NTNP told to not get pregnant by my doctor due to cysts in ovaries....:cry:


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2012
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Hey there, ive been around on the Curvy bumps page, I have had a whole heap of tests done by my fantastic doctor who actually listens to me and doesnt blame everything on weight...

Results came in as follows -
Thyroid levels -good
Glucose levels -good
Hormone levels -good
Womb - lining is nice and thick

Ultrasound results -

Kidney pain - 6cm kidney stone in right kidney (pain!!!!)
Right ovary - 6cm cyst inside right ovary which is bleeding and causing great deal of pain
Left ovary -cluster of 6 cysts all 3cm each and lots of follicles

urologist app booked for 5th of july, on waiting list for app with GYNAE but been put on cancellations list due to pain getting worse....
Ive been told to prepare myself for them to take my right ovary and not really sure whats going to happen with my left side, im hoping its just in "sleep mode" due to the cysts and that i will be ok to get pregnant naturally...

I may also have PCOS and ENDOMETRIOSIS so ive been told its not a good idea to get pregnant until tubes and ovaries are sorted :cry:
Ive been waiting to be a mummy for as long as i can remember and as much as the monthly ritual of OPKS, BBT, checking CM & CP was all hard work i at least knew i was working towards something but now i have to check them all to make sure we avoid ovulation and it doesnt feel natural to me :(
I dont know what im meant to be doing lately as ive not slept more that 1.5 hours a night, not eating much and stressed out because of the pain, ive no answers from docs regarding hospital appointment or anything....
so got nothing to look forward to...

If anyone who is going through the same as me has any advice on what to ask the docs for, regarding ttc help and meds with PCOS AND ENDOM would be a great help, what do you all take meds wise if your on pcos and endom, i have no clue and im new to all this, i just thought it was unexplained infert for ages but was too scared to go to the docs and find out for sure.... Im 28yrs only, curvy lass, long term relationship and no children...

My periods were all over the place from 17 upwards but were between 45-65 days and for 9 months it was every 30 days which got me excited because i knew where i stood and was slightly naive in thinking that if they were regular then that meant i didnt have endom or pcos but then i had all my results and im disheartened.... how good are my chances of being a mum with all these problems?!?!
I have a great friends in the team curvy bumps section and they are amazing, the bfp rates are going up by the month and a friend who has been trying for 5 years just found out shes pregnant which is amazing, i just feel strange being there as im not allowed to get pregnant right now and its hard seeing all the bfp's knowing mine wont be up there anytime soon, i tried to go on the PCOS thread but didnt feel welcome as they already had their little group so i never got any info, just a few hellos and that was it so i havent been back since...

Any advice or info would be great right now :)

Sorry for the long ramble, ive been taking a break from B&B for a while as it was all getting too much for me...

Thank you :hugs:
:hugs: Sounds like you're going through a lot. You said your doctor is fantastic so I'm guessing he (she?) is looking out for what s/he thinks is your best interest. I'm guessing you can't get your kidney and ovary cysts treated whilst pregnant, right? Would these issues affect your chances of having a healthy pregnancy?

I have never been tested for endo though I do have a lot of the symptoms (heavy, irregular periods, etc) and I do have PCOS. However, your case sounds very unique. Don't have any real advice on what to ask but I didn't want to read and run. Sounds like you're in a limbo land of sorts and limbo land is the worst! :hugs::hugs: Hope you get some answers very soon!! :flower:
:hugs: Sounds like you're going through a lot. You said your doctor is fantastic so I'm guessing he (she?) is looking out for what s/he thinks is your best interest. I'm guessing you can't get your kidney and ovary cysts treated whilst pregnant, right? Would these issues affect your chances of having a healthy pregnancy?

I have never been tested for endo though I do have a lot of the symptoms (heavy, irregular periods, etc) and I do have PCOS. However, your case sounds very unique. Don't have any real advice on what to ask but I didn't want to read and run. Sounds like you're in a limbo land of sorts and limbo land is the worst! :hugs::hugs: Hope you get some answers very soon!! :flower:

Thank you for replying :flower:

Yeh my doctor is female and ive never been the kind to say women docs are better than men because thats not true but in this case because everything is fertility related i must admit the female doctor has done more for me in 6 months than any of the male ones have in the last 10 years so im sticking with this one :)

When i asked her if i could carry on ttc she said in her opinion its best not to get pregnant as i dont seem to be ovulating from my left ovary and the last 3 MC's that ive had has been because its inplanted in my right ovary and thats where the big bleeding cyst is so its going to cause MC's everytime i get pregnant, she thinks that when ive had everything removed off my left one they will blast me with hormones to wake the left one up and get that one to take on most of the slack....

I guess im just a little worried that ive been hearing things like its so much harder to conceive with PCOS AND ENDOM" so im not sure if im going to be taking meds and what kind of meds ill be taking to help me get there, with pcos you dont ovulate much no? i guess ill find out for sure when i finally have an app with the consultant its just all the waiting is killing me....

