Newlyweds TTC


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2009
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Welcome to Team Newlyweds TTC

So many teams out there and not many of them seem to fit properly. So here is another option! if you are a newlywed and would like to join a group of wonderful women to share you TTC journey with please join and share any wedding pics as well as a little bit about yourself! Also if you happen to want to join our team and aren't necessarily are newlywed we wont hold that against you, we're all here for support and friendship on BnB

** Current ACTIVE TTC team Members! and Wedding dates **

Lolley - April 09
Mrskcbrown - 6th June 09
LincolnGirl - 11th July 09
Lucie78321 - 1st August 09
Lizlemon - 8th August 09
Starcrossed - 15th August 09
Lorts - August 09
KeepSmiling - 26th September 09
Betheney - 11th October 09
HappilyTrying - 27th December 09
Lovealittle1 - January 10
Newmarket - February 10
Freebird - 6th February 10
EstelSeren - 7th April 10

** Current INACTIVE TTC team Members! (People who haven't posted in Over a month) and Wedding dates **

Bumble B - 28th August 2009
Tor81 - March 09
dreamofabean - August 09
Nikki-Lou25 - August 09
MooreBetter - 8th August 09
MrsMay - 19th September 09
Hope2be - 10th October 09
Seriouswomn - 15th October 09
jcmcdonald - 17th October 09
kellydid2 - 31st October 09
loopyluan - 31st Decembe 09
mummy to be - February 10
Tolian - 10th April 10

** Team BFPS **

Betheney - 13th March 2010
Starcrossed - 12th April 2010
Lovealittle1 - 3rd May 2010
Freebird - 4th May 2010
Lorts - 12th May 2010
Newmarket - 2nd June 2010
Lolley - 7th June 2010
MrskcBrown - 10th June 2010

** Current Wedding Photo Albums **

N.B Ladies when posting a facebook Album don't just copy and paste from the address bar, this will not work as that address is what YOU are viewing at that point in time, not a special address that is for your album. The public address for your album is at the bottom of the page when you have your album open.

Betheney - Wedding Photos
Lucie78321 - Wedding Photos
Mrskcbrown - Wedding Photos 1 Wedding photos 2
Kellydid2 - Wedding Photos
Starcrossed - Wedding Photos
JcMcdonald - Wedding Photos
Bumble B - Wedding Photos
Lorts - Wedding Photos
Lolley - Wedding Photos
KeepSmiling - Wedding Photos
Freebird - Wedding Photos

** Links **

Newlyweds with baby bumps, Team Newlyweds crossover thread First-Tri

** Banners **

A number of Banners can be made by yours truly i found a few great websites! i can attempt to make a custom one for you, you if you want to give it a go for yourself go for it.

The banners were clogging up the whole first page so if you wish to view them feel free to click open the spoiler

I have two available
if you wish to add it to your signature simply put the following in your signature https://[/B] and then add the rest with no spaces

if you wish to add it to your signature simply put the following in your signature https://[/B] and then add the rest with no spaces

and This one was made from a photo i got from Lucie78321 wedding photo album
if you wish to add it to your signature simply put the following in your signature https://[/B] and then add the rest with no spaces

and this one was made from a photo i got from Mrskcbrown wedding photo album
if you wish to add it to your signature simply put the following in your signature https://[/B] and then add the rest with no spaces

and this one was made from a photo i got from Lorts wedding photo album
if you wish to add it to your signature simply put the following in your signature https://[/B] and then add the rest with no spaces

and this one was made from a photo i got from Lorts wedding photo album
if you wish to add it to your signature simply put the following in your signature https://[/B] and then add the rest with no spaces

and this one was made from a photo i got from Lolley wedding photo album
if you wish to add it to your signature simply put the following in your signature https://[/B] and then add the rest with no spaces

and this one was made from a photo i got from Lolley wedding photo album
if you wish to add it to your signature simply put the following in your signature https://[/B] and then add the rest with no spaces

and this one was made from a photo i got from Starcrossed wedding photo album
if you wish to add it to your signature simply put the following in your signature https://[/B] and then add the rest with no spaces

and this one was made from a photo i got from HappilyTrying wedding photo album
if you wish to add it to your signature simply put the following in your signature https://[/B] and then add the rest with no spaces

and this one was made from a photo that Lincolngirl provided
if you wish to add it to your signature simply put the following in your signature https://[/B] and then add the rest with no spaces

and this one was made from a photo that KeepSmiling provided
if you wish to add it to your signature simply put the following in your signature https://[/B] and then add the rest with no spaces

