Hello there everyone!
My DH and I have been TTC for about a year and a half. In the past year I've had 3 very early miscarriages. My first was a chemical pregnancy (Dec 2013) which ended in a period. I was about 5 weeks. My doc wasn't too worried about it and said it happens quite often. I waited a cycle before trying again. My next pregnancy(March 2014) was thought to be an ectopic. An ultrasound showed nothing but my levels were rising. At 6 weeks it was determined that it was ectopic and I was given a shot of methotrexate to end the non-viable pregnancy. Of course this was extremely devastating. My OB referred me to a specialist to have an HSG as well as other tests performed. My HSG showed that my left tube was blocked (probably from the ectopic) but my right was absolutely fine! I had just about every test imaginable done. From chromosome testing, to my husband's sperm count being tested, to every other common reason for miscarriages (progesterone etc). Everything came back normal.The only thing "out of whack" was my thyroid level. I was told I had hypothyroidism and was prescribed synthroid which I began taking and my levels went down to normal. In Nov 2014 we tried again and in Dec. 2014 I had another chemical pregnancy. I was just 4 weeks, I tested very early. With this being my third loss, we were beyond devastated. My doctor ordered additional blood tests which all came back normal. I just don't know what to think.
My doctor said we can try again on our own and recommended I take a daily regimen of baby aspirin. If I miscarry again though she will strongly recommend IVF. If IVF is our only option to conceive, we are definitely open to it but I REALLY hope to get pregnant (and stay pregnant) without any intervention.
Anyways, sorry for the long introduction! I have only told a handful of family/friends about our losses as I feel it is really personal and I don't like sharing too much but holding on to this pain gets really lonely. I was hoping by joining this forum I might meet other women TTC and possibly someone who has a similar story. My prayers go out to all of you TTC as this is such an exciting yet terrifying time! Thanks for reading!
My DH and I have been TTC for about a year and a half. In the past year I've had 3 very early miscarriages. My first was a chemical pregnancy (Dec 2013) which ended in a period. I was about 5 weeks. My doc wasn't too worried about it and said it happens quite often. I waited a cycle before trying again. My next pregnancy(March 2014) was thought to be an ectopic. An ultrasound showed nothing but my levels were rising. At 6 weeks it was determined that it was ectopic and I was given a shot of methotrexate to end the non-viable pregnancy. Of course this was extremely devastating. My OB referred me to a specialist to have an HSG as well as other tests performed. My HSG showed that my left tube was blocked (probably from the ectopic) but my right was absolutely fine! I had just about every test imaginable done. From chromosome testing, to my husband's sperm count being tested, to every other common reason for miscarriages (progesterone etc). Everything came back normal.The only thing "out of whack" was my thyroid level. I was told I had hypothyroidism and was prescribed synthroid which I began taking and my levels went down to normal. In Nov 2014 we tried again and in Dec. 2014 I had another chemical pregnancy. I was just 4 weeks, I tested very early. With this being my third loss, we were beyond devastated. My doctor ordered additional blood tests which all came back normal. I just don't know what to think.
My doctor said we can try again on our own and recommended I take a daily regimen of baby aspirin. If I miscarry again though she will strongly recommend IVF. If IVF is our only option to conceive, we are definitely open to it but I REALLY hope to get pregnant (and stay pregnant) without any intervention.
Anyways, sorry for the long introduction! I have only told a handful of family/friends about our losses as I feel it is really personal and I don't like sharing too much but holding on to this pain gets really lonely. I was hoping by joining this forum I might meet other women TTC and possibly someone who has a similar story. My prayers go out to all of you TTC as this is such an exciting yet terrifying time! Thanks for reading!