Newborn weight loss-trying not to give up


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2011
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We welcomed our son into the world on Friday at 752 am. Charles Robert. He weighed in at 6 pounds 7 oz and is 19 inches long. I ended up with a C-section, but the experience was amazing and I am so happy with how everything went.

Everything has been going great. We were able to breastfeed within 45 minutes of him being born and he had a good 90 min. nursing session right away. He's been great latching on and has had several cluster feedings (3 hours or so) in addition to his regular feedings. I'd say he's getting at least 10 times a day, but probably closer to 12. We're feeding at least every 2 hours and I'm looking closely to his hunger cues.

He is losing weight and I am starting to get nervous. His weight at the first check was 6 pounds 2 oz. and his weight a few hours ago was 5 pounds 14 oz., which puts him at a 9 percent loss. The nurse has to check with Peds to see if I need to start supplementing. I do not want to supplement with formula if I can help it. What else can I do? I am doing lots of skin to skin contact, frequent feedings, no pacifiers, and am taking my placenta pills as Ashley instructed me. Seems like I'm doing all I can. He's alert, no signs of jaundice, and he's been having plenty of wet and poopy diapers (based on what the hospital is looking for). Could my milk just be taking a bit longer to come in? Any thoughts or advice? I'm trying not to get discouraged.
Sounds like things are going well based on nappy output. Up to 10% is normal I believe. When I gave birth they pushed supplementation at 7%, but using pumped ebm.

Have you had the latch checked, and are you in much pain? It can take up to 6 days for milk to come in, just keep doing what your doing. Best of luck, hope it turns a corner soon.
It's totally normal for your milk not to be in just yet. Think mine came in around day 3 or 4.

The nappies sound great to me and as you say he is bright and alert when awake. He's feeding frequently which is excellent because he is stimulating your breasts to bring the milk in. If you give him formula he won't be stimulating your supply enough.

9% is still a reasonable weight loss for a newborn. Personally, if it were me I would refuse to supplement formula at this stage.
This happened to us but our girlie lost over 10%
Keep feeding & feeding & feeding, drink loads of water
If you supplement now your body wont make enough milk and you will be in a never ending circle

X x
My LO had lost 10% of her birthweight after two days and went uphill from that. It sounds like your LO is feeding well and the wet nappy output sounds good, as well as everything else.

Try not to worry and wait for the next weigh-in. You can tell when milk has come in by the sound they make swallowing and you can sometimes see it on their mouths. All the best x
Also get checked for tongue tie. With tongue tie they cant effieciently suck, worth looking into anyways.
Dont give up!!! My daughter did the exact same thing and on day 3 when my milk was fully in she bounced right up and is at birth weight at 1 week!. I did supplement but I still breastfed as I would of if I wasnt but I would try and get her to take an addition ounce of formula after each feed just to increase her calories, I do hear that that messes up supply so I would recommend seeing if you cant pump and just add to what lo is getting from your breast until your milk comes fully in
Babies always lose their water weight, then they gain back weight from what they're eating.

Mine was born 6,5.
At 5 days old was 6,0.
At 7 days old 5,13.
At 21 days old 6,13.

Doc says he should've gained at least a pound since birth weight. Instead he's gained a pound since 1-week old. At first I was dreadfully concerned but after looking at my figures - he has gained a pound and he's getting better eating.

I'd say just keep an eye and don't get lost in worry.
Don't get discouraged. And if possible, resist supplementing with formula if you really want to BF. All that is going to do is affect your supply. The more they nurse, the more you produces. The less they nurse, the less you produce.

LO was 7lbs 15oz at birth and got down to 6lbs 12oz. He took a month to get back to his birth weight. His doctor didn't seemed concerned as he was gaining. I supplemented but only with expressed milk and only during the first week because he was jaundice.

Good luck!
Keep going keep going keep going!

You're doing amazing and weight loss is very normal! 9% is fine, 10% here they give some advice 12% they consider intervention and you're not near that!

When you're milk arrives baby will thrive and so far it sounds like you are doing everything perfectly and baby's wet nappies are a great indicator that he is very well and healthy!

Thank you all! Yeah, I have to just keep going. He met all the goals for the days we were in the hospital. Day of birth they were looking for at least 1 wet and 1 poopy, day 1 the same and today 1 wet and 2 poopy. He's had 3 wets and 2 poops so far today. Good pees too
I just noticed you're from WI too! :wave:

Congrats on your little boy! Keep doing everything you're doing - skin to skin, feeding on demand - and he'll be back to his birth weight in no time :thumbup:
Try pumping after feeds if you have to supplement. Use that for supplementing and do it by syringe. But my milk took 5 days the first time. I think you'll be fine though, just keep feeding and I wouldn't do anything until he has lost over 10%
I'd second what everyone else has said. Our baby lost 9% over the first few days so I was asked to supplement with breast milk if possable. The lactation consultant pointed out that calories can actually be lost by baby having to suck for too long, too hard. I started pumping after every feed and gave baby anything I pumped via syringe after the next feed. After a couple of days my milk came in and he is now on track to make it back to his birth weight after only a week. Make sure you check for tongue tie. It was one of the reasons my baby was having a hard time and now that it has been sorted I have seen such a difference.
9% is fine. Our LO lost over 10%. Did you get fluids during labor? That also inflates the birth weight.nonce your milk comes in, your baby will gain.
Dont give up!!! My daughter did the exact same thing and on day 3 when my milk was fully in she bounced right up and is at birth weight at 1 week!. I did supplement but I still breastfed as I would of if I wasnt but I would try and get her to take an addition ounce of formula after each feed just to increase her calories, I do hear that that messes up supply so I would recommend seeing if you cant pump and just add to what lo is getting from your breast until your milk comes fully in

THIS. I was told to supplement at 7% loss and I got so scared I caved in. My milk didn't come in until day 7-8 (also c-section) even after pumping between feeds, so I was kind of glad I supplemented. Keep at it but don't feel guilty if you end up supplementing; too much pressure for tired moms, do what you feel best. We ended up supplementing anyway, but at 24 months, we are still nursing, so it doesn't make your nursing experience meaningless if you end up supplementing.
A lot of moms also have the option of donated breast milk. I am one of those paranoid individuals and just couldn't convince myself that it was safe enough, but a lot of moms know other moms who they can trust to share their breast milk. There are several ways to finding a local milk bank, in case that is something that interests you.
Best of luck mama!:hugs:
Both my kids were the same between 9-10% weight loss. With my first I supplemented and she was back up to weight within a week and a half. With my son, I delayed supplementing and for 3 weeks he wasn't back up to his birth weight so I supplemented and he came right back up. I am really happy I supplemented and eventually within a month I was EBF. It's no big deal to add a little formula for me.
my little man lost almost a pound 4 days after he was born, it was a bit shocking, but my milk didn't come in until the 5th day. His ped tried to push me to supplement him with formula, but I resisted and let things take their course, and it eventually worked out for the better. My milks come in just fine now, and he's doing really well with no problems. Going by the diaper output, it sounds like everything is perfectly fine. I think it can be normal for breastfed babies to lose that much, they will eventually catch up, you just have to stick with it. DS is almost 2 weeks now and gaining just fine, it's just a matter of patience and persistence.
You are doing great and it sounds like his weight loss is normal. My little man was 8 lbs 8 oz at birth, 8 lbs 5 oz at discharge and 7 lbs 13 oz at 3 days old. The nurse asked me if I was supplementing in a tone that made me think I needed to be supplementing, but it turned out just fine. A week later he was up to 8 lbs 13 oz with EBF. Just keep doing what you're doing and monitor his diapers!

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