Hi Everyone
This is my first post on here so please bear with me - I hope I'm in the right forum, I wasnt entirely sure which one I fit into LOL!
I'm just after any advice or just to chat with anyone thats been/is in a similar situation really.
A bit of history about me I suppose is in order first though!
I'm 34 (35 in a few months) and OH and I have been trying on and off to concieve for about 2.5 years. We've not been in a huge rush, wanting nature to take its course, but now we are at the point where we've gone to the GP for some tests as my age is now becoming a factor (OH is a couple of years younger than me). I already know I have a bicornuate uterus (I had a U/S a few years ago for suspected endometriosis) and I've had my bloods for ov'ing done and they were ok.
OH has just had his first SA results back though and hes (long word alert) Oligoasthenozoospermic? I have the actual results here but I wont drag this post on unless the actual figures might be of use?
The GP wasnt exactly 'chatty' about what this means and if theres anything we can do to help this at all. Hes referring us to a fertility specialist (we are in the Oxford area) but I'd be interested to know if anyone else has had this diagnosis at all?
This is my first post on here so please bear with me - I hope I'm in the right forum, I wasnt entirely sure which one I fit into LOL!
I'm just after any advice or just to chat with anyone thats been/is in a similar situation really.
A bit of history about me I suppose is in order first though!
I'm 34 (35 in a few months) and OH and I have been trying on and off to concieve for about 2.5 years. We've not been in a huge rush, wanting nature to take its course, but now we are at the point where we've gone to the GP for some tests as my age is now becoming a factor (OH is a couple of years younger than me). I already know I have a bicornuate uterus (I had a U/S a few years ago for suspected endometriosis) and I've had my bloods for ov'ing done and they were ok.
OH has just had his first SA results back though and hes (long word alert) Oligoasthenozoospermic? I have the actual results here but I wont drag this post on unless the actual figures might be of use?
The GP wasnt exactly 'chatty' about what this means and if theres anything we can do to help this at all. Hes referring us to a fertility specialist (we are in the Oxford area) but I'd be interested to know if anyone else has had this diagnosis at all?