I wanted so badly to BF, but Carmen never figured out how to latch on (she even has trouble with bottles sometimes, it takes a few attempts to get the nipple properly into her mouth). I've spent the last couple of weeks expressing, but it's tremendously exhausting, I have very little time to sleep and everything just takes so long when you have to pump and then give a bottle instead of just taking out a boob.

I wasn't able to keep up to demand and now my supply is dwindling, so we mostly FF and supplement with as much breast milk as I can still produce. I'd say give BF a shot, you'll know whether it works for you or not. It would be great for your LO if you can at least feed/express the colostrum from right after you give birth, as it has very important antibodies and nutrients in it, but if you're not comfortable with it at all, baby will still be okay.
It doesn't take long to get a feed ready, as I use ready-to-use formula. At room temp it only takes as long to prepare as pouring it into the bottle, and after it's been refrigerated, I heat up a mug of water in the microwave and pop the bottle into the water to warm for about a minute. It's more expensive than using powdered, but while she's still not eating very much I'll pay extra for the convenience

. Her feeding schedule is all over the place still since I demand feed and she eats different amounts at different times. One of the advantages of FF, I think, is that when she doesn't finish a bottle and I have to pour it out, all that pains me is the wasted money- when you have to pour out hard-won breast milk, it's heartbreaking.

Anyway, just remember that whatever decision you make will be the right one if it works best for you and your LO! Good luck!