Congrats on team blue Meaggers!!
Glad you heard the HB on the doppler Islander!
Yay for another scan bumpy! Glad LO is still looking wonderful!
AFM - Had my doc appt yesterday, and it took her a few minutes to find the HB. I was starting to panic until she finally found it. Beating away at 153 BPM. Everything else is looking good, except my BP. Doc thinks I may have BP issues, unrelated to pregnancy. So I get to do the 24 hr urine collection, and a bunch of bloodwork done. But, it also means I get an ultrasound once a month! Makes up for the 7 weeks between my last one and my 20 week one! I miss seeing my peanut! Our gender/anatomy ultrasound is set for May 25th at 9 a.m.!!! I can't wait!