Hi maybe someone here could help me? After reading a few of post in this forum im beginning to wonder if i were misdiagnosed with PCOS. From what ive been reading it sounds like its hard to conceive with this condition. But conceiving isnt my issue maintaining a pregnancy seem to be the problem. I was told in Jan I had PCOS after I had a m/c. The doctor checked to see if i was ovulating a few months later and I wasnt. She wanted me to go to see a specialist to get test for a bunch of stuff and I thought that was silly only becuz i dont understand the condition. so I didnt. I decided to try it again myself. I counted the days when i thought i would ovulate and now im pregnant again. Now things are still ify with this pregnancy but im hopeful. I do have to take progestrone injections. Maybe im just not understanding PCOS at all. SO anyone that wouldnt mind educating me would be great.