Anybody have any good advice to help me with breastfeeding? In the first week that Marlie was home, she was sleeping for so long and not feeding enough. I would wake her up to feed, but she was so tired, she wouldn't feed very well or long. I was waiting for the midwife to come and help but due to the hospital messing up, a midwife never came. Grrr. Anyway, in desperation, my DH and I gave her a bottle which she took straight to. Now she has trouble latching on. She can do it, and it seems that one day she'll prefer a bottle, the next day she'll be able to breastfeed. I'm worried that the days that she prefers the bottle will increase and she'll stop breastfeeding fully. What should I do? Should I take away the bottles fully, which would cause a lot of frustration for her and me, or should I just bite the bullet and give her whatever she'll take?
I've loved bfing, and don't want to stop, so any help or advice is fully appreciated. I will try anything!
Thanks ladies.
I've loved bfing, and don't want to stop, so any help or advice is fully appreciated. I will try anything!
Thanks ladies.