Hi ladies just wondered if there is anyone else out there just feeling like its never going to happen!! I dont ovulate at all due to pcos so I dont even get the chance each month to wait and see if its happened after ovulation I am just at standstill. I have taken provera twice now over a 2 month gap and nothing. I am seeing a private fertility specialist who said I need af to come so that she can do blood tests but its not arrived yet so waiting to hear back from her to see what to do next.
I would just love to at least ovulate or have a period so that I can have something to hold onto each month and to think maybe this is my month but without ovulating I know this is not going to happen and as I said I just feel like I am in limbo land. Just wondered if anyone else in this situation. xx
I would just love to at least ovulate or have a period so that I can have something to hold onto each month and to think maybe this is my month but without ovulating I know this is not going to happen and as I said I just feel like I am in limbo land. Just wondered if anyone else in this situation. xx