October bumpkins 2019

Sorry I haven't been active. It's taken some time to adjust to realizing we're pregnant again. I also didn't feel like I could make connections much here due to this being a huge opps pregnancy. We had always discussed if this happened we'd be all right with it, which we are, but I don't feel like I can be the same excited as many of you feel. Which I am so happy for all of you!
I also am one who is more cautious due to having three miscarriages when we where trying to have babies. I don't want to get too close to this little star as I know what has happened in the past. It's how I was with my two successful pregnancies until out of the first tri.
Anyway I go for my first u/s on Friday which I'm not sure how I feel as it's the earliest I've ever had one. Usually I go around the 8 week mark, but I'm guessing my doctor wants to see where we are since my LMP was Dec. 28th and apparently I O'd around Jan 28th instead :/ Which has never happened but it's the only day we had sex.
So I'm guessing at how far along we are. I'm scared we wont see a heartbeat on Friday. I know my body to a T. We had sex on the 28th, fairly certain that Friday the egg implanted as it felt the same as it did any other time I had fallen pregnant and is how I knew we where pregnant. A few days later, on Weds I tested positive (pretty sure I may have tested positive on Tuesday if I would have taken one). So I hope I am where I am and we'll see the heartbeat.
Hi Butterflywolf, I'm a bit in the same position. This was an unexpected pregnancy for me and hadn't really planned on having kids for 2-3 more years. I've had a couple really early losses in the past. I'm still just taking this day by day but I've circled around from super anxious to excited but I don't think I'll feel entirely comfortable until I hear a heart beat and sort some life stuff out. It's not too easy to get sorted though since I'm not telling work yet, I know everyone will be completely shocked when they find out and I'm kind of dreading the awkwardness.
Huge success today. We got to see a gestational sac and a yolk sac. Did not attempt to visualize a heartbeat. We are measuring about 2 days ahead at 5 weeks and 5 days and our next scan is booked for next Tuesday where we will visualize a heartbeat. <3 we are over the moon!!!

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Congrats Nolimitxox, I'm living through other people scan pictures until I can get one. <3
Sorry I haven't been active. It's taken some time to adjust to realizing we're pregnant again. I also didn't feel like I could make connections much here due to this being a huge opps pregnancy. We had always discussed if this happened we'd be all right with it, which we are, but I don't feel like I can be the same excited as many of you feel. Which I am so happy for all of you!
I also am one who is more cautious due to having three miscarriages when we where trying to have babies. I don't want to get too close to this little star as I know what has happened in the past. It's how I was with my two successful pregnancies until out of the first tri.
Anyway I go for my first u/s on Friday which I'm not sure how I feel as it's the earliest I've ever had one. Usually I go around the 8 week mark, but I'm guessing my doctor wants to see where we are since my LMP was Dec. 28th and apparently I O'd around Jan 28th instead :/ Which has never happened but it's the only day we had sex.
So I'm guessing at how far along we are. I'm scared we wont see a heartbeat on Friday. I know my body to a T. We had sex on the 28th, fairly certain that Friday the egg implanted as it felt the same as it did any other time I had fallen pregnant and is how I knew we where pregnant. A few days later, on Weds I tested positive (pretty sure I may have tested positive on Tuesday if I would have taken one). So I hope I am where I am and we'll see the heartbeat.
You and I are in the same boat! It wasn’t until I saw baby and heartbeat that I really connected and let myself be excited and happy and believe that this baby was obviously meant to be given my history! I’m sure you’ll get there too and one day you’ll wonder how the world you could picture yourself without baby #3
Hi Ladies!

Congrats to everyone on their bfps!!

Can I please add my name to the 11th of October.

Hubby and I have an almost 6 year old.

We tried for baby number two and found out in August 2017 we had fallen pregnant after trying for a while. Unfortunately at our 12 week scan we received news that our beautiful baby had anencephaly.

We have been trying again since January 2018 with 3 failed IUI and 1 failed IVF cycle

We went away for Christmas and new year and I hadn’t been worried about cycles etc coz we were booked to do another IVF in March.

I went to make my daughters lunch the other day and as soon as I unwrapped the ham I had to run to the toilet. I only bought the ham the day before lol and it’s fine!

Took a test then went into a panic. Rang our specialist and they ran bloods. First HCG came back at 83,000. Turns out I’m almost 8 weeks pregnant!!

Praying we welcome a beautiful healthy rainbow baby in October

How is everyone feeling? I couldn’t even sit at my desk today one of my colleagues had curry. Every smell has me sick
I would definitely say you and baby and fine! No spotting, no awful cramping and several symptoms are around!

