Nt scan didn't go too well - large nt reading


Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2011
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We went for our scan yesterday and baby was measuring 1 day late which doesn't worry me... So baby was measuring 11+3. The bit that worried me is the nt measurement was 3.5mm and I was told that's high risk for Down's and other problems. I've had the blood test and have to wait 7-10 days for them to ring me with the results. I don't really know what to think or do to be honest. I'm beside myself with worry! I need some support, some positive stories and something to occupy my mind until I know more.
I'm sorry you are going through this and really hope everything will be okay.

Is the nt measurement the only thing that looked off at the scan? If so that is promising. My angel had a high nt measurement and obviously that didn't end happily however they also discovered other serious problems at my scan, one of them fatal, so the nt measurement was the least of our worries. Also, what happened to my angel was beyond rare.

I've done a lot of googling about this topic and from what I've read it could mean nothing at all. Yes, it can be a marker for certain syndromes and conditions but often the test results come back just fine. There are so many positive stories out there where the nt measurement is high and the baby turns out to be perfectly healthy.
I'm so sorry. It's a terrible thing to go through.

Our baby measured 3.6 Coupled with my age, our baby was given a 1 in 31 chance of having Down Syndrome. Even though the doctor could not say for certain without the amnio, it was quite clear from the way he spoke and the look on his face, that he really thought our baby did.

Flash forward. Our son is a perfectly healthy four month old. No Down Syndrome. He was born with a tiny heart murmur but the cardiologist says it is totally fine and will not affect him at all. Though I do not know for certain, I suppose that may have been why he had an above average nuchal fold measurement.

Obviously, I can not tell you that your baby is okay. I wish I could! But I can tell you that these screening results very often turn out to be false concerns.

Wishing you the best.
Thanks ladies. At the moment it's the waiting that's really getting to me. There were no other abnormalities picked up at the scan. Brain, spine, heart, nasal bone, etc all present and at the stage it should be at. Waiting for the phone call from the midwife with my likelihood from the combined blood tests and then I'll know what happens next. It's the uncertainty that's upsetting me at the moment. Just want that phone call so we can take the next steps!
Hi Anti. We got a high NT measurement too. Our combined NT test showed odds of 1 in 528 though, which isn't too bad. We did the Harmony test (non-invasive blood test which is 95% accurate) and got odds of less than 1 in 10, 000.

Due to the NT measurement we had a cardiac scan at 20 weeks and a "subtle" issue was found. I've had follow up scans and she will have some tests after birth but she has a good prognosis and there's a good chance she won't need treatment for the heart issue.

Amelia thank you thank you thank you! That's just what I needed to hear. I'm waiting for the results from the bloods and depending on those I might go for the harmony test as well. We have been told we will need the anomoly scan and a cardiac scan as well for baby to check for any heart problems. I hate the waiting bit though! Will only be end of next week before I get the combined results.
The waiting is horrible. I was very lucky that my hospital does the combined NT results on the day - you only have to wait 45 minutes. I also got the Harmony test for free as they're doing a trial of it at that hospital. But if I was in a similar position again I think I would pay for Harmony.

I've got my fingers crossed for you. X
We will have to pay for harmony and at £500 it's quite steep, but I'm happy to forfeit Christmas if it means having peace of mind for me and the baby. Waiting is the worst thing! Never mind, 1 more day down so that means I'm closer to finding out what's happening.

I can so sympathise with the agonising wait! It's an awful thing to go through and I can safely say one of the most testing times of my life. At 12 weeks this baby had an NT of 4.6 at the thickest and combined with bloods gave me a 1:15 chance of downs. We opted to pay for harmony at 13 weeks (came back at < 1 in 10,000 chance) and then amnio at 18 weeks which again was all clear. I've had several scans now which show no issues with baby. I'm due to have a detailed heart scan at 26 weeks but my consultant is confident no major issues. If this is clear I'll be handed back to the 'normal' midwife team.

