no weight gain in a week????? *updated page2*


Daisy's Mummy and TTC!
Jun 9, 2008
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daisy is 4 weeks tomorrow and i have been bf'ing with formula top ups....

she weighed 3305 at birth,
3000 at 6 days
3000 at 8 days and was admitted to childrens ward where they put me on formula (i was soo unhappy with it and when we got home at 11 days midwife said i could start bf'ing with top ups..
she weighed 3080 at 11 days after feeding formula from around 10 pm on day 8
she weighed 3205 at 14 days
3300 at 15 days
3380 at 19 days and weighs the same now...

is this normal..i know theres not really any normal but i'm really stressing about it all and hv has said i have to up the top ups again which is really gwettin to me as i was really hoping to get back onto breast only....sorry for the bombardment


Are her scales right? Did your LO have a big poo right before you weight her? There are so many variables that go into her weight right now, that it is not the best indicator. Does she give you lots of dirty diapers? How often is she nurisng and for how long?
hasnt pooed since saturday and was fed for nearly and hour 1/2 hour before she was weighed. its the same scales she was weighed on last week!?

she's feeding atleast every 2 hours for an hour or more at a time and usually after 5pm she cluster feeds nearly all night she's also getting 3 formula top up's of 2x 2oz and 1 x 3oz every day
where am i going wrong???


my hv said she wouldnt be concerned if scott didnt gain for one week if he was having wet nappies and dirty nappies scott only poos every 3 days
hasnt pooed since saturday and was fed for nearly and hour 1/2 hour before she was weighed. its the same scales she was weighed on last week!?

she's feeding atleast every 2 hours for an hour or more at a time and usually after 5pm she cluster feeds nearly all night she's also getting 3 formula top up's of 2x 2oz and 1 x 3oz every day
where am i going wrong???



You aren't love. You are doing everything right. She is just using all that food to grow.
This happened to us one week and my HV wasnt concerned, theres no reason to change the feeding unless it carries on for another week or two.
I would take her to get weighted again next week and she what it says. The scales are sometimes off and might not b accurate if baby is wiggling or something.
I agree with the others. Happened to us too and HV wasn't concerned - she's just putting all that food to good use and developing! :hugs: My Alyssa is a slow weight gainer and is thriving - at 21 weeks she weighs 12lbs 3oz and everyone is delighted with her progress... PM me if you would like to chat.
thanks girls just feeling like all the c**p we've been thru to re establish bf and everything just getting thrown out the window and i'm failing her ! i know it takes time i just want some good to come our way 4 a change!

:hugs:thanks 4 all the really kind words :hugs:


Hello me love!
Sorry to hear you're having difficulties but I have to say well done you for picking up the breast feeding again. I've so many times almost given in to bottle formula feeding cos I'm sure it would be easier! I didn't realise she was admitted to hospital too :hug: You're totally NOT failing her, you're giving her the best start in life and investing all that time in it too.
Ava also has lost in the first 2 weeks too - 6oz and I'm hoping she has gained when she gets weighed on Thursday.
We're also having to top up with expressed breast milk at night because she doesn't seem full enough to sleep!
When you say cluster feed do you mean feeding constantly? From about 5pm Ava feeds almost constantly, she falls asleep then wakes 15 minutes later realising she's not feeding any more then screams until she's put back on! Then we have to top her up at about 2am so I can at least get a couple hours sleep!

Hey hun, i have been where you are now and it's so hard. My lo was prem and we were sent home without me having an established supply and my milk was almost gone. After only 5 days at home were re-admitted because she was "starving" and her jaundiced was at toxic levels, I didn't know what they were onabout so I spent days researching on how to boost my supply so I could reduce the top ups!

They told me I had to top up with every feed but I said no as I know that top ups impede your supply so it means you can't produce enough milk and you end up having use more formula.

Have you asked about boosting your supply? Have you looked into it a all? That way you can gradually reduce the top ups and baby should feed more from you. As regards the weight gain my baby is 21 weeks and only weighs 10lb 7oz. She is very alert and bright and pees and poos normally but her average weight gain is 4oz a week so despite being bullied to top up more I don't. She has 1 6oz bottle at 8.30pm and that's it.

Good luck hun and don't let them bully you xxx
yeh we were in and out of hospital for 2 weeks ..only spent about 3 - 4 days at home in first 2 weeks which really got to us all.....

i would feel loads better if i were topping up with expressed bm but i'm just not producting enough to do that.... does anyone know of anything i can take - herbs or something off the black market (:rofl:) to increase my supply???

suze well done hun..i know the feeling of the temptation to give - ava is an absolute beauty!!!!


logie thanks for that..your thanks button has disappeared so cant use it!! any ideas on how i can increase my supply???


on the issue of weight gain - the bf consultant at my local hospital told me bf babies weight gain can 'staircase' - so the weight plateaus and then steps up again IYKWIM. so this may be the reason - maybe wait for another weighing session?
Yeah hun, you can get Domperidone from your GP, it's actually an anti sickness drug but the side effect of taking it is that it increases the prolactin produced in your brain so it helps. You have to get the right dose which is 20mg 4 times a day. And you should only take it for 4-6 weeks max as it is only a side effect you are taking it for.

There is a herbal supplement Fenugreek which you can get from Holland and Barrett and you have to take 4 capsules (610mg each) 3 times a day. The down side of this is that it makes you sweat a lot and you get a funny smell about you, like you have been eating curry by the bucket load lol

Then you can try pumping after each feed. Feed for as long as bubs wants then give your top up and then pump for atleast 10 mins each side. This lets your boobs know that baby wants more so even though baby isn't latched on your boobs think they are. The aim is not to get milk out so be worried if you get nothing out hun!

pm me if oyu want any advice or more help with this hun, good luck xxx
thanks ladies defo gonna try the fenugreek n sweet talk my gp :) hv said there was nothin i could take :grr:


thanks ladies defo gonna try the fenugreek n sweet talk my gp :) hv said there was nothin i could take :grr:



this is why I am sooo glad we don't have HVs in the US. What a huge pain in the ass they are!
well we got weighed yesterday and she's put on 7 1/2 oz in a week so i'm a very pleased moma at the minute..thanks for all the advice ladies :hugs:



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