Negative pregnancy test but am over a week late.


Jul 6, 2014
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My boyfriend and I weren't actually trying to conceive, I am not on birth control and we had unprotected sex one time but he pulled out. I looked at an ovulation chart and this was during the most fertile part of my cycle.

I am over a week late for my period at this point (it has been 36 days since the start of my last period) and my periods are usually pretty predictable. I took an early detection pregnancy test yesterday but it was negative.

Also, I know that most sources say that morning sickness usually doesn't set in until after your missed period but about a week after the unprotected sex, I had three instances where I felt so nauseous I thought I would throw up and felt very faint (all within the same week), then I went back to feeling fine and have felt no nausea since. I also have had two headaches. My breasts don't feel sore, but they do seem a bit more full than usual. I also have been feeling bloated the past few days and my stomach looks more chubby than usual.

Does this sound like early signs of pregnancy? Has anyone else had morning sickness a week after conception and had it disappear soon after? Can you test negative several days after a missed period but still be pregnant?
You most likely had delayed O...alot of times a womans body will gear up to O but no actually O and then the egg get released a few days to a few wks later when ur body is truly ready. The ONLY way, other than ultrasound to know when you ovulated is by tracking temps. Anyway, u could either have not ovulated at all, which will make ur period late or make it not come until 2wks after you do ovulate. I'm pretty positive delayed O is what's going on with you. I see ur same question up here all the time and its due to delayed O 99% of the time, especially after a missed period. You still could get a BFP though. When u ovulate late, it makes ur period later. Id have to write you a book to explain it all so if u have any questions, ill just come back and answer for u lol. So with delayed O being a possibility, docs would usually suggest to wait another wk and if no AF still, try testing again. Good luck hun!

Also those ovulation trackers are hardly ever right. I used to go by 5 different charts just to make sure I wasn't missing the day and ot turned out, I was oing 2-4 days earlier than all O calendars seemed to have thought. Those calculators go by a CD14 ovulation day with a 14day LP but in reality, MOST women O before or most commonly, after the "CD 14 guidelines". That's just a took docs use for women who weren't tracking anything to try and predict a due date. I wouldn't pay much attention to those...speaking from personal experience lol. Good luck again!
On a side note tho, ur symptoms do sound like what I has early pg with my son BUT I also get them every month now that I'm trying as well (from the progesterone, it can cause pg symptoms). It stinks. As I said, if you did ovulate late and I'm 99% sure u prob did, u could just be testing too early. You say you had weird feelings like nausea and such a wk after you thought u oed, well that could have been when you truly oed instead. I get nauseous around my O time. I will be stalking you for the next wk or so to see what happens. Def try testing in a wk tho and if no AF still and still a negative, schedule to get bloods done with ur doc. That'll def answer for you :).
As I said, if you did ovulate late and I'm 99% sure u prob did, u could just be testing too early.

Thank you for the detailed response! I don't think the nausea is from ovulation because I normally don't get nauseous because of that. It was like a sudden onset nausea that was very intense to the point I thought I would throw up but it would go away after 10 minutes or so, this makes me think it was hormonal rather than something I ate.

What would cause a delayed ovulation? Because I am normally pretty regular, it just seems weird to happen out of the blue like that.
Anything can delay ovulation. You can have cysts that you are unaware of (VERY common), or It can be stress, and also from hormonal stuff. Sometimes ur body will "gear up to O" and you'll get a positive opk and everything but then it can just stop due to the egg not being ready or ur diet or exercise. There are TOO many things that can cause delayed O. You could also just be having a plain annovulatory cycle. This can happen to any one. Even people who have the most regular cycle in the world can have random annovulatory cycles. A month or so before I conceived my son, I didn't get AF for 3 months!! It turned out it was because I had a cyst and I wasn't ovulating. If you dont ovulate, AF will either come really late or early.
do u guys plan to start trying if this is just a delayed or annovulatory cycle? Jw because if so, I highly recommend temping. Its the only way you'll truly know when your own personal fertile days are :). You can get better answers as to what causes delayed O and such by typing it into google...dr google has lots of good info :). As I said tho, either of these things can happen to anyone, regardless of how regular you are. Our bodies are very tricky! I didn't realize how much it truly takes to get pregnant until I started actively trying. I thought we all oed on or very close to CD14 but I was sooo wrong. Most women on here that I talk to O on CD 17 or later. And the nausea still can be from O. I get dif symptoms every cycle. Progesterone is produced immed after O and this hormones mimics the pregnancy hormone so u prob were feeling pukey from hormones. Or if u didn't O at all, too much estrogen could make u feel icky too. Also, ur lethal phase (the days from when you O until AF comes) will always be the same length. So say you have a 14 day LP, whatever day AF starts you can count backwards by 14 and that'll be about ur O day, no matter what, unless pregnancy happens of course then it'll b longer lol. Healthy LPs usually range from 11-15 days...u can only truly find out this info about urself by tracking ur bbt every a.m. Sry this was so long, esp if u dont plan to try anytime soon lol. But hey, now u have info for the future :)
Def google delayed O and annovulatory cycles and that'll explain it better than I did. Sometimes our cycles simply switch up on us too because the days BEFORE O can very by days or weeks but at least the time after O is always the same length. You can even take ur temp as a preventing method and that way if u guys want a baby, you'll already know ahead of time when about to baby dance for ovulation :) GOOD LUCK! Plz update me!
Also, although you CAN get pregnant thru the pull out method, its not as likely. There's sooo many factors that affect being able to conceive such as how ur cervical fluids were when you BD'ed or if your cervix was open, and if the sperms were able to live long enough. Accidental pregnancies obv always happen but the pull out method is alot less likely to lead to pregnancy.
I have so much ttc Info in my mind that I could type for days so ill stop now and if u have any other questions, again, ill be glad to help answer :)
Thanks! I will definitely update you! I have an appointment with my ob/gyn this Thursday so hopefully she will be able to do a blood test and I can stop worrying. I have been under a lot of stress lately so I guess that could have triggered late ovulation, but I have been very stressed in the past and that has never affected my periods before so I am really starting to think something is up.

We are not planning on trying. I would like a child and we are both old enough (I am 25, he is 29) but we are in graduate school and don't really make enough/don't have time to have a child right now :/ But even though we weren't planning for it, the idea that I could be pregnant is actually pretty exciting to me. Ahhh, anyway, will update you Thursday :) Thanks for all the info!!
Hey, I am not pregnant. I think you were right that something was just screwing up my cycle. Probably all of the stress!
I thought so. Stress can do that to ya :-\. I'm sorry if ur let down at all but from what u told me, it sounds like it worked out how you really wanted for now :). Once ur done with school and such, u will make a beautiful baby and be a great mommy :). I'm happy I could help. Good luck with everything! And now u have all the info I gave u in one of the other posts for when u do start trying lol :)

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