Hi All
I'm really hoping that someone can give me advice for my SIL. I've seen so many people helped on here by those with loads of experience.
My nephew was 10oz5lb at birth and has always been a good feeder. He started going through the night really early and has always managed to be happy with fewer feeds than most babies I know. However, he was weighed today (13lb1oz) at 12 weeks he has not put on any weight in the last 3 weeks. My SIL sounds like she's doing all the right things. Baby is happy healthy, not screaming for food. He's active, alert and has no outwards symptoms of being unwell. This morning the HV have scared her into getting a gp appointment with talk of absorption problems, etc. She has tried pumping and she's getting 1oz at a time which she is worried about. He's started to need a night feed again and it sounds as though he's trying to up her supply.
She's so stressed that she is introducing formula to try and up his weight gain which I'm really not sure is what she needs to do. Does anyone have any advice? Should she just throw away the charts, lol?! I think they are worried because he's a really long boy and his weight now is in the 50th percentile (is that bad?).
I'm really hoping that someone can give me advice for my SIL. I've seen so many people helped on here by those with loads of experience.
My nephew was 10oz5lb at birth and has always been a good feeder. He started going through the night really early and has always managed to be happy with fewer feeds than most babies I know. However, he was weighed today (13lb1oz) at 12 weeks he has not put on any weight in the last 3 weeks. My SIL sounds like she's doing all the right things. Baby is happy healthy, not screaming for food. He's active, alert and has no outwards symptoms of being unwell. This morning the HV have scared her into getting a gp appointment with talk of absorption problems, etc. She has tried pumping and she's getting 1oz at a time which she is worried about. He's started to need a night feed again and it sounds as though he's trying to up her supply.
She's so stressed that she is introducing formula to try and up his weight gain which I'm really not sure is what she needs to do. Does anyone have any advice? Should she just throw away the charts, lol?! I think they are worried because he's a really long boy and his weight now is in the 50th percentile (is that bad?).