Hi ya'll!
I'm Brittany, and I'm 25 with an almost 2 and a half year old son. TTC has always been a journey for me, it took a little over 2 years to get my son, one of those years being on fertility meds, in which I also had a m/c.
We're currently TTC our second. We've been NTNP since my son was about 6 months old, but we started up fertility treatments again this past November.
I've found that my fertility has gone downhill since TTC my first, and the clomid treatments that worked last time, are showing zero result. So, for the first time, they tried me on 7.5mg of femara CD's 3-8. I then got a trigger shot on CD12, even though my follicles were a little on the smaller side, but my RE didn't want to miss a window of opportunity.
Not sure if I actually ovulated or not as my chart is all over the place, but if I did, I'm thinking I'm 2DPO.
I look forward to getting know you ladies!
I'm Brittany, and I'm 25 with an almost 2 and a half year old son. TTC has always been a journey for me, it took a little over 2 years to get my son, one of those years being on fertility meds, in which I also had a m/c.
We're currently TTC our second. We've been NTNP since my son was about 6 months old, but we started up fertility treatments again this past November.
I've found that my fertility has gone downhill since TTC my first, and the clomid treatments that worked last time, are showing zero result. So, for the first time, they tried me on 7.5mg of femara CD's 3-8. I then got a trigger shot on CD12, even though my follicles were a little on the smaller side, but my RE didn't want to miss a window of opportunity.
Not sure if I actually ovulated or not as my chart is all over the place, but if I did, I'm thinking I'm 2DPO.
I look forward to getting know you ladies!