I sat in the bathroom in the dark with just a candle lit and cried quietly whilst OH was in the bedroom so he couldnt hear me, i think i just had enough of all the pain and i think that was the first time i really cried since finding everything out and i must have needed a good old cry because it wouldnt stop lol tears just wouldnt stop falling down my face, fella heard me after all and came in, gave me a huge hug and he made me a brew, put a cheesy chick flick on to cheer me up and we snuggled all night.... i dont like crying in front of anyone but i guess sometimes you just cant help it ay lol

Thank you for your kind words hun, just needed to get everything off my chest i think :)
Aw, I'm sorry you're in so much pain and I'm so sorry for your losses. I really hope you get things sorted so you can feel happy and healthy again. I wish a nice, sticky bean for you in your future.
Aw, I'm sorry you're in so much pain and I'm so sorry for your losses. I really hope you get things sorted so you can feel happy and healthy again. I wish a nice, sticky bean for you in your future.

Thank you :) :hugs: Sending lots of Baby :dust: your way too :)
I must say this thread has really touched me. As far as cysts go, I have one on each ovary. One is 10 cm and the other is 5 cm. They are quite uncomfortable, and I have to be careful with what I do. One wrong moved and the biggest could twist on itself and then I only have a short period of time to get to a hospital before I face losing that ovary. Please keep your hopes up :) This story should be an inspiration to many. :)
I must say this thread has really touched me. As far as cysts go, I have one on each ovary. One is 10 cm and the other is 5 cm. They are quite uncomfortable, and I have to be careful with what I do. One wrong moved and the biggest could twist on itself and then I only have a short period of time to get to a hospital before I face losing that ovary. Please keep your hopes up :) This story should be an inspiration to many. :)

Aww thank you :hugs: made me a little teary reading this :) im an emotional wreck at the moment so everythings setting me off at the moment lol, im hoping af shows up in a day or so, last af was 105 days long when it regulated for 9 months to every 30 days and im on day 30 today so im hoping its hormones making me this crazy :)
wow your going through it too hun, are you getting yours removed or are you waiting? hope it gets sorted soon :hugs:
aww I hope you AF shows soon too! I have had them since my 20th birthday and I am 22 now..I am sort of waiting to see what happens since all tests came back showing that they are benine.
aww I hope you AF shows soon too! I have had them since my 20th birthday and I am 22 now..I am sort of waiting to see what happens since all tests came back showing that they are benine.

Thank you :)
Wow 2 years with them ay, i would have thought you would have had them removed just to stop it twisting etc, mine is bleeding and its inside the ovary so they want to do surgery incase it bursts plus its hurting too much to just leave it there,... glad to hear they were ok :)
Well they said removing them wasn't an urgency, and that they just wanted to monitor them for a while. But I couldn't afford to keep going back..so I have been trying to just have faith that they don't twist. As hard as it may be to lose an ovary, it is probably the healthiest decision you could make. And from what I have read if all goes well with everything you will still have the left :)
Well they said removing them wasn't an urgency, and that they just wanted to monitor them for a while. But I couldn't afford to keep going back..so I have been trying to just have faith that they don't twist. As hard as it may be to lose an ovary, it is probably the healthiest decision you could make. And from what I have read if all goes well with everything you will still have the left :)

Yeh they are going to try shelling it out first and go from there but ive already made my peace with losing the right one, i know i wont be in anymore pain and thats a really good feeling so im putting all my "EGGS" in one basket and hoping the left one does me proud... Ive looked after kids since i was 4 years old, was changing my new born brothers nappies and i was only 4, ive always wanted a big family and im aunty kerry to all the young kids on the streets around where i live because they all love me, i just know that no matter what happens, i will be a mummy one day, if i cant conceive naturally, i will try other ways and if that doesnt work, i will adopt a baby, and give them the love and care they need and i will love them as my own so it will all come together one way or another...
Fella has come around to adoption when i explained the child will see him as his dad no matter what and no one will ever take that away, when our child falls it will be him they run to and them not being biologically ours means nothing in the bigger picture because they will know nothing but love and happiness, i would like to be able to carry my own baby but its not the be all and end all :)
Hope your cysts behave themselves :)
thanks and I hope everything goes smoothly with you, I always tell myself what will, be will be..and what's done is done. it is what it is and there is no use fretting over the things we cant change. just live life one day at a time. :)
thanks and I hope everything goes smoothly with you, I always tell myself what will, be will be..and what's done is done. it is what it is and there is no use fretting over the things we cant change. just live life one day at a time. :)

Too true :) ive had my massive cry last night and im feeling loads better today so i guess i needed a good, long blubbering session :)
Cant wait for you to test by the way :) :happydance:
crying seems to momentarily fix everything! everyone needs to do it sometimes!
I am definitely nervous about testing again. one BFN was enough lol
Hang in there chick, dont stress and let it flow, babies are never conceived when you are stressed out and worrying , keep me posted :) when are you thinking of doing it?
tomorrow morning or the next morning. havent decided yet :)

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