nighttime noises; I'm not sleeping!


DD May 2014, DSD Aug 2003
Aug 20, 2013
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My 7 week old has been awful in the night right after her first feeding. I feed her, burp her and once asleep she goes back into the crib. The min shes in the crib it starts... She grunts and groans sounding like a gremlin (lol) like she's trying to poop or pass gas but doesn't and I try gas drops and burping.again. Lasts off and on for hour+ but in the meantime I can't sleep. Anyone have this or have suggestions since I'm not getting much sleep..
Lol. I posted the exact same thing over a month ago!!! My baby does the exact grunting, groaning extremely loud loud noises!!! He slept in my room in his bassinet the moment we brought him home for 2 weeks and even with earplugs and the fan going I could STILL hear him!!! I said enough was enough I didn't sleep for those 2 weeks and I'm a very light sleeper. So we put him outside our bedroom door, and door slightly closed and omg it was like night and day!!! I finally slept!!! Trust me when he crys too be feed you will hear him, but those grunting noises disappear when he's out of the room. Try it!! Put a fan on it it really muffles the noise and ear plugs. I use both and I sleep now at night. And yes I could still hear my baby loud and clear when he crys but I never hear those grunting noises now. Oh and the doctor said its not because he's constipated it's because they are still figuring out how too use those muscles down there so they don't relax enough. They grow out if it. My baby isn't as half as bad anymore!
Yup, we had this too. It used to keep me up all night - he was grunting and straining but I'd jump up to check on him and find him with his eyes tight shut. He grew out of it at around ten weeks x
My little girl started this around 2 weeks...we are kept up most the night as well. may try the bassinet outside the door tonight.
She's 8 weeks today and it's been happening for about a week. I'm miserably exhausted. Right now we don't have a bassinet, only a full crib in our room. DSD has a room here so not sure I want to full time move the crib. I also have a cat so I either want her next to me or she'd need to be in the other room with the door shut and not sure I like that. Ugh hope it goes away soon.
It will, don't worry. My LO is now 18 weeks and hasn't done it for AGES. He used to start when we put him down for naps too. I actually wished we'd recorded some audio at the time because looking back it was pretty funny. I know it doesn't feel that way during the night though. My DH could sleep through it so a couple of times I abandoned him to go and sleep on the sofa for a bit!
You got that right! Ate a bit ago, now 430am... he's snoring away while I listen to the gremlin alone. In the am I am pretty much in tears saying how tired I am with no sleep again and I feel like he doesn't believe me as he just got a full night sleep! Nothing but a full blown cry wakes him up. Ugh if it weren't so hot in the living room, I'd be out there right now! Only AC that is curruntly on is in our bedroom window
I'm not sure it's considered good parenting but I must admit I resorted to earplugs a few times. I knew I'd hear him if he cried but it did cut out some of the grunting noise!
We have a cat too and we were scared he jump in it but its 9 weeks later and no sign of cat doing anything if that sort. He's actually kinda scared of baby which us good.
You got that right! Ate a bit ago, now 430am... he's snoring away while I listen to the gremlin alone. In the am I am pretty much in tears saying how tired I am with no sleep again and I feel like he doesn't believe me as he just got a full night sleep! Nothing but a full blown cry wakes him up. Ugh if it weren't so hot in the living room, I'd be out there right now! Only AC that is curruntly on is in our bedroom window

That's been me this morning, I keep trying to nap while she is and I just can't. Its like my mind wont shut off so I can rest. So I've spent most the morning in tears cause I'm just exhausted. I think I got 3 hours sleep the night before and none at all last night. My hubby though has gotten a little bit more but he does take one of the night feedings to try and help me out.

She's getting moved to her room tonight. I can't do it anymore /sigh
Good luck krissy! Let me know how it goes!!
My LO does this too! She snorts and grunts like a pig lol! It's always when we lay her down it starts. My OH also can sleep through the noise :dohh:

She also windmills her arms about in her crib and just seems very restless until she falls asleep..
Good luck krissy! Let me know how it goes!!

I took a melatonin at 6 pm after her bottle, hubby said he would take the next feeding. We put her in her crib and I slept 7 hours till she started crying for the 3rd feeding, she fell back asleep put her back in the crib and I got 2 more hours. I think it went well...I was nervous about having her not in the room, but the rest was worth it. :)
That sounds amazing! Glad you got some sleep!!!
Me too, I've felt much better today. Her room is right by ours so it wasn't far to move her, but just enough I tuned out the grunting. When she was ready to eat it woke me right up no problem.
Ya it's super easy too hear them cry! Thank god He's not in my room anymore! Lol I get sleep!!
Do any of them bedroom share? DSD will be here for a week next week and she's here every other weekend. They would share a room.
Mine doesn't, my oldest is 11 and his bedroom is on the other side of the house.

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