She is in to EVERYTHING!
1. Ramming buscuits into the DVD
2. Playing in the BIN!?!
3. Sticking her fingers up ellie's nose!
4. Climbing on to the sofa, trying to MSN!
5. Turning off the TV and Virgin Box
6. Pulling everything out of draws
7. Opening the doors
8. She gets tired of walking - and sits in a puddle!
Ok so how do you control your toddlers??
1. Ramming buscuits into the DVD
2. Playing in the BIN!?!
3. Sticking her fingers up ellie's nose!
4. Climbing on to the sofa, trying to MSN!
5. Turning off the TV and Virgin Box
6. Pulling everything out of draws
7. Opening the doors
8. She gets tired of walking - and sits in a puddle!
Ok so how do you control your toddlers??