Pixie - no, the research bears out otherwise actually, and certainly jocelyn isn't clingy in the slightest!! Baby wearing makes sense to me - a baby spends the first 9 months of it's life curled up in a warm, safe environment, being rocked and soothed by the movement of the mother and comforted by the sound of her heart. When she's born though, western society expects her to feed to a routine she has no knowledge to follow, sleep to a routine likewise and spend most of her time in a Moses basket/playgym alone. It absolutely makes nonsense to me why just because an umbilical cord is cut we then expect that baby to not have the kind of contact baby wearing suggests in case they become clingy - they're not born as an independent toddler but as a small, vulnerable baby who needs nuturing and love! Not saying that people who don't babywear don't nuture or love their babies before I get jumped on but I genuinely don't get the whole spoiling a baby by picking them up or wearing them makes them clingy etc etc!