Not sure if I should be asking this here, but what they hey, I'll ask anyway! Lol!
So, I have pcos but my periods have been rather regular (32 day cycle) just recently. A week after my AF I had some light spotting (ovulation maybe?) 2 weeks after that I had some more (TMI) brownish spotting only there when I wiped with a bit of cramps, but nothing major. This was 4 days ago, so AF doesn't seem to be coming. Just wondering if anyone has had this before? Or if it could just be my pcos being a buggar? We're not actively trying at the moment, but we're not using anything. Thanks for reading! And Hi!
So, I have pcos but my periods have been rather regular (32 day cycle) just recently. A week after my AF I had some light spotting (ovulation maybe?) 2 weeks after that I had some more (TMI) brownish spotting only there when I wiped with a bit of cramps, but nothing major. This was 4 days ago, so AF doesn't seem to be coming. Just wondering if anyone has had this before? Or if it could just be my pcos being a buggar? We're not actively trying at the moment, but we're not using anything. Thanks for reading! And Hi!