Newly pregnant! I have a TON of questions.


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Feb 8, 2010
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I got my beta back today and I am officially (cautiously) pregnant! My beta was 45 (blood drawn on 12 dpiui) and progesterone was 26.3. Do those numbers sound ok? I know it mainly depends on the doubling time, but just as a general consensus, does that sound good? I have a repeat test tomorrow and will get the results on MONDAY!!
My mother in law has been badgering us about the test results since the day after the iui!! I don't know if we will be able to lie about it much longer. I don't really want to tell anyone until the first ultrasound but I would be ok telling family if something bad happens, so why not share the news, right? I have a great opportunity with Christmas next week.
Final question for now- I have been having some mild cramps- is this normal? They are low and on both sides. It normally last for 2-3 minutes and happens about 3 times a day, for the last 3 days. There is no bleeding or spotting though. The cramps have been my only "symptom".
The nurse said that if my next beta looks good, we will schedule my first ob ultrasound!!
Firstly... Congratulations!
Numbers mean nothing to me sorry lol
But mild cramps are generally normal but any doubts call your gp
I don't know anything about numbers but cramps are normal, I had them and still do now. Happy and healthy 9 months to you. :)
I got my beta back today and I am officially (cautiously) pregnant! My beta was 45 (blood drawn on 12 dpiui) and progesterone was 26.3. Do those numbers sound ok? I know it mainly depends on the doubling time, but just as a general consensus, does that sound good? I have a repeat test tomorrow and will get the results on MONDAY!!
My mother in law has been badgering us about the test results since the day after the iui!! I don't know if we will be able to lie about it much longer. I don't really want to tell anyone until the first ultrasound but I would be ok telling family if something bad happens, so why not share the news, right? I have a great opportunity with Christmas next week.
Final question for now- I have been having some mild cramps- is this normal? They are low and on both sides. It normally last for 2-3 minutes and happens about 3 times a day, for the last 3 days. There is no bleeding or spotting though. The cramps have been my only "symptom".
The nurse said that if my next beta looks good, we will schedule my first ob ultrasound!!

Congrats! Cramps, or as I call them twinges, are fine.
Im in same boat as you about telling family on Christmas.
I am also not aware of about beta test and numbers. But if you have ANY doubt, do that home-preg/urine test. It usually comes as packet of 2. Cramps are normal. I have it all the time.
I move, sit or sleep in some poses. BTW, learnt from old ladies, not to carry heavy weight stuff in first trimester.
Congrats! yes, your # sounds fine especially for 12DP IUI. Cramps are very common and some have them continue through alot of the first tri :)
Hi and congrats! Yes numbers sound normal. Mine were 55 and 9 at 13dpo. I didn't conceive via IUI though. Yes mild cramps are normal. Good luck!
First-Congrats on your bfp!!! Woohoo!

Secondly, My hCG at 12dpo was 38 so yours is fantastic. You are right, too, in saying that it's the doubling time, not the actual number. I've had a negative blood test at 14dpo that turned into my first full-term birth. DS is now going on 4. And progesterone is great too. Low end of normal for 4 weeks is around 9 so you are plenty fine.

Thirdly-cramps are normal, especially around AF time. Baby is settling in and getting snug for the next several months. It's also a sign that things are adjusting to hormone changes and it doesn't take very long for baby to outgrow your original uterus size so stretching and cramping may be signs you'll feel for a few months yet. Other symptoms might not show up for up to a few more weeks. It depends on how fast your hCG jumps and how well your body adjusts. Some women never get symptoms and other gets symptoms so bad they barely can move til they are into the second trimester. Mine tend to be mild and come-and-go, which is normal too. Try not to worry and just enjoy these first few weeks. You are pregnant. It's magical.
Thanks so much for the info. I have not really had a lot of symptoms. After posting the original questions, I did remember feeling a little nausea on Monday night and some body aches (felt like the flu), but that's it. Both things were short lived.
I told my mom tonight. She's not very emotional or the typical mom but she was happy for us!! I told her because she smokes and has told me that when I got pregnant she would not smoke around me. I wanted to make sure she stopped ASAP!!
Ok ladies, this is an embarrassing question. I woke up with bad diarrhea :blush: I have read that this can just be a response to the hormones but it's still scary. It's been "softer" for a few days but this morning was awful! I have been drinking a lot of water this morning to try to prevent dehydration. Is there anything else I can do? Did anyone else have this?