I have spoke to you on the other thread, I got married last April, does that count as newly wed? You can see my favorite pic as my avatar :)
and i am also waiting for that valentine BFP :happydance:

Oh lolley so much in common already! Yes you are a newlywed! So have you been TTC since the wedding? you already have some bambinos? how many? what age? i have many a pics!!! i'll find one now for you

i like this one, signing the certificate, we just look so happy!
i cant see the pic at the moment im at work and the comp here will only allow me to do so much :( i will have a nosey when i get home.

Yes i have 2 boys age 9 and 6 and they are fab, but from a previous marriage in which lets just say he liked women :winkwink: but i now have a fantasic husband who will do anything for us and he has no children so we are trying to complete our family, have been trying since October but had a few long cycles aftr finishing the pill.

my name by the way is kelly, lolley is my dogs name :)

unfortunately i cant get on here as much as i would like to, i work full time, have my boys and i am doing a degree at uni so life can be a little hectic, but believe me none of it helps in the 2ww.

so tell me about you, trying for #1 and anything else you would like to tell me :)
How wonderful you have a great marriage, many people i know divorced turn into the anti marriage tribe.


I have turned into a health food store supplement freak!!
B complex
Pre-natal vits

and my new found LOVE **soy-isoflavones** i always ov CD22 and tried the soy-iso and my ovarys went into overdrive and i ov'd on CD18!!!! hooray!

I took work full time as a salesperson, I study business at Uni via distance however its not going to well.

My dog is a gorgeous chow chow named Aphro, she is 1 year old and very special to me and hubby.

I am TTC#1 and too have been trying since october.

I;m very emotional and let it all out on my journal, you should check it out the last post i did is a doozy! its the whole reason and obsession over a valentines days BFP

I have 6 siblings and am praying for a large family! i love big families and i love my siblings so dearly. Anyway i'm off to bed but i will reply as soon as i receive one from you.
lovely picture, your right you look really happy :)

wow you are the supplement queen lol hmm i have heard of soy-isoflavones but wasnt sure what they were for or when to use them, if the witch arives this mont i will give those a go i think i o'd cd 21 this month.

I work in a high school with visually impaired students and i have 2 dogs and like you love them to bits.

my goodness you do have a large family, but i bet its fantastic i have a younger brother and sister.
i will have a read of your journal i had a quick peek but will take me a while to het through :)
Hi there, I got married last March so almost a year really but I still feel newly wed! Can I join you?

I came off the BCPs a couple of months after getting married but this is going to be our first month of really TTC. I guess I was kind of hoping it would just happen but as it hasn't I'm going to start getting impatient!! We've also got the added complication that my OH is hoping to do a full time MBA in 2011 which will basically mean we will see very little of each other for the year, and if we don't conceive in the next couple of months he may end up missing the birth :( It's going to be hard enough coping with a new baby without him.. actually now that I've put it down in black and white I'm quite scared!!

Anyway, I'm really hoping to make some new friends on here to share the journey.
Thank you for joining us!! there's nothing worse than TTC with a deadline. I try my hardest not to set myself deadline but i can't help it and those months are the hardest. I know what you mean about just happening. I didn't start a journal or bother writing in the TTC section because i was sure i wouldn't be there long. Is hubby moving away to do the MBA? i mean as long as he's there at night to do some baby making thats when you need him.


Soy-iso make your ovaries think you don't produce any estrogen (i think thats the hormone might be another one), so they go into overdrive producing more which results in lovely little eggies that aren't too old. You take soy-iso the same days you would take clomid as its natures alternative to clomid 2-6, 3-7 or 5-9... i think those are the dates. I started a day late and wanted 6-10 but stuffed up as i can't count and did 6-11.... hahaha but it worked anyway. I know you have to be careful because too much soy and your ovaries wont ovulate at all. i plan to take it earlier next cycle. I'm determined to be a woman that ovulates on CD14! I don't like my chances this month, my temperature is dropping and has done for the last few days.

