Not sure where to post. Anyone been steralized before 30?


Mummy to Layla, George & Enzo <3
Oct 21, 2018
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I'm 29 and have 3 lovely kiddos, and I'm so done with having children, I now want to watch my babies grow up, to the point where I'm not even keen on contraception, i just want to 100% make sure theres no more, as much as I would love loads of babies, there wont be anymore, 3 is practical, for our finances, house and cars.

Has anyone had their tubes tied before 30 years old? Were they reluctant to do it?
Me! They did it for me willingly as my dh has had the snip but it failed - I also have 3 kids which they said was important for them to do it at the age I was (29)
Me! They did it for me willingly as my dh has had the snip but it failed - I also have 3 kids which they said was important for them to do it at the age I was (29)

Oh that's great hun! I think my worry is they will try and put me off, when in adamant, there will NOT be anymore :haha: even my own mother thinks I'm bonkers, she said you never know you may want another... umm no I wont, I want to enjoy turning 30 this year and not having to worry about being pregnant ever again! Of course I'd love a football team if it was practical, it's either being steralized or winning the lottery :haha:
I had my tubes tied after my daughter was born in 2009. I was 25 :) I'm also in Canada so that may make a difference. She was my third baby (my middle passed away after birth) and I was certain I didn't want to go through it all again.

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