**Note: I know this will change, but I am very private about bathroom matter, so it was hard to ask this question!**
Maybe the final question of the day- How important is your diet if you take a prenatal vitamin? I take my vitamin every single day and have for months but I do not have the best diet. I am trying to do better but it's difficult. I have issues with not eating enough (yet I am overweight, go figure!). I am trying to do what it takes to ensure a healthy baby but it's hard to eat when you are not hungry. Any advice?
Congrats, and your numbers look good!! Cramps are normal. I actually cramped on and off my entire pregnancy. I don't recall ever having diarrhea, but hormones do cause all sorts of things so just be sure to stay dehydrated. Diet: in first trimester you don't need much bc baby is so small. All the way thru your pregnancy, the baby will take what it needs from you first and then you get what's left. Duing first trimester and part of second I was so sick all day long that I could only eat certain things and those things happened to be hamburgers, so I lived on fast food for a while. Baby is just fine. My OB told me to eat what I normally do, but all in moderation. i didn't drink alcohol, stopped caffeine, and stopped using any artificial sweetners, but other than that I just didn't worry about it too much. Your OB will likely go over what you should and shouldn't eat and how much you should be eating and so forth. Good luck :)
I thought the baby got what it needed first but wasn't sure about it. I don't drink alcohol anyway so that is easy for me but caffeine is another story. I have been pretty good though. My cousin just had a baby and her doctor told her that she can have it in moderation, 10 sodas a day is not healthy for anyone. I haven't stopped completely but I drink about 12 oz. every other day. I am trying to wean myself. I do love them.
Thanks for the advice.
Congratulations!! Is this your first?

I will try to answer some of your questions but they are based on my own experience and this is my first pregnancy. For your numbers, I am not sure. I haven't had my prenatal bloods done as my first midwife appointment isn't until 8th January. The cramping as the other ladies have said is normal unless accompanied by bleeding. I had cramping from about 7dpo which has tapered off the last few days.

For your newer questions: prenatal vitamins although necessary are not super effective nutritionally. I have a degree in biology and am currently doing my Masters and have read a number of studies indicating that your body absorbs and can use very little of the nutrition in them. I personally still take them even knowing this because I would feel too guilty not doing so, but they definitely do not replace a good diet. That being said, don't stress as in the first few months the baby is not taking nutrition from the placenta but the yolk sac which will satisfy all of his needs providing you are a healthy adult (ie. no eating disorders or suffering through a famine, which I don't imagine you are). Just try to make healthier choices now to get into the habit for later when your LO is taking nutrition directly from your diet. wow.. that was too long, but if you would like I can provide you with the journals that I got this info from.

Regarding the caffeine, the standard says that as long as you are under 200mg/day you are fine. This is about 4 cups of instant coffee or 6 cups of tea. There isn't really a medical need to eliminate completely, I don't personally but that one is totally up to you.

Sorry this was so long, best of luck to you!
Yes, this is my first! Thanks for the info. I know most of this stuff comes with experience and I will learn but for now, I am confused and lost.
first off, congratulations!! on the toilet could be pregnancy related or it might not be, I would keep an eye on it, but your insides go through so much over the 9 months, between hormones and then weight of baby, that you just never know!

On the subject of food, I would try and eat healthily, you don't need extra food until 3rd tri, and even then it's not that much (and to be honest, in third tri I probably ate less because my stomach was a bit squashed). The guidelines on caffeine here are that you can have up to 200mg of caffeine a day. A normal cup of tea has around 75g, a normal cup of instant coffee has around 80mg and a filter cup of coffee can have anything from 100 upwards (best to ask for decaf methinks!!). A 12oz of diet coke has around 47mg of caffeine in it, so it's not so bad, but actually it's the artificial sweeteners in diet drinks that should be avoided/had in moderation. My sis is pg and the nurse at her ob/gyn told her that if she wants to drink pop, she should drink the full fat versions.

One word of advice for your first pregnancy: don't worry! There are soooo many things to worry about, every red spot, every feeling, etc. But if you sit there and worry about it all, you will go NUTS.

This is my second pregnancy, first one was a MC. I have a different outlook on this one. The first time, I only told parents and boss. I held it in and waited for 12 weeks so I could share the news. At 12 weeks, 2 days I had the MC. Boy, was that devastating.

Don't hold it in. We just found out we are pregnant again a few days ago and we plan to tell the whole family on Christmas... we will see. I am only 4 weeks but...what is the point of holding it in? If something happens, then those people who you chose to tell will be there for you.

Good luck!!
Congrats!! Cramps are totally normal. In fact, it's usually a good indicator that I'm pregnant because they feel deeper and achey. :).
Answering your bathroom question-yes it is normal. Some women will be 'looser' their entire pregnancy, others get quite 'backed up', and others (like me) go from one to the other. Diet can help a little. If you are very loose, try eating the BRAT diet (Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, and Toast) and keep up with the fluid. It might not hurt to drink Gatorade or another sports drink to keep from getting dehydrated and to keep your electrolytes up. Also, I was told to eat well and avoid processed foods. Your prenatal, while you may not absorb alot from it, should contain folic acid which is good for fetal brain development so you should take one. If you have other questions, make a list and bring them to your first appt. The doctor will usually have some literature to give you with answers to your questions.

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