It really was a difficult time but every test and scan has brought us greater peace of mind and I'm now at a stage of actually enjoying my pregnancy. I really hope everything works out for you and you're being looked after well (the fetal medicine team at my hospital have been wonderful and made the whole process less stressful).

Interestingly when the consultant rescanned me the day after my 12 week scan (where the increased measurement was noted) the thickest he could measure the NT was 3.3. Apparently these measurements can fluctuate for no real reason sometimes. He said that if I had been scanned a week later there was a good chance the measurement would have been normal. Just something to think about, there are so many positive stories with increased NT. It's a great sign too that no other issues were spotted at your scan.

If you end up opting for amnio (my consultant didn't really think it was necessary after my good harmony results but was happy to go ahead for my added reassurance) it really isn't bad at all and I had no after effects whatsoever.

Wishing you all the best. Look after yourself and try to focus on the positive!

Thank you stellacane!! I love hearing positive stories like that. I'm being very positive and trying to take each day as it comes. I'm still waiting for my combined test results but as soon as I get them I will know what my next steps are. I'm definitely considering paying to get the harmony test done.
Hi, i hope my story provides some reassurance. At our 12 week scan our babies nt was 3.5mm, I was 27, the blood tests came back with nothing abnormal and my downs risk was 1:45. It only took 3 days despite being told up to 2 weeks. We were booked in for two heart scans at 16w and 20w as were told it could also be indicative of a heart abnormality and informed about having an amnio to find out for sure whether baby did or didn't have downs or other chromosome issues. We decided to wait for the first heart scan which was clear so then we waited till the 20 week anomaly scan and again all looked fine with her so we decided against it but looking back this absolutely tore me up till then minute I delivered her I never truly believed she would be okay. Anyway she was born and I have a perfectly beautiful 6 month old now. I'm not far from you and I have to say everyone was very supportive I hope they are for you too and you get some answers soon. Good luck x
Thanks kmum. I've been hearing a few positive stories now so I'm feeling a bit better. I've also booked in for the harmony test on 3 August so hopefully I'll get some good results from that.
My LO's NT measured 3.2 I think. I got the harmony DNA test and everything came back completely normal! But those 10 days of waiting were terrible!!
Hi Anti!
I haven't been on B&B since end of Feb but today I thought I would pop over here and say hi. I'm so sorry to hear that you are going through this stressful time, you know on some level I can relate to your anxiety so I am here if you want to chat but I also know of at least 3 ladies who had the same issue and ended up having healthy babies. I will be thinking of you and praying for a good outcome; hope your bloods come back quickly!!
Claire! I've missed you! Thank you so much!
I got a phone call from the hospital this morning and they told me I needed to go in for my results so I panicked! My oh came home and we went to the hospital, they gave us a 1 in 5 chance of having a baby with downs. I rang up a private clinic in London and we went straight up there. They redid the test and it came back 1 in 17000 of having a baby with downs. They've still sent away for the harmony test so will be 2 weeks till I get those results but I'm thrilled that we got such a lowered risk when we went to the private clinic today. I'm now reassured that everything will be fine.
Wow, that's such a difference between the two results! Do you know why? What was the clinic in London out of curiosity?

Good luck for the Harmony test but things sound very promising from the private clinic results
Well that must have been a really stressful few hours! So happy the ratio was much lower in the second test! A huge relief! Will be thinking of you the next 2 weeks especially - really praying that you get the all clear, though with a 1:17000 ratio I reckon you (and baby of course) will be just fine!!
P.S. How was your trip down south earlier this year?
Baby's nt measurement has gone to normal now and the private clinic checks for more things than the NHS does. I went to the feral medicine centre in Harley street. I felt underdressed so badly! I had my sainsburys freebie cooler bag with food for my small in it and £10 tesco jeans and all the ladies there were walking around with their super expensive designer handbags and suits. But at the end of the day, we all paid the same money for the same test so I don't care. I'm just so relieved to get a better outlook! I feel much more confident now about it all and I'm sure the harmony test will come back fine as well.
I was wondering if it was the fetal medicine centre. They have a great reputation there.

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