Thank you hon I really hope so. I still haven't had a scan date come through I'm thinking there gonna make me wait till 12 weeks I just feel like crying because all I want is a scan just to be sure all is ok.
I had bad pain in my side last night it felt like sharp stabbing pains that came and went. I nearly went up the hospital but because it wasn't agony and wasn't constant I thought I wud see how I feel in the morning (today)
Anyway no pain what so ever today.
I'm really worried about the lack of sickness.
I'm just so scared that I'm gonna have to wait another 5 weeks for a scan.
I'm so happy for all the ladies that have had early scans and excited for them.
I really hope i get to see my little one soon and pray there is a strong beating heart. [-o&lt;
I'm having another scan in an hour, all my symptoms have gone, tbh I'm expecting the worse, taking hubby and my best friend with me x
got my dating scan letter :) march 29th and its an early morning one x
Thank you hon I really hope so. I still haven't had a scan date come through I'm thinking there gonna make me wait till 12 weeks I just feel like crying because all I want is a scan just to be sure all is ok.
I had bad pain in my side last night it felt like sharp stabbing pains that came and went. I nearly went up the hospital but because it wasn't agony and wasn't constant I thought I wud see how I feel in the morning (today)
Anyway no pain what so ever today.
I'm really worried about the lack of sickness.
I'm just so scared that I'm gonna have to wait another 5 weeks for a scan.
I'm so happy for all the ladies that have had early scans and excited for them.
I really hope i get to see my little one soon and pray there is a strong beating heart. [-o&lt;

Hi Sugger

Due to my previous loss in August last year (severe abnormalities found at 12 weeks scan - advised to terminate. Later found to be Edwards Syndrome) I am super anxious about this pregnancy and totally with you. If it's any comfort, our due dates are a day apart so we are very much on this journey together!

When I was going through genetic testing with specialist consultants, they assured me I would have early scans for my next pregnancy. Now that pregnancy has occurred, it doesn't seem to be an option! I don't like to complain as I know we are so lucky to have the NHS. But anyway - I cannot wait that long so I have booked a private scan this Sunday. They won't be able to tell me if there are any abnormalities but at least knowing that baby is in the right place and has a heartbeat would be enough for now.

Is this an option for you? I don't know what country you are in - I am in the UK and using a company called 'Window to the Womb' and the scan is costing me £79.
Brown spotting this am. Seems very light. Trying to not be worried or panic but that's hard....
As for me... I CANNOT STOP EATING #-oThe moment I do, I feel really sick. I'm worried I'm going to put on a tonne of weight and I was trying to lose a bit before I got the BFP.

Oh well... baby must need it! Haha x
Impossible not to worry. Have you spoken to your GP? Hopefully nothing... thinking of you x

I did message my clinic. I explained its very light bleeding with teeny tiny clots all brown, no pink or red. It must have happened over night because it all came out with my medication that I use over night (hooray endometrin). We did have sex last night so Im praying I just irritated my cervix and it will stop and never return....I told my husband we are not having sex again until this baby comes :rofl: but in all seriousness I will probably avoid it until at least the first tri is over....I know he'll understand it's just not what we want. We would rather enjoy ourselves. But if I have to pick between my sanity and being intimate that way with my husband you can bet I'll pick my sanity. Today is going to be rough.
I had that a lot last pregnancy Nolimit. I had a sensitive cervix so any sex/too much physical activity would cause spotting, the same brown/tan colour. Even a short walk would bring it on. I just stayed off my feet as much as possible and we didn’t have sex - it was gone by 2nd tri. I spotted like that at 5, 6, 9, and 10 weeks. Sometimes every day for up to 8 days in a row. Baby was healthy!
Big hugs though I remember the tears I shed over that spotting.
You ladies are so amazing. Thank you for all the reassurance. I wish I could just wake up and it would be second trimester.
Clearly panicking over nothing, thankfully baby all ok and measuring as should be, I really hate how being pregnant after losses really messes with you x

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Oh thank God.
I'm so happy that all is ok hon and you have given me alot of hope as I don't have sickness anymore. Only v v v mild queezyness but nothing like it was a week ago.
My boobs are still tender but not as much.
Sadly I spoke to the doctors today and I don't think I'll he getting a scan untill I am 12 weeks so another 5 weeks of waiting.
My belly is getting bigger so I'm praying it's a good sign.
You ladies are so amazing. Thank you for all the reassurance. I wish I could just wake up and it would be second trimester.

Hi hon I was having a good old read of a preganacy book last night because I was getting some sharp stabbing pain in my right side.
Anyway I was reading about bleeding in early preganacy and it said it's really really common and it's normol and does not always mean a MC. It even said bright red blood can be normol.
It's something to do with blood vessels in the cervix or something or other.
Just wanted to put ure mind at ease

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