neurological problems?

summer rain

Mum of 5
May 5, 2010
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I am worried I may have some serious neurological problems, as a child I had abscence seizures and dyspraxia-type symptoms, and for the past 10 years or so I have had these episodes where I zone out, cannot speak and lose all feeling in either one or both sides of my body, these can last anything from 20 seconds to 20 minutes. I also suffer from bladder issues both urge incontinence and also problems completely emptying my bladder even though I feel my pelvic floor muscles are fine and I don't have stress incontinence. I also suffer from severe diziness and fatigue very often and have stumbled and fallen over because of it. On occasions one of my legs just doesn't seem to work and kind of 'drags' behind me. As a teenager I was diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome because of extreme tiredness and fatigue but after that I just brushed it all under the carpet, I'm kind of like an 'anti hypocondriac' I don't even like to think anything at all is wrong with me and I will often be in denial, my first husband was very abusive and very manipulative and even though these symptoms are very real he completely messed up my confidence and I feel like doctors will say I am totally fine and nothing is at all wrong and even accuse me of lying. Since having my second youngest I have experienced problems with my vision and floaters in my vision which are getting more and more and also a feeling like my eyes are moving on their own, leading to blurry, shaky vision and 'halos' around objects-I filmed myself with my iPhone with the camera facing towards me and my eyes do move on their own constantly from side to side but when I look in the mirror and focus it stops. I also have problems with my speech and these are getting worse and I struggle to find words both when speaking in real life and even writing on baby and bump I am starting to forget how to spell the most basic words, often I try and write a word and I just cannot spell it so I put something else. I just don't know what to do and am so scared to go to the doctors because I think they will say it is just stress or tiredness or something else; but I know it is more serious than that :( xx
Hey there
you should definitely go to the doctors, they won't brush it under the rug if they are the least bit professional which I highly hope and assume. You should get redirected to a neurologist, especially regarding the fact that you have a history of seizures and symptoms of dyspraxia!
And above all it is gonna ease your worries a bit, because then you know its being looked at! I can imagine it affects your daily life.
Thanks hun. My OH has said there is definitely something wrong with me and he is quite a skeptical person. When I was at school I blanked out quite a few times, one time was in assembly and I got accused of trying to seek attention and scare everyone but I really didn't remember what happened, also I was a very clumsy child, have never been able to ride a bike or anything else that involves balance and co-ordination, have always been extremely poor at maths despite having a high IQ but these more recent physical problems have really scared me so I am going to go to my GP. My GP is great but the others at the surgery can be dismissive, will have to make sure I insist on an appointment with her xx
hi i have myasthenia gravis which is a neuro condition. its still qiute unknown and they have a website if you want to read up on it. dont self diagnose though. but some of the symptoms you mentioned i get. it is managable with medication and at the min i am not needing any.
my symptoms are
-muscle waekness and aches and pains in arms, legs, neck, which makes walking, lifting qiute hard at times
-slurred speech
-trouble swallowing
-blurred double vision
-utter exhaustion at times

but generally i am fine. and pregnancy seems to be helping me, thank god cos im high risk as it is.

it is def worth gettin g checked out, if u have a neuro condition it is managable ad isnt always bad news, yes mine isnt particularly nice but with a positive attitude and suport i get through the rough with the smooth.

keep us informed, sending u hugs.
Thanks hun, I am definitely going to get it checked out and will keep updated xx
Hi Summer rain,

I'm not an expert but I do know quite abit about psychological issues - my dad is a psychology lecturer, has worked in mental health and runs his own P-Profiling business etc, so I've grown up learning about / reading about the mind and how the brain works etc.

Have you ever been assessed for epilepsy? Petite mal seizures (also known as absence seizures) are common in certain types of epilepsy - along with some of the other symptoms you mention.

Don't worry that you won't be taken seriously. Doctors have a duty of care to make sure you're ok and if you mention all your symptoms like you have above then I'm sure they will refer you to a specialist. :hugs: xx
Just wanted to offer some support. I have been ill for around 2 years now with an undiagnosed neurological disorder. I have some of the same symptoms like not being able to find the words I want. My GP was pretty unsupportive, saying I was stressed and depressed, but eventually I got referred to a neurologist. He also said there was nothing wrong, but did some tests any way. Turns out I have inflammation in my brain, possibly MS, possibly post viral but we will have to wait and see.

Anyway, the moral is, don't give up, if you know there is something wrong then don't let them fob you off! Insist on a referral to a neurologist. But in the meantime, I know it's hard, but try not to fret about what it 'might' be!
thanks hun I hope you get the answers you need. I am still psyching myself up to go to the GP, last week I went to a fete and saw a friend there who only visited me about three months ago last but I didn't recognise her at all, and that was very scary. She had to actually text me and say who she was later. :cry: Also the other day I forgot my own phone number when on the phone to royal mail; just completely forgot it. Lownthwaite no I have never been assessed for epilepsy; which is odd as there are some epileptic people in my family; such as my dad's brother, that is also something I need to look into. xx
Have you spoken to your OH about your concerns? Or a friend?

Maybe they could go with you to the doctor for some moral support? :thumbup:
Yes I've spoken to my OH about it and he has noticed some of these things himself, and he is the one who suggested I wrote on here about it, it's just at the moment he is really busy himself- he has been doing the London taxi knowledge for years and was also working in a very stressful job until recently, plus all the errands his family get him to run, so it's just finding the time for us to both go. He has asthma and various health issues himself and he ends up seeing the GP months later than he intended xx
I'd consider asking a friend to go with you if OH isn't available - the sooner you get seen the quicker you'll have peace of mind or the correct treatment. :thumbup:
It sounds to be like epilepsy with absence seizures. Totally able to be treated with medication Hun. Get to the GP I know it's scary but it's better to have answers :hugs:
A lot of your symptoms ring very true to me. I have temporal lobe epilepsy and mild cerebral palsy, your best bet is to get yourself to a neurologist (via gp referral in UK) and they'll arrange a EEG and MRI:thumbup: Any questions feel free to pm me:hugs:
Thanks all again, still haven't got to the GP *embarassed* , we went on holiday for two weeks and OH is just that busy that he is only home for an hour or so and that's in the evening. I don't live near enough to any of my friends either, I'm just waiting until OH does his final knowledge exam on Monday (he's been struggling through it for 7 years!) and then he will be free to mind the kids while I go to the doctors. Even if a friend could come with me there'd still be the issue of finding someone to mind the kids while I went to the GP. they are all home educated so with me 24/7 pretty much xx
Hi I have epilepsy myself. I suffer from partial seizures & Grand mals. I'm going to say now, I've tried A LOT of meds & my seizures are still uncontrolled, although less frequent than they were.
I was undiagnosed for an estimated 8 years (puberty) , which is probably why I'm struggling to get control now.
In my experience the sooner the diagnoses the better.
Please don't be afraid to go to the GP & demand to see a neuro.
It does sound like some sort of partial seizure (remember every brain behaves differently to seizures).
You know your body better than anyone else, If you feel something is wrong it probably is.

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