I am confused, do they not advertise food at all in the UK. So everything remains cheaper because of this?
I am also wondering why formula companies are the big bad wolf, they are businesses and all businesses purpose is to make money selling their product. They are not hocking cigarettes, it is formula - food for babies.
Honestly no amount of promotion would have made me choose formula (which I have to buy) over breast milk (which is free).
No it's just infant formula before 6 months.
Gosh I feel myself getting dragged deeper into this discussion than I intended, I know how these things can go
so was trying not to but feel I need to explain my POV!
IMO formula companies have proved themselves to be the big bad wolf. Yes they are a business and will promote their product, but they will do so at any cost and IMO they need to be regulated.
To illustrate my point....
At the very serious end of the scale they are accused of marketing to mothers in poorer third world countries where it has serious consequences due to poor sanitation, mother's using too little powder to make it go further due to cost leading to babies receiving inadequate nutrition, and giving enough free samples so as to interfere with lactation so that parents have to carry on buying forumla afterwards when they may not be able to afford it. Remember, not everone is lucky enough to have the information and education available to them that we do.
Here is a link I found interesting:
At the other end of the scale they have been known to make false claims and pedal misleading info about formula. So, say if money was not so much of an issue for you and you were on the fence about trying BF for various reasons (maybe you are worried about BF in front of others for example) but the thing that sways you to try it is the properties BM has... and then you are led to believe formula has the same properties as BM...
Please note I am not knocking formula here, I am using it! I am knocking the formula companies and trying to explain why I agree with them not being allowed to have free reign. Also apologies to the OP as I feel this has strayed from just the Boots points to the wider issue, but it is of course all linked.