't be too hard on yourself. There's a reason tobacco companies are still making money hands over fist as they know the exact formula to addict people for life:nope: What you are describing sounds like it fits in with withdrawal symptoms for sure but here's a link that breaks down the most common withdrawal symptoms so you are aware of what to expect and why tobacco has been listed by several studies as the most addictive drug. Good luck hun and I hope you are able to win the fight as it may be one of the hardest things you can do and I applaud your efforts!


I also quit after getting my BFP.Smoked my last cigarette on 4 January,and since my husband still smokes (he smokes outside) I still catch the smell every now and then,and so I still get a craving,but I just feel so guilty when I think of baby,it's been my motivation to 'stay clean'.Good luck girl,you're doing really welll just cutting down already!
Hi. I smoked before every one of my pregnancys but quit straight away but this was made a lot easier because of the sickness. The smell of smoke makes me want to vomit. I remember getting cravings again when the sickness went with my last. I don't think you could get immediate pain in your abdomen from smoking. Maybe it's more to do with when you smoke you are relaxed and that makes you notice the pain more? or coincidental? how far gone are you? you can get lots of different abdo pains in pregnancy and it is normal to worry every time, but it's mostly normal stretching and tightenings of the uterus. However if it is prolonged or accompanied by other symptoms call your doctor/midwife. I don't know what kind of infection you have, maybe it is just down to that. It's good that it has given you that kick to give up smoking though, but i really don't think it would cause pain like that.
Great job!!! That is fantastic. I just quit and my god is it hard. The stomach cramps are definitely part of it sometimes. When I was cutting back I would eat breakfast first thing and then smoke half of one after while I had my tea. I smoked 30-40 a day pre-pregnancy and was sooooo bloated the first 7 weeks I had a heck of a time with stomach issues and pains. Eventually the pains went away after eating and DH is quitting next week, fx, so the cravings won't be as bad soon. You are doing great, keep it up!!!

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