Hello ladies! DH and I were married a little more than 6 months ago, and have been ttc since Sept.

As for wedding pictures, I will try to post a link to my album.

Those pictures are fabulous, i'll see if i can do the same. Never thought of posting the album link.

My wedding Album

Good morning ladies,

Hello to lucie and tor81 :)

well how are we all this morning? :flower:

Betheny thanks for the info if the nasty witch comes this month i may give them a go. I have to be honest i'm sorry but i won't give false hope, your chart is dropping when is AF due, lets hope it has time to go back up?
lots of PMA and :dust: coming your way x
Hi, can I join??
We are ttc number 3, having problems though as we are pretty sure I'm not ovulating (and a ectopic end of 2008 and had to have the tube removed:cry: then had one shot of depo proeva)
So may be having investigative surgery soon :cry:

Enough sadness!!!
Will try post some pics (I warn you, I am not good with technology!!!)

:dust: to you all!
Betheney your pics are amazing! I love your shoes! :)

Honestly, I just posted the album link because there was no way I could choose just one pic to share, I love them all! :)
Kelly - i know the impending doom of a dropping temperature, i give it until DPO10 to go back up and then realise its just not going to happen. FF did research once on implantation dips and they usually happen aroun DPO7-8 so i don't think i really have a chance this month. I'm already looking at what i can do to improve next month.

Newbie - We would love you to join us!! what makes you think your not ovulating? do you temp? i love taking my temperature, that assurance every month that i ovulated just brings that sigh of relief, i don't know why but i was always paranoid i didn't ovulate. So temping and OPKs confirm that! I don't know a great deal about not ovulating, but i thought if you didn't ovulate because there is no hormone rise and then drop you generally don't get AF until the uterine walls build up so much they have no where else to go but out and thats why some women have like 60day cycles or something like that. I don't really know. I'm sorry to hear about your ectopic :-( how heartbreaking that must of been for you! Looking forward to some wedding piccies

well im keeping my FX for your temp tomorrow :)

:hi: newbie

so where are you other ladies in your cycle, Betheney and myself are going mad in the 2ww.
Kelly - I think your about to be in the TWW on your own, My hope is lost pretty much. But i'm ok with that at the moment, i'll probably come to a screaming fit on the day AF arrives

Lucie!!! thank you for your lovely comments on my album :) they are my pride and joy and i do show anyone who will stand still long enough. i was hyped up on apple juice so i went spaz making banners. Because i have your photo album i made one for you :) you don't have to use it, but i was just having fun :p
well im going to keep on with the PMA for you :)

ladies your photos are gorgeous i cant post mine at the moment as i didnt get them on disk or anything i will have a go at scanning a few see if i can do it that way.
Hi Kelly

Thank you for the PMA! its very sweet.

I dare gain the slightest bit of hope this morning. My temps altho it dropped was a tiny tiny drop. its as if its levelling out..... maybe its about to go back up? fingers and toes are crossed.


DAMN THIS TWW!!!!:growlmad:
Betheney thank you so much for the beautiful sig! Now I will just have to figure out how to use it. :)

As for where I am in my cycle, well since coming of BC, my cycles have been 36, 30, 34, 39, and 46 days. :( I'm currently on CD 6. I had highly irregular periods before going on BC (about 10 years ago), and I'm afraid they are coming back.
Hi Lucie

I have instructions on the first post of this thread on the easiest way to apply it to your sig. Also if you don't know how to get into your signature editor its under quick links on the top panel

If you have had 5 cycles since coming off BCP which you were on for 10 YEARS!!! i imagine your cycles would be wuite irregular. I'm sure your well aware of this fact but when you come off BCP your body has to try and remember how to produce hormones all by itself and after not doing it on its own for 10years it can take quite a while for your body to get back into the swing of things.

I think you should give soy-isoflavones a go. I'm a firm beleiver in the miracles they create. Its nature version of clomid. Your body thinks your not producing any estrogen and goes into overdrive producing extra, resulting in lovely fresh little eggys, i always ov on CD22 and this month was my first month on soy-iso and i Ovd on CD18 and had fantastic post ov temps which got very high.



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