I had my NT screening today and measured at 13 weeks 1 day. I've been measuring the same the whole time, putting me at 12 weeks 6 days today, but they said it was a really good sign that the baby was measuring at a little over 13 weeks. The fluid behind the neck was less than 1 mm so it looks like everything is looking good so far. My prior blood test results came back showing that I am not a carrier for anything major like CF, Muscular Atrophy, or Fragile X syndrome. I don't really get how they did it, but they had tested my blood for other things that my S.O. could have possibly been a carrier for based on his ethnicities and those were negative too. We did the finger prick blood tests for the 3 different chromosomal abnormalities today, but the genetics counselor said not to worry too much since my NT screening showed very very thin fluid. I've had quite a few ultrasounds so far this pregnancy since I am considered high risk, but today was the first time it actually looked like a baby, so that was exciting! I posted photos of the ultrasounds under the gender prediction board. I'm feeling like it's a girl based on my symptoms and what the old wives tales say, plus just feeling like it's a girl in general, but that could just be wishful thinking. If anyone is interested in checking them out, here's the link. I'm not going to post the pics twice. That would be silly.
This is the farthest I've ever gotten so I am very excited right now and feeling very good about it. I even got to see the baby move around a bit which eased my mind so much. S/he was laying face down and being stubborn when the tech was trying to get a shot of her face to see the nasal bone. It took SO long to actually get the image. Most of the time s/he must have been sleeping or something and all I saw was the backside. Then the little arms came down from the face and s/he rolled over and we got it. I said, yep, this is definitely my child already being difficult and stubborn for the first scan. I wouldn't have expected any less hehe You can see in the 3D scan I posted that s/he was still face down, hiding.
This is the farthest I've ever gotten so I am very excited right now and feeling very good about it. I even got to see the baby move around a bit which eased my mind so much. S/he was laying face down and being stubborn when the tech was trying to get a shot of her face to see the nasal bone. It took SO long to actually get the image. Most of the time s/he must have been sleeping or something and all I saw was the backside. Then the little arms came down from the face and s/he rolled over and we got it. I said, yep, this is definitely my child already being difficult and stubborn for the first scan. I wouldn't have expected any less hehe You can see in the 3D scan I posted that s/he was still face down, hiding.