Hello all, I just wanted to introduce myself and give a little bit of information on our TTC #1 experience and see if we could be doing something different. First, I apologize because I don't know a lot of the abbreviations as I am pretty new to this. Secondly, this is my second month on Clomid 150mg and have not ovulated yet according to blood work. I was originally diagnosed with PCOS following a year of unprotected sex, slightly elevated A1C, and an US, however, a new doctor told me I just had endometriosis instead and needed lap procedure to clean it all out, which I had in June of this year. She said my tubes were sticky, which she was able to take care of and she was also confident that I was ovulating and my ovaries looked healthy, but I just needed a boost. She had me start 150 mg Clomid on July 15 even though it wasn't based on the correct time of my cycle. I took the clomid for 5 days and waited 5 days before my hubby and I started trying, but I started my period that day, therefore, I wasn't able to get my progesterone level checked. I feel like that month was a total waste. In the meantime, my hubby had a SA and it came back very low (like 0.1 million) and we were referred to a Urologist, who didn't really have any answers for the cause and wants to repeat the test in 2 months. This is my second month on Clomid, and I was almost positive I had ovulated because of the hotflashes and headaches, but my labs showed I had not ovulated and my level was .72!!! I am devastated as it seems nearly impossible for my hubby and I to conceive. I am currently not charting as I get up anywhere between 4:30 and 6:30 am and just am not able to be consistent enough with the BBT times. I am also not doing OTC ovulation kits. Should I? I am waiting to go to the doctor on Monday to try to get some answers, but it always helps to hear from people going through the same things. I am wishing the best for you all!! Thank you!
~*Baby Dust*~
~*Baby Dust*~