Need support/Advice


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2011
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Moms - looking for a little support/advice. Because of Jaxson being premature in the NICU/feeding issues, I was never able to breast feed, something I wanted so badly to do. We tried, but he never could. So I have been pumping for 6 months. Its not stimulating me enough to get really anything for milk anymore. I think its time to stop, but I feel guilty because I know breast milk is best, I am sad because he was premature he couldn't nurse, I feel angry that I am failing him. I have tried supplemental and everything else you could imagine, but Im tired and its not working. Do you have any advice and how did you manage if you were in the same situation? I know I am not alone.
Sorry no real advice as I was lucky enough to be able to breastfeed but I wanted to say you have done brilliantly pumping while looking after a child. Had I not been able to breastfeed I would have just given up and formula fed.

While breast milk does have it's benefits so does formula and as long as your child is fed and loved he will be happy so try not to beat yourself up too much and you are definitely not failing him.

I am sure others will be along in a while to give some better advice.

Good luck
I can't give much advice on expressing maybe try in breastfeeding section.

You've given ur baby breast milk for 6 months which is great and will have given him loads of benefits especially from the colostrom. You're definately not failing him you've done great to keep going for so long. Im sure he'll be happiest when his mummy is happy whatever he is fed.

You have done brilliantly to express for 6 months - I was in the same situation but could only manage it for 7 weeks. I think people who have never had to do it underestimate how emotionally and physically draining can be and I think we as mums can also forget this. Please don't get down that you feel no longer able to do it; I know you probably have guilt or feel like you're failing in some way (I know I did to begin with), but its much more important for you to look after yourself and stay happy as I genuinly believe that this will positively outweigh the benefits of any breast milk that you can give your baby. The saying 'happy mummy means a happy baby' is sooo true :D good luck with whatever you decide though xx
You have done so well to feed him breastmilk for this long. I only managed for 10 weeks and I was devastated when I had to give up. Our hospital were not helpful in any way and told me he'd be in much longer if I wanted to breastfeed! 6 months is an amazing achievement. Well done x
Isn't 6 months the recommended amount of time? Like, don't they say to try and BF for at least 6 months? It sounds like you have done an amazing job! Don't be so hard on yourself!
You've done a super amazing job. I gave up after 3 months because I was struggling, I certainly found myself happier and of course LO was too. If its stressing you - I would say stop and enjoy your baby. The early days are too short to be wasting worrying about volumes IMO.

I felt sad for a few days, but on the other hand relaxed again.
I only managed 7 weeks. She wasn't putting weight on with it anyway so I didn't see the point in continuing. Youve done amazinly well I can't imagine pumping and looking after baby aswell x
I feel your pain! My daughter was 7 weeks early and she latched on well, but since she was in the NICU it was hard to keep up. It ended up being easier just to feed her what I pump. I have been going 6 months now myself and don't seem to have any issues. I have used Fenugreek and that helped, but LOTS of water and oatmeal are also very good ways to help. Even if you have to supplement anything that you can give your child is best. I remember how I felt when I thought my milk supply was running out after a month. I was so scared! I suggest keep up with whatever you can, every little bit helps! Good luck!
My supply just never got going even with Fenugreek supplements. He came home at 34+1 gestation and was still too small to latch without a nipple shield. I made it 7 weeks pumping, but it was so depressing trying so hard and not even making 2 oz a day. I'm still sad over it as BF was one of the things I really looked forward to sharing with my baby, and I read several books while pregnant.

Having a preemie generates so much guilt for us as moms. We need to remember all the babies want is love. :)
Just to add I'm kind of here at the moment as well - but sadly only after 2 1/2 weeks... no further forward in terms of getting any progress with her being able to breastfeed, and I feel like I'm losing her entire early days being chained to a breastpump.
my little guy was born at 25 weeks, and i managed to breastfeed for 7 and a half months, first 12 weeks was pumping every 3 hours,When reece tok seriously ill my milk supply almost dried up, i tried everything the nurses suggested and in the end my gp prescribed Domperidone, which increased my supply to endless amounts, I gave up just after christmas, because reece was now on full solid feeds 3 times a day or i probably would have continued. Good luck and hope you can get something to help..

Also my little guy would not latch on unless i used the nipple shield x

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