Tips / tricks for formula feeding?
Bottles / Nipples:
Buy a few different kinds of bottles and nipples if possible. One of each kind to see what your LO likes. There are slow flow and fast flow nipples that will be sized 0 - 6 months. Try the slow flow first, that's usually the standard, if it's too slow then change to a fast flow nipple. You'll be able to tell if it doesn't work because she'll fall asleep before finishing, or get frustrated while drinking. Also, the fast flow can cause gas, or gulping, signaling it's too fast for little one.
There's only a few choices because it's so highly regulated (here anyways, assume it's the same there?). I use nestle good start, many use similac. You can buy ready to feed, which comes in a pop can type can, pour and serve. A concentrate that comes in a soup can type can, mix half and half with water (water is previously boiled). And powder. The powder is most common because it's the cheapest really. But babies can be fussy on it to start, it can be gritty and not taste smooth, and they might not take it well. I use the concentrate, a comprimise between price and satisfaction.
Ugh, this is up for much discussion! Always scrub and sterilize the bottles by either boiling them for 5 min in a pot, or steaming them in a food steamer. Most all dishwashers have a hot wash setting that is considered sterilized once it's done. If your mixing concentrate or powder, you'll use boiled water. There is always a big conversation on if you can pre-mix bottles, how many, for how long they will stay fresh etc. Personally, I boil the water, pour it into the bottles and refrigerate. When it comes to feeding time I mix the concentrate with the water and warm in a bottle warmer. It's easy enough for me that way.
To know:
Formula will fill up baby much more than breast milk, so you don't have to feed as often. Generally feedings are done 3-4 hours between and 2 - 6 oz per feeding (VERY general numbers there). Baby will get more gassy with formula if he sucks the bottle hard and gulps air, so needs more burping time.
Poops are also very different. Formula poops STINK LIKE SIN! lol. Don't be surprised by this! Also, it's common for formula fed babies to poop once a day or even once every two days. Their poop can be dark green and thick, much different than breast fed poops. Don't let this surprise you.
Lots of info, hope it's not confusing! Let me know if you want to know anything else. I learned everything as I went and wished to heck that someone could have helped me. I fed my boy 4 oz with a giant nipple when he was four days old! I cried when he only ate 1 oz. I quickly learned they only eat 1 oz with a small nipple at that age, but who knew!! Not me!! (I breast fed for the first week, then combined with formula because of many issues with my milk, c section, infection, etc).