My husband and I aren't really trying to have a baby. But I am late on my AF for ten days and I have a regular cycle. All my HPTs have been negative. I just ordered a more sensitive brand. I won't be upset if I'm not there is always next month, its more of the limbo. I started getting cramps on the 3rd but no blood, and that lasted all the way until today and they finally subsided. They never got painful like my normal cramps would. Just tonight my breast started throbbing, this is weird but only one, then my nipples were really sensitive I know TMI. I have had an excess bloating and gas which can be chalked up to PMS as well. I still feel like I'm getting my period any moment. I also have had an increase in CM since my AF should have been here, it was clear liquid texture and sometimes has white in it. Its a lot though, it gushes, it makes me feel like I'm bleeding I keep checking because I think its my AF. My doctor and other people have told me it can take up to two weeks for the hormone to build up and to wait till then to take the test, but I feel like if it hasn't shown up by now I'm probably not pregnant. But these other things make me feel like I am, so I'm more confused then anything. My question is have any of you experienced this with negative or positive results?/?/?