On Friday morning (24/10) I woke up and realised I had a heavy feeling in my stomach - a bit like a bloated sensation. I had a few cramps so went to the toilet to see if that helped, but I wasn't bloated. I then realised that the sensations which weren't painful were consistently 8mins apart. I asked OH to hang around for an hour to see if they increased. From 36wks I'd had consistent Braxton hicks and two false labours and I wasn't sure. They didnt get any more painful so we took him to the train station and DS to nursery. Once home from Nursery I went to the bathroom for bm and realised that I'd lost my plug. I then called OH and said he needed to think about coming home as something was definitely happening. Contractions were noticeable and 7mins apart so I got on with housework and my ironing to keep active. By 11 they were 5-6 mins apart and painful enough that I needed to curl up with each one. OH got home and I got to 1pm and 3-4mins apart and decided it was time to pick DS up and head on to the hospital. Traffic was dreadful so by the time we met my mum there to hand DS over my contractions had shorterned to only being 20/30secs long but started to come every 2-3mins. We got into the birthing suite and we were taken to a lovely room. Instead of being examined I asked to walk to get my contractions longer so after the questions I was left alone. The mw came back at 4.45pm to check on me and to let me have g&a. I was 6cms with the waters bulging so they started to fill the pool. OH went to get the bags and fill up the car meter. I wanted to keep walking and about an hour later I decided to get in. I had about two contractions in there and started to feel like I needed to push. The pressure was incredible as the waters wouldn't burst. I was having to push against the resistance of the bag but the mws coached me through it. Two pushes before his head was out the waters burst in the pool. The relief was incredible and DS came out fairly quickly after that born at 6:48pm - just shy of 2 hours after being first examined at 6cms. He had the cord wrapped tightly around his neck and shoulders but the mws handled it brilliantly. We stayed in the water for delayed cord clamping and I then got out for a natural 3rd stage. I did unfortunately tear along my old episiotomy scar, but the stitches feel so much more comfortable then my first scar.
Sebastian weighed 7lbs, 7oz (pretty small for 40+5 - DS1 was 8lbs at 39wks) so he feels like a doll He is perfect in every way though everyone was convinced I was having a girl - so there were quite a few shocked people when we called!
All in all this labour was the complete opposite of my first and I'm still in shock that it happened quite so quickly! With DS1 I pushed for 5hrs and ended up in theatre with a spinal and a forceps delivery. Ds2 I pushed for 33mins! I had a dream second labour. Far better than I could have wished for and far shorter than oh anticipated. He was a bit miffed he put 8hrs on the meter!
Sebastian weighed 7lbs, 7oz (pretty small for 40+5 - DS1 was 8lbs at 39wks) so he feels like a doll He is perfect in every way though everyone was convinced I was having a girl - so there were quite a few shocked people when we called!
All in all this labour was the complete opposite of my first and I'm still in shock that it happened quite so quickly! With DS1 I pushed for 5hrs and ended up in theatre with a spinal and a forceps delivery. Ds2 I pushed for 33mins! I had a dream second labour. Far better than I could have wished for and far shorter than oh anticipated. He was a bit miffed he put 8hrs